

  • heartrw
    heartrw Posts: 187 Member

    I like this topic, but don't fully understand how this message board system works. Can I "join" a topic? If so, how? I wanted to mark it as a "favorite", but can't figure out how to do that either. In general, I'm enjoying this site and learning a lot from it ... but it is a frustrating learning curve for me about how to participate. Thanks!

    Welcome Deejayy and all the other new posters. You just jump right in and start posting. Once you've posted you can click on My Topics and it will bring up your recent sites.

    Had a challenging diet day. Worked in the a.m., had a sibling lunch, shopping with sister after, Sing-Along and Circle dinner out after tonight. I tried to eat healthy Peanut butter chicken with vegetables (no breaded, fried anything) and brought home half of my mediterranean chicken, rice pilaf and steamed broccoli that I had for dinner. Everything was good but I hate it when I have to many meals in restaurants...too hard to know the real calorie counts.

    Hope everyone has a good night. :heart: Terri
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Happy birthday to TerriW and Kathy (pj...) :drinker: :drinker: --didn't mean to overlook you earlier.:embarassed: :embarassed:

    Pepper apparently wants to send you best wishes as well.:flowerforyou: The minute I started this post, he decided he needed to be on my lap more than the pc did, so now he is laying on my chest and I am trying to keyboard with the laptop on my knees, which are raised up by my feet resting on the ottoman. :laugh: My other "laptop"--AKA Bradley, has eaten his fill of his food and stolen a little of Pepper's so he is passed out next to me in the chair. And Mai Li is prowling around the house looking for trouble, as she usually does before settling in for the night.

    I got my 30 minutes of Gazelle in last night, and having discovered it doesn't seem to keep me awake like I thought it would, I am doing the same thing tonight, when the news starts at 10p. I was doing my cardio in the morning, but I seem to need more time to get ready for work without being rushed, and this morning was so much more relaxed by not trying to exercise AND walk doggies before I left for work. Once I get my 30 minutes in, I will be 79 calories under for the day.

    I still feel like I am being dragged along behind the wagon, rather than having finished the climbing back in, but I am still here.

    My mom's sister, who lives in Canada (BC) passed away this morning. She had been in poor health for some time and was recently diagnosed with uterine cancer. My mom had already decided against trying to make a trip to see her while she was still living, so she will not attend the funeral. I wish she could, but it is 300 miles one way, and it is just too hard of a trip for her to make.

    I am trying to decide if I am going to take a vacation sans doggies in April. I know I will miss them, but at the same time, I know at times I will NOT--such as when Mai Li decides to have a "Diva Girl" moment in the car, or Bradley decides he is a needy little boy who needs momma's lap in the middle of a jaunt down a 65 mph freeway.:noway: They can stay with my friends in the Gorge and have a good time, but it means a extra 300 miles of driving for me. 75 miles there to drop them off, and back again; then the same round trip to go get them when I am finished. That is like a one way trip to Vancouver BC for me in terms of distance, but an easier drive because there is basically no traffic--a much different scenario than driving through Seattle:grumble:

    Well it is getting to be difficult to type because of the "help" I am getting.

    See you all later.

  • mynyddisamrs
    Morning all .... I'm writing this as we wait for Mum's taxi that takes her to the day centre ... and any minute now I'm going to .....:explode: SREEEEAM! there! I feel better now! Up 5.30am today so a bit better than 3am. My patience is wearing thin today ...sorry!! :flowerforyou: My thoughts are with all you other carerers as we battle through the bad bits and enjoy the good bits of what we're doing for our loved ones.
    :ohwell: Still while she's away today we're off to go shopping (nothing exciting) and then maybe...lunch. I say maybe 'cos we're still on our economy drive!!:noway: Can't be semi retired and have 3 cruises and still live...apparently!!

    :smile: I did get my exercycling done yesterday , did use the calories and ...sorry... :cry: was over on the calories by 15. Will try again today.
    :bigsmile: I hope we'll do some Salsa later ... switch off the heating first though 'cos the TV's in the lounge and the heatings still not fixed. We could always strip off and dance in the buff to keep it cool!!! .....:blushing: .As said previously ...Don't go there!!

    :flowerforyou: Sorry I. haven't replied to any individual posts but will endeavour to do so another time. It is that I too, love to read them all and find inspiration from you all. It's great finding so many new friends and where else would you take pride in being "In" with a bunch of .............:drinker: "LOSERS"

    :heart: Bye for now

    Anyway ... hope you all have a good Wednesday. Middle of the week , run up to a good weekend ..we hope.
    Bye for now
  • mynyddisamrs
    Just before I go.... :sick: This is for all of you that are feeling a bit under the weather. Follow this advice from "an elderly Friend " ....

