Has anyone tried a juicing fast?



  • Missjulesdid
    Missjulesdid Posts: 1,444 Member
    I just started adding one juice a day to my daily routine. I'm actually doing the Mean Green Juice too and I actually like it a lot. I was wondering when counting the calories for it, do I just add up all the calories from each of the fruits and veggies or would it be less than that cuz the juicer removes a bunch of the fruit as "pulp". I just want to keep my calorie count as accurate as possible.

    try myphytos.com.. you can enter in a recipe and it will tell you the nutrition information per cup of finished juice.. just be careful, sometimes it's screwy with changing your amounts of veg so double check it.
  • AuntieKT
    AuntieKT Posts: 235 Member
    I just started adding one juice a day to my daily routine. I'm actually doing the Mean Green Juice too and I actually like it a lot. I was wondering when counting the calories for it, do I just add up all the calories from each of the fruits and veggies or would it be less than that cuz the juicer removes a bunch of the fruit as "pulp". I just want to keep my calorie count as accurate as possible.

    try myphytos.com.. you can enter in a recipe and it will tell you the nutrition information per cup of finished juice.. just be careful, sometimes it's screwy with changing your amounts of veg so double check it.

    Wow! Thanks! This is just what I was looking for!
  • RLehotsky
    RLehotsky Posts: 27 Member
    Started juicing today as a seven day cleanse to see if it will help with my fybromyalgia and chronic fatigue. I will post everything I use in my juices for every meal. I will keep all my pals informed on how I feeling and on 1/15/2012 I will weigh in and also take measurement. If you have any suggestions or would like to follow me and support me on this journey, friend request will be accepted, but please no negatives.:flowerforyou:
  • hineybuns
    hineybuns Posts: 5 Member
    I've been on a juice fast since the 3rd so this is the start of day six and I am down 8 pounds. I'll say my weight loss is probably accelerated because I am so overweight but I'll take it!!! Immediate results were better sleep. The first three days were very challenging, you psychologically miss eating even if you aren't hungry, you miss the chewing, your body misses its usual sugar, caffeine, fat etc. You start to see food everywhere. If you can make it past the first few days it does get better. I've done medically supervised fasts before so the first three days are nothing new to me, what is new to me is I am no longer in a brain fog, in fact even on the first three days I was clear mentally. The key to keeping the weight off is easing back into eating (you don't want you body to get shocked and rev up that feast section in your feast of famine) you also need to change your eating habits FOREVER. If you had weight to lose you obviously weren't doing things right (I know I wasn't).
  • cheneyalva
    I will be starting a juice fast on the 15th. I am trying to mentally prepare myself for the first 3 - 5 days. Everyone says it gets really bad, but then you feel great. Do you have any advice for people like me who have never done a juice fast before?
  • firedragon064
    firedragon064 Posts: 1,090 Member
    I will be starting a juice fast on the 15th. I am trying to mentally prepare myself for the first 3 - 5 days. Everyone says it gets really bad, but then you feel great. Do you have any advice for people like me who have never done a juice fast before?
    I'm juicing right now (D5) and I can tell you it's way easier for me this time around because i did these things.
    1-Train your body to get used to hunger by doing Intermittent fasting. There is a group for this if you need support.
    1st I only eat in 10 hours window every days then go slowly go down to 5 hours window.
    2-Eat clean. When you do juicing. you body will detox.. and whatever junk food you ate the most, you will have baaad cravings for them. The good thing is the craving will stop in the same day or the next day.
  • marqcheer09
    marqcheer09 Posts: 15 Member
    I actually used to juice fast for 40 days when our church would do a 40 day fast and in the beginning it was always hard and I was cranky and tired but after 1 week I felt amazing and alive and never better. I could sleep less and be more energized, all my acne would clear up. All together I felt the best while juicing. Any one that is even considering it should give it at least a 2 week trial run. 2 weeks are not long at all. :)
  • abrahamsitososa
    abrahamsitososa Posts: 716 Member
    Yes I highly recommend it. You might get a headache on the 2nd or 3rd day and a couple of mood swings but then after that you willpwill probably feel your best ever. No joke.
  • marqcheer09
    marqcheer09 Posts: 15 Member
    So, if I try a juice fast, what happens when I stop and start eating real food again? Will I gain all the weight back? Is this something I have to do forever?

