Thread for the easily NERDgasmic...



  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    Picard >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Kirk

    100% agree!
  • coolraul07
    coolraul07 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Picard >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Kirk

    100% agree!

    <...waits for a flood of "Kirk >>>>>>>>> Picard" zealots to run in 'gang-rumble' style...>
  • EmilyJackCO
    EmilyJackCO Posts: 621 Member
    Imma let that one slide cuz ya brought up JMS; wow that dude is prolific. Mind you, I know him best from print... mainly his runs on Fantastic Four and The Amazing Spider-Man. He's so good that I forgave him for screwing up Spider-Man for me with his "One More Day" retcon (still pissed though...:grumble: )

    *rofl* He truly is. And he rescues kittens. LOL. Yeah - he's a bit of an obsession of mine. I seriously think I need help sometimes. Which is hilarious because I'm not a huge comic book girl, having gotten into Tolkien when I was 5. I dove into the fantasy world way too early.
  • Admiral_Derp
    Admiral_Derp Posts: 866 Member
    Picard