SBF2 Reboot Boogaloo! March 1st

Good morning!
I hope no one has started this yet. I'll try to post fast. :tongue:

We had a good weekend. I played tennis for two hours so that was a blast. I'm not sure if I burned more calories playing, or giggling with my sis! I need to find a local partner so I can go play more.
We got our paper work sent off to our agency but my doc's office screwed up on part of it (again!) so we are having to get that fixed. I hope what we sent in was enough to get the court date though. We hope to have a date in the next couple of weeks!
And today is M's birthday! She's seven today! I can't believe I'm going to have a seven year old! How did that happen? :wink:

Today is getting back to the routine: cleaning, school, working out and then chilling. This week could be interesting with new appointments and errands to run. I may also try to get some work done on the cars. One is WAY over due for an oil change. And I haven't touched my camaro in months! We'll see how the weather goes.

I'd better get breakfast and get to work.

Up in the air boogaloo!


  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Morning pebbs,

    I weighed in this morning (can't believe it's actually March) and I've lost another pound. Pretty good considering I'm probably retaining fluid from being sick and I'm premenstrual. Woot! (amazing how any downward number excites me). I was sort of hoping to be back in the 140s, but, well...progress is progress. :drinker:

    My big goal today is to leave the house. The coughing is much more, well, normal now. Also, I'm bored out of my skull. Don't know how long I'll last but would like to see the sky. I think I'm starting to feel less icky in general, so I'm hoping the anti-everything drugs I'm on are working. I want to approach normal soon. (or at least my normal).:wink:

    Last night was pretty crazy up here in T.O. I could hear the gold-medal hockey celebrations going on over a kilometre from my house (and it was apparently one of the smaller celebrations). And people were driving around honking and hooting and hollering and flag waving. The police had to close down a lot of the major intersections. Hockey's a big deal, eh? The entire nation may be hung over this a.m.

    O Canada boogaloo!:flowerforyou:
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,783 Member
    Hello March. Wait, I still want more winter. For me, Spring means yard work.

    But it also means bike rides. I'm a little sore from yesterday's 8 miler - sad really, even if it was windy. More biking this week for sure. Today - yoga, walking, and Ethiopian stew.

    Husband had a great time on his retreat. Now I want to go to the Omega center in NY for the "Being Yoga" thing in August - Rodney Yee and his wife will be there as well as some other big names. I think I have to decide if I want a vacation or a yoga vacation. Though if the cats continue like they have, we'll be lucky to take any vacation.

    Spring, boogaloo.
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    Hi all. I can't believe it's March already. I took the weekend to just chill out, which was great - but now I'm starting to think of all the things I have to do at home. I am still a bit tired today but planning to get back into a semi-normal eating and exercise routine. No more junk, and no desserts until the weekend. Exercise-wise, tonight is running and push-ups. I'm starting to think about half-marathon training again and am wondering if I should draw up an actual schedule/training plan. There are lots of different plans online, so I think I will probably cobble something together from a few of them.

    Congrats on the pound, V. I saw the end of the hockey game - I felt bad for the US, but I knew that Canada as a nation would probably savor the victory more. :smile: MM, I'd like to play tennis - I'm just really not good at it. But I try from time to time. Have fun with your stew, Mary! Are you making that spongy Ethiopian flatbread to go with it?

    Back on track, boogaloo.
  • Bobbie145
    Bobbie145 Posts: 331 Member
    Hi, everyone! I made it to spin this morning. I have just logged my food for so far today. It has been a nice day. A little on the chilly side, but that will be gone and it will be way too hot before we know it.

    Spin, boogaloo!

  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,783 Member
    Why do I hate men? My husband lost 7 pounds during his meditation retreat - it was a week long (he's not a big guy, some of it had to be the lowered salt intake). My response was, oh, so that's where we are going on vacation then, right? Maybe I have to eat more mindfully - and stop looking around for something to read - especially during the desserts.

    Today - having a guy come work on the house, so I'll be home all day, so yoga and treadmill. I might try the Rodney Yee advanced again, just to see.

    Mindfully, boogaloo.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Didn't make it outside yesterday, so that's once again the goal. I did shower and put on clothes that weren't pajamas, so that's progress.

