Need a Good Cleanse Suggestion!



  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    I am normal not one for Cleanses and fad diets but I recently watched a documentary called Hungry to Change and I think I might attemp it. It is a three day clease but you actually get to eat food. Of course its monstly veggies and nuts but its better than a all liquid cleanse IMO. You can google it to find then cleanse. If you have trouble just LMK.

    Look! It's working already. You've already "cleased" out several letters from your post!
  • MaggieSporleder
    MaggieSporleder Posts: 428 Member
    When I feel like that, I always go for green tea. I'm not sure if it actually does anything. (I know there's a lot of hype about it being a fat burner and stuff, but I just like it.) But it at least flushes out some bad stuff, cause it hydrates and makes you pee a lot. :)
  • darkguardian419
    darkguardian419 Posts: 1,302 Member
    Hookers and blow.
  • PottsvilleCurse1925
    PottsvilleCurse1925 Posts: 354 Member
    Well, doctors from Cambridge have discovered how to cleanse and lose 30 lbs using this one weird trick! Here, I'll share it with you. Drink this mixture. Within one hour, I promise your body will be cleansing like no other....

    1 cup water
    3 tablespoons black pepper
    3 tablespoons sea salt
    2 tablespoons castor oil

    Following the consumption of drinking the above, follow through with a cup of coffee. I recommend you be sitting on the toilet while consuming all of this. I am not a medical professional and my advice should not be taken for real. But I bet it works.
  • MaggieSporleder
    MaggieSporleder Posts: 428 Member
    I have a bad stomach so I get a lot of sluggish days with sore cramps and sickness. (my friend thinks it may be IBS as she has same symptoms).

    When I have these days I know it's mainly my body telling me stop eating rubbish I need real food, vitamins and minerals. So I would eat lots of veg and drink water.

    I suggest if you having a bad day have some greens. It does wonders! And it will flush out all the bad from your stomach too and you will feel happier unlike with junk food that makes you smile then later you get a belly ache or are grumpy!

    Yes, that's exactly what I am dealing with! I shall definitely just try to amp up the natural foods and water to help get my stomach back to normal. We had a night out with friends Saturday (bar, beer, bar food, late eating, etc) and I its been so long since I have done it that I have felt awful since. Getting back on track and my normal eating will hopefully get me back to feeling normal again.

    You might have a gluten problem. It's always an option when IBS pops up.
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    My money's on Taubes for the Hat Trick.
  • Lisah8969
    Lisah8969 Posts: 1,247 Member
    Well, doctors from Cambridge have discovered how to cleanse and lose 30 lbs using this one weird trick! Here, I'll share it with you. Drink this mixture. Within one hour, I promise your body will be cleansing like no other....

    1 cup water
    3 tablespoons black pepper
    3 tablespoons sea salt
    2 tablespoons castor oil

    Following the consumption of drinking the above, follow through with a cup of coffee. I recommend you be sitting on the toilet while consuming all of this. I am not a medical professional and my advice should not be taken for real. But I bet it works.

    And don't forget to bring a magazine with you (or maybe two or three!).
  • ramonaschack
    ramonaschack Posts: 33 Member
    I am actually doing the Dr. Oz 48 Hour Cleanse Detox. Breakfast was Quinoa with a pinch of nutmeg, grated ginger, prunes and flax seed oil. Lunch is a smoothie consisting of Almond milk, blueberries and banana. During the day you can eat a combination of celery, radishes, cucumbers, green beans with olive oil, lemon juice and salt and pepper. Dinner is a soup made with vegetables. This is my first time ever doing a cleanse/detox but what appealed to me about this one was that you could actually eat stuff and not just do liquids which I don't think I would be able to do.
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    You might have a gluten problem. It's always an option when IBS pops up.

    Why would anyone ever choose this. It sounds like a horrible option.
  • 30Purple
    30Purple Posts: 252 Member
    Water, fruits, vegetables, chia seeds, tea, more water, more water.