At the risk of offending people...



  • aussiestargazer
    aussiestargazer Posts: 98 Member
    I am not offended bu your comments - my diary is open and yes if I log my farm work if it is extra - if i have to go and spend time unloading bales of hay and feed and carting them around the place and shovelling up manure and cleaning out stalls - that gets my heart rate up as good as going to a gym - which there aren't any convenient to me - If i go and do a lot of spring cleaning - moving furniture and scrubbing walls and windows - again my HRM and level of sweat tells me it is exercise.

    and it has worked for me - a year ago I couldn't do these things - but I can now and along with other exercise including doing walking tours at work now has really helped me lose weight and i am continuing on - we are all individuals and for some folk walking to the gate to get the mail is a start. We all got to start somewhere