    Amazed at the butt-kick of this illness. Must practice patience with my body. I don't like practicing patience.:tongue:

    Today I have to start my enormous pile of marking that I had to put off due to coughing and codeine. I'm not looking forward to it, as my colleagues are telling me they take about an hour a piece to mark (there are fifty of them). Ah well, the glamorous life.

    Also, it's my intention, if I feel up to it later in the day, to try a very light yoga practice just to get the body moving. It's starting to seize up on me a bit.

    Better days a comin' boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • Bobbie145
    Bobbie145 Posts: 331 Member
    Hi, Boogloos!

    Back to rainy and chilly again. Oh well. It will be yucky hot before we know it!!

    Worked out to a DVD this morning. Planning on spin tomorrow morning.

    Still going down even with BBQ ordered from my home state and delivered to my front door. Boy, was it good!!

    BBQ Boogaloo!!
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,695 Member
    Hey ladies!
    I wasn't going to post today, but here I am. I was sore from working out yesterday and my back is giving me fits again, so I didn't get much done today. I was on the wii for about 30 minutes. I also did bad and bought Oreos today. I don't know why. I just did. I haven't eaten the whole box yet so that's progress! :tongue:
    I've been busy filling out adoption grant paper work this afternoon. We've applied for at least ten so far and been turned down for every single one. Maybe one of these will work.
    Had a dream I was riding in a hot air balloon and started feeling nauseated and the balloon was spinning a bit. I woke up and realized that I did feel nauseated. I have had too much dairy the last several days. I think that will be a goal for the coming weeks:less dairy.
    I guess that's it for today. May not get a work out in tomorrow either. Busy day. Either tomorrow or Thursday I hope to change the oil in the car and rebuild the carburetor for my camaro. I love it!
    Elbow grease boogaloo!
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    Hello all. I forgot to post yesterday. I am still sore from Monday! I ran ("only" 3 miles because I forgot my sports bra and my blister prevention stuff), and then jumped right back into pushups at the same week and level as before. Oof. I had to rest for about 15 minutes before doing my last set, and then I had to pause about 5-6 times to finish the last 10-12. Chest and abs are sore from that, legs and feet are sore from running. And I am experiencing my standard "I didn't gain weight while I was eating badly and not exercising, so let's gain 2 pounds once I start working out again" pattern. Oh well. It's good to be working out again.
    I also went to dance class last night. New-to-me teacher, though she's one of the studio owners - not as enjoyable as the one I had last session (or the one before that), but obviously a very experienced dancer. It's good to switch teachers around, though - I'm sure different people emphasize different things.

    Anyway, today I'm going to an all-day meeting where they're probably going to question my sense and expertise. :huh: Yay. Hopefully I'll be able to go to the gym after that - I'm thinking a few minutes of intervals, and then a jog. Oh, and I guess it's pushups again tonight. Eek! :laugh:

    Hi Bobbie! Good luck with the grant-writing, MM, and grading, V. Mary, I'm sure your husband is a lovely man, but 7 pounds? That's obnoxious. :wink: Of course, I was the one talking one of my male co-workers off the ledge last week because he said he gained 10 pounds on his vacation. I said no way, at most maybe a pound or two is real. Weight as a measure is both helpful and not helpful.

    OK, time to go, boogaloo!
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,783 Member
    So guy that was supposed to work on the house yesterday, is coming today. Also, I'm getting a crown today :grumble:

    I will get a walk in before going to the dentist - even though that will ensure that I will be starving when I get home and have a numb mouth - and yoga tonight. If house work guy leaves early, I will get a bike ride in this afternoon.

    Dentist - not boogaloo.

    For CP - about running 1/2 and full marathons
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Just checking in.

    The sun is out today, so that's good! Also, today I get to take the last of the kicking my butt antibiotic drugs, hooray!

    My going into the world goal of the day is to attend a concert my husband is playing. To save my energy for that, nothing else on the schedule today.

    Can resting be exhausting? I think I'm just bored and frustrated. I feel like I've been sidelined so much, and I was going like gangbusters and loving it. Boo, germs, boo!