    She'd had a severe headache for a couple of evenings previously. Things had worked out OK, though......
    "I went to bed with two paramedics and felt fine the next morning ", she reported:wink:

  • profjan6
    profjan6 Posts: 333
    Hello Everyone, I am new here, also. It has been a week, and I'm happy to say I did lose 3 pounds! I could definitely use more encouragement, etc. and this seems to be a great place. I struggle with eating out since we do that often. Keeping a food diary is terrific. Kind of an eye opener for me! I tend to want to eat late in the day, which isn't good. Once I am finished with my day I rummage through the kitchen. Need to stop doing that!
  • arborsong
    arborsong Posts: 98
    Just before I go.... :sick: This is for all of you that are feeling a bit under the weather. Follow this advice from "an elderly Friend " ....

    She'd had a severe headache for a couple of evenings previously. Things had worked out OK, though......
    "I went to bed with two paramedics and felt fine the next morning ", she reported:wink:


    Please send the paramedics to my place! I feel a headache coming on now!!!! lol
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,520 Member
    Happy Birthday Louise (Arborsong)! Hope you don't have to postpone celbrating til after April 15!

    Jackie, Terri can't tell you how thankful I am for your humorous gifts.:laugh:

    Had an attach of the MayAsWells last night and almost had beer and snacks, but remembered the SWELL part and opted for the Cheerios and yogurt instead. Thanks Terri!

    Jackie, who is this Dr. Neil? Can you send him to my house, with the paramedics?

    Thanks to all for the bday wishes, survived the day and even the day after and it IS getting easier.

    To all the posters about emotional eating YOU ARE SO RIGHT! They don't call me the Queen of Revenge Cheetos for nothing!

    To all those caring for elderparents, well done!. Mine have been gone for such a very long time. . . The advice is right on, you MUST schedule time to take care of yourselves or you'll end up unable to do anything for anyone.

    As for the after 9pm eating habit, haven't curbed it myself, but have switched from beer and nuts and chocolates to a cup of Cheerios with 4 oz of yoghurt. Helps me sleep and doesn't do much damage... :yawn:

    Welcome newbies! These gals are the greatest!

    Special message to Rose2359, This is the day to change your life. Do what you can today and you'll be able to do more tomorrow. Get up NOW and move. You'll feel so much better taking even tiny steps to wrest control of your life back. You can do it, a little bit at a time! Everyone here is with you.

    And NOW my Boniva hour is over and its time to take my own advice and climb onto the wii!

    Hugs to all,
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Good Morning everyone!

    :sad: School was canceled today because of the snow so no bowling for me today. I bet parents are hopping mad because there is nothing and I do mean nothing on the roads. We got around 3 inches but its just the fluffy kind. Oh, well that's life.

    So, what will I do with my day instead? I could clean out the refrigerator or I could go to my mother's and visit with her & my sister or I could go shopping! Need to go to the library. I just can't make up my mind.

    Well, off to potty Granny.


  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    :flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou: Happy Birthday, Arborsong! (I just love your screen name!) I hope you have a great day!

    My son is taking me to Fujiyama for my birthday--I love that restaurant!

    He also told me he's getting me Mariners tickets as a gift! WHOOO-HOOOO! I love baseball and haven't made it to a Mariners game in AGES! Can't wait!

    Welcome, newbies! You'll love this group!

    Jacjie--As for those paramedics--you can send ANY of them my way!

    Have o wonderful day, everyone!
  • arborsong
    arborsong Posts: 98
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Kathy and Barbara - thank you thank you for the warm birthday wishes. Actually, the Queen of England's birthday is in April but her official celebration is in June. I keep threatening to move my special day to a more 'convenient' time also. But I will be having dinner tonight with my sister. And, my 2 sweet sweet grandbabies called early this am with birthday wishes. That made my day complete.

    And, there were several others with birthdays this week. Hope all had wonderful wonderful days!!!

    Cindy, thank you for checking on me. For now, I'm doing the best I can considering how many hours I'm working for 6 more weeks. Then I can focus more on food and exercise.

    And Kathy, I have a fabulous arbor in my yard that I dearly love. It makes me want to sing - thus arborsong!!! Actually, I have a photo of it covered in Lady Banks roses. I'll upload for all to see!
  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    Morning ladies:flowerforyou:

    Hope all is well.

    I did so well during the day yesterday. In between my "daily chores" Hubby & I managed to get tot he gym and walk on the treadmills. I listened to my favorite music and went to another place. It was wonderful.

    I'm really trying believe me.

    All of this support is great. I know we have lost so many women that probably just had given up. I felt like doing that also because I'm not on full speed with the weight loss plan but I am treading water. Plus I love reading to funny stories some of you have.

    Thanks for being such a great group of people!!!!!

  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hello everyone,

    I sort of scanned all the posts and it appears that we are all in high spirits which is a good way to start off the month. I am off on pre-operative run of appointments for Anna. We ended up in a place in Vail with a workout room and internet access. I guess my whining helped. It turns out that we have very early appointments on most mornings, so it is good that we are close.

    Well, got to run. Happy Wedndesday all!

  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    Hello Everyone, I am new here, also. It has been a week, and I'm happy to say I did lose 3 pounds! I could definitely use more encouragement, etc. and this seems to be a great place. I struggle with eating out since we do that often. Keeping a food diary is terrific. Kind of an eye opener for me! I tend to want to eat late in the day, which isn't good. Once I am finished with my day I rummage through the kitchen. Need to stop doing that!

    I hear you loud and clear. I really need to stop the night time eating.

    Thought I would change my photo to get me motivated.
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    Happy Wednesday Morning All

    Happy Birthday to the Birthday Girls

    Barbie Sorry you have a cold, feed it some chicken soup and get plenty of rest:drinker:

    Gerald's shot yesterday, still not sure if it worked or not. He was in a bit of pain last night and discouraged that it didn't work:sad: , as it should have within hours of getting it. I'm just wanting to hear him say he's not in pain anymore.

    Also yesterday afternoon since he was home he made several calls to tech support for our new elliptical, never got a call back:grumble: (he made 6 calls to them) left them voice mail, needless to say he's less than pleased. Of course their tech support is only available 8-5 central time M-F...when we are at work. I ask you what kind of support is that:angry: . We really thought we'd made a good choice for our purchase too.

    Eating right, exercising it's going pretty good right now. Gerald and I were discussing yesterday how it seems that when I'm in the "eat right and exercise mode" he's not and when he is I'm not. It's a shame we can't seem to want to do this at the same time, although when we have done it together he looses at a much faster rate then I do which can be a bit frustrating:grumble:

    Have a good day and keep fighting off those pounds:tongue:

  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,520 Member
    Dear Barbiecat,

    Fight that nasty cold with my favorite Yoga position, the Lion pose.:bigsmile:

    I used to go to yoga classes alot, even practiced 3-5 days/week, but fell out for years after one of the wrist breaks, don't remember which.

    Thanks you your and Zaza's encouragement, am adding some Yoga into the daily wii. Just Downward Dog :laugh:
    Warrior and Palm Tree. Oww hips feel the Warior and shoulders REALLY feel the Palm Tree.

    Too bad it only burns about 2 calories/minute...:ohwell:
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    Just popping in to read posts before I head out on a nice long ride on my bike.
  • spaniel
    spaniel Posts: 468
    Hi Everyone!

    Just found this post and am excited to find a new thread. Especially since I see that some of you are hitting the 60 mark this year - me too, this month. It's kind of eerie thinking that I am at that milestone this year and still carrying around 40 ugly pounds. I joined MFP in Feb. but have not lost any weight. I am determined to be thinner in 2010, so definitely not giving up!

    Have a great day...
  • aisser
    aisser Posts: 232
    I haven't been on here in a while and haven't been counting my calories so trying to get back on track my weighin day is tomorrow so I will see what happens:ohwell: I can't do anything about the past, so I will start over today.
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good Morning ladies,
    Happy Happy Birthday to all with birthdays no matter what age you are. Great job to all who are losing or sticking to their plan. Great job on getting your kids involved. We are in charge of what they eat and we can make subtle changes and teach them right so they dont have to go through what we are going through later in life. When I see these shoes with 3 an 4 year olds that are grossly overweight I just cringe. you dont have to feed them burgers and fries 24/7. I really try with grandkids to give them better choices.
    Speaking of choices: Eating Out. We all handle this differently. Some chose to avoid which is fine, but not for me. Eating out is a major part of our life for many reasons: laziness to cook; no time to cook; cheaper for me and hubby at times; family get togethers.
    Anyway especially if you eat out often you can make good choices. If you dont eat out often you tend to want to treat yourself but if you eat out often just think of it as your extended kitchen and make good choices. I look up the restaurant before going and actually record what I am ordering and stick to it. because I did not have to cook it always taste better and I am satisfied. Now there are bumps in the road. Sat hubby and I went to Baton Rouge to eat at favorite italian restaurant, macaroni grill. posted my meal before leaving knew exactly what I was ordering. Restaurant had been closed down. so we had to find an alternative. Chose another italian restaurant carrabras and actually did better than first choice. It can be done. Like all of this it is a life change. Hope you ladies have good day. We are growing daily which is wonderful.
    Vicki M
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Good afternoon everyone,

    Just a quick pop in before I go and feed Granny.

    I went to "thetickerfactory.com" and added an excercise ticker that will show how many miles I've gone and have set a goal of 40 miles this month. Maybe it will help me increase my steps.

    I hope everyone is having a good day with good choices.