    Oh no. Juicing gets rid of every toxin in your body that is actually keeping it from receiving nutrients in your daily lifestyle. When you finish your fast start eating salads once a day and then slowly add back in meats and carbs. If you add it all back in at once your body blocks up again and gains weight. But, adding back in normal foods over a week period will keep your body at the healthy weight and lead you to lose more in the future.
  • juliedor
    juliedor Posts: 72 Member
    I did Dr Robert Young's alkaline diet which is almost all juice but green juices and raw soups rather than fruit.I did it for two weeks and felt amazing and wasn't hungry at all because I was having so much nutrition.
  • marqcheer09
    marqcheer09 Posts: 15 Member
    And another thing for people who are afraid since it can be very low calorie. Lets look at other countries where they eat almost all only fruit and vegetables. They have a very low calorie and high nutrient diet and are perfectly healthy. Our body doesnt NEED 1200 calories if we are actually receiving every nutrient we need with less calories. We are taught that we need all these calories and less is starvation mode. Your body starves on lack of nutrients. Watch Hungry for change.
  • Sirenism
    Sirenism Posts: 100 Member
    The only problem I have with juicing is the cost. It IS expensive if you don't live in a place with a great food market. Not to mention that little drink isn't going to fill me up for as long as eating everything I put into it.
  • FauxAngel13
    FauxAngel13 Posts: 156 Member
    this is really interesting as I was about to start a post about juice/water fasting... any tips for making this happen at work? and where I can get easy recipes? looking at doing a 5-6 day fast
  • Funsoaps
    Funsoaps Posts: 514 Member
    I don't see the point of having to torture myself juicing all day, plus my stomach would not be able to handle and my thyroid/metabolism needs lots of protein....so I do it for a week at a time and just breakfasts and lunch and dinner will be generally lower carb ( no grains) and super healthy like organic veggies, good fats and protein. I feel gret doing it once a day.
  • abrahamsitososa
    abrahamsitososa Posts: 716 Member
    I've been on a juice fast since the 3rd so this is the start of day six and I am down 8 pounds. I'll say my weight loss is probably accelerated because I am so overweight but I'll take it!!! Immediate results were better sleep. The first three days were very challenging, you psychologically miss eating even if you aren't hungry, you miss the chewing, your body misses its usual sugar, caffeine, fat etc. You start to see food everywhere. If you can make it past the first few days it does get better. I've done medically supervised fasts before so the first three days are nothing new to me, what is new to me is I am no longer in a brain fog, in fact even on the first three days I was clear mentally. The key to keeping the weight off is easing back into eating (you don't want you body to get shocked and rev up that feast section in your feast of famine) you also need to change your eating habits FOREVER. If you had weight to lose you obviously weren't doing things right (I know I wasn't).

    Yup it clears your mind. That's why a lot of religion's practice fasting because it makes it easier to meditate and become closer to God.
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    I'm on a partial juice fast for the next 21 days. I definitely want to/will be having at least 1 veggie juice for the rest of my life if I can. I don't think I'll ever do a completely juice only fast though. I want to do something I can sustain for a lifetime. I've done a partial juice fast in the past and the physical results and healing I got from it was nothing less than miraculous!

    I recently posted my experience with my last juice fast here:

  • gitanagirl
    gitanagirl Posts: 207 Member
    Yeah, I've done juicing for up to a week, and I've got another one scheduled for this tuesday, eat lots of veggies before you start and get yourself all cleaned out, Breakfast, Protein drink with some chia seeds that keeps you for a while and then the rest of the day drink all the juice you want, its Great for giving your body a rest.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    I'm on a stupid concepts fast.
  • squirrelythegreat
    squirrelythegreat Posts: 158 Member
    I have not. While making juice out of fruits/veggies sounds delicious, I like to chew my food. I do however take a 24 hour fast for the day of Saturday. An exercise in control goes a long way towards breaking any snack habits or overeating.
  • LittleMiss_WillLoseIt
    LittleMiss_WillLoseIt Posts: 1,373 Member