    Visualizing a powerful immune system, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,695 Member
    Good morning. It's a gorgeous day here.
    CP it's good to feel sore right? ;)
    v, I'm glad you are starting to feel better but are still taking it easy.
    Mary, a crown? Yuck. I hate dental work.
    Bobbie how is the Jenny Craig working for you? That's the one you are doing right?

    We are at horse therapy. Alex (and I) got the biggest laugh out of watching a white horse roll around in the mud. It was great! There is a sweet dog sitting next to me. Lol.
    My lower back is really hurting me again. I hurt it six months or so ago and when I work out regularly it starts to hurt. It was hurting so bad last night that I couldn't hardly sit. It doesn't hurt when laying down so I did sleep good. Today is a day off so mYbe that will help.
    A new goal us to try to eat a fruit or veggie at each meal, maybe two;)

    Alex is done so I will go!
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,695 Member
    Checking in twice on a day that I did not work out. :huh:

    It's been a frustrating week. The adoption paper work is kicking our patooties. We overnighted the papers to the agency only to find out that they aren't good enough and we have to get the doctor's office to redo them. :grumble: We are not going to do that. Instead DH is going to take another day off work and we are going to Alex's doctor 3 hours away who is totally awesome and adopted 6 kids from Russia. I'm sure we will not have to redo the labs but he will have to do the paper work and get it notarized. Also we got some really discouraging news about the FBI background checks. They had no record of them, which doesn't mean they are lost yet. It probably means they haven't processed them yet and it's been 8 weeks. People on the web have said it could be 12 weeks or more to get them done. Things just aren't working out as smoothly as they were. Our adoption paperwork that we did for the first portion of the journey expires at the end of May, so we have to hurry up. If things don't hurry up, we will have to redo all that paper work (and spend anther $1000 on it ) and it could be fall before we bring M home. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't worried. I usually have faith for such things but I'm just worn out. We're weary and frustrated. Please pray for us.
    On the bright side I planned out our meals for the week with one to three fruit/veggie servings with lunches and dinners. Breakfast will have one fruit serving. So I am taking a step in the right direction. I'm also praying for a treadmill. :smile:
    I'm really not doing too horrible. I guess I just needed to vent about the paper work. DH was upset about it yesterday and I kind of blew him off, like it's no big deal and it will all work out. It hit me today I guess. Now he has that chance to blow my emotions off and tell me everything will be okay. :tongue: I think eating better and somehow getting exercise without hurting my back will help me be able to handle all the stress. I'm done. Thanks for listening.

    Vent over,
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    Sorry you are having such a tough week, MM. Struggling with bureaucracy is no fun for anybody.

    I managed to get both running and pushups done last night. I did 4 minutes of 30 second sprint/jog intervals, which tuckered me out, and then I ran another 3 miles. Whew! And the pushups were super hard because I was still so sore from Monday. I am proud of myself for getting back into things, though.

    My eating, on the other hand, has not been so good. I have had both dessert (3 times! :embarrassed:) and diet soda (once) already this week, but I am not going to beat myself up over it too much since I have done pretty well with the exercise. I heard a story recently where they were saying that stress and having a lot of things on your mind actually short-circuits your ability to make good decisions - they did a study where they asked people to remember some numbers, and then they went down the hall where they could choose a healthy snack or an unhealthy one. If the test subjects only had 2-3 numbers to remember, they were more likely to choose the healthy snack, but if they had 7-9 numbers to remember, they would usually pick the unhealthy one. It's intuitive, but it is interesting to see the evidence for it.

    Off to work, boogaloo!
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,783 Member
    Good luck, MM - remember, exercise helps with stress.

    I heard that study too, CP. - I love that stuff - how our brain and bodies work - even against our better judgment.

    There's a little black kitty in my house that I'm ready to de-meow. He has had enough with all these closed doors, so anytime he sees one, he sits by it and howls. The two of my other cats are still going outside the box. One cat must be separated from another cat. Then the fourth cat is still vomiting and is going in for an ultrasound tomorrow. I'm ok with one at a time - this is too much.

    Anyway, need to get my walk in and get a move on, as we are going out to eat and then to see Kevin Smith tonight.

    Finding ways to relieve stress, boogaloo!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Morning, pebbs.

    The sun is out and my energy levels are better. I discovered last night venturing into the cold outside air that I'm still sensitive in the lungs. Coughing ensued. Then, my genius husband said "pneumonia is a serious business." True, I guess...but my impatience to be better is pretty hardcore. My current goal is to try a light elliptical or bike session on Saturday, just as an experiment, now that germs are not a factor. On the decidedly positive side, the concert was awesome. I'm sorry I can't go again tonight.

    I definitely get that decisions/stress thing. I find I have a threshold of organization/feeling in control, and if that gets overwhelmed, I go into what I call cascade failure...and my brain/judgement/patience stop working. I'm trying lately to recognize when that's happening and let my weird decisions happen in non-food ways (bad TV for a few hours, a walk outside, a manicure, a bubble bath) anything that feels like I'm taking a break from the current situation. I think defiance of the rules is a coping skill for me, so I try not to break the food rules if I can help it. And, yeah...exercise helps. I miss it.

    The goals for the day are an errand walk (just a few blocks to the grocer/produce market) and more marking. Also, resting up for the first day back teaching (luckily, I've been off on a break...because I would have had to call in sick)

    Mary, that sounds like kitty overload right now. Between the meowing and the puking and the litterbox ignoring...that's just got to be a mess in all the ways. MM, paperwork is a drag. I hate it, too...but it's a necessary evil. CP, you're hitting it hard again.
    Bobbie, do you spin every morning? Or just most? I want to live vicariously through you!

    Sunshine and slow walking boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,695 Member
    CP, way to get back at it!
    Mary, I'm sorry about all the kitty problems! That's got to be hard! We have to leave our bedroom door open, otherwise the cat will body slam the door. DH had to rig up something so the door would close behind her when she comes in and out. She's spoiled.
    V, take it easy. I know what it's like to not be able to do things (remember I was on bedrest for six weeks a year ago) and it's not easy to sit still. But you don't want to overdo it.
    Trying to decide what to do today. It's absolutely gorgeous out! I wish I could go for a run without pushing the big heavy stroller with a 33 pound kid in it. I might give it a whirl anyway. I bought much needed sports bras this morning so that should be some motivation, right? Besides the fact that I just had some Oreos. :blushing: I am really struggling in the sweets department.
    If I don't walk/run then I will do a DVD. My back is feeling a little bit better today.
    The paperwork went back to the doctor so hopefully they will get it done right, especially since DH stuck some money in there to get it done. I am taking Alex to his doc on Monday for his check up. I am looking forward to it because his doc is awesome! But it's a 3 hours drive one way. I am hoping a friend can go with me. I haven't been on a trip like that by myself in awhile.
    I guess I should stop rambling.
    Things looking up? boogaloo!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Warning: venting ahead.

    I just got an official "thanks but no thanks" from the choir I applied for the conducting gig with.

    I'm fighting very hard not to send an "Oh really? I hadn't assumed this despite the two+ weeks of no communication from you. Also, I apparently had a raging bacterial infection when I met (three times in the course of a week!) with your six-member search committee. So, if any of you have developed a cough, you should really get that checked out. Anyways, thanks for the consideration."

    I try my best not to be ugly, but they could have communicated with me sooner, and the whole thing is just rude and disheartening. Also, I'm cranky because walking two blocks and back to the grocer's felt like a spin class (I was literally dripping with sweat and breathing hard on my return.) Boo!

    Breathe in, breathe out, let go of resentments, and move on.:bigsmile:
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,783 Member
    I just read your signature V. The class I went to in January ended with the mantra, "may we live like the lotus at home in the muddy water".
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,695 Member
    Ahhhh! I got my walk/run in this morning before DH went to work. I was able to run a few times so that was a confidence builder.
    It's going to be a beautiful day! I have a lot to try to get done this morning before Bible Study. I'd like to work on the cars this afternoon but it may have to wait until tomorrow, which is fine too. Maybe I will clean up the garage this afternoon so I have room to work on the cars tomorrow. :happy:
    I am getting better about exercising but the food issues are harder to get under control. I am hoping the exercise will help me with that area too.
    I guess that's it for now. I'd better get started on my list of things to do. I hope you all are having beautiful weather too!
    Spring is coming boogaloo!:bigsmile: