Fibromyalgia, Fodmaps and Dieting



  • mgregoireMFP1
    mgregoireMFP1 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi ya'll - so glad to find you - I'm 55, and suffer from IBS and FM. I am just learning about FODMAP - I see that a number of you have inquired about it and there is a good reply here. Would it be helpful to give you some links on this? - I found some good food checklists of what's ok to eat/ not ok. Has anyone had success with this? On Food Network at 9pm on 3/11 they are starting a show called "Food Hospital". That is where I learned about FODMAP. It appears promising. For me it's great to have a roadmap to follow, because as you know, these syndromes can make the mind fuzzy.

    I will share a few things that have worked for me in the past 5 years in dealing with FM.
    I'm in a high stress job, and requires real mental focus. At one point my FM and IBS was so bad, I could barely get out of bed. I did find out my thyroid levels were off, so get that checked. I have had a prescription for Cymbalta which I feel REALLY helps with the pain, and of course the depression. YOGA has saved my life. Don't be intimidated by the people you see that look like they are twisting their body into a circus act. I recommend starting with DVDs by Barbara Benaugh (Amazon), Begginer series and Stress Relief Dvd. Just do what you can, and slowly you will be able to do a little more. She is very good at calmly, soothingly teaching. I play it on a portable DVD player so I could put it on the floor with me and took it everywhere, to the hotel, to the sun deck, to the back yard. Where-ever I could find 15 mins of peace.

    Love and peace to you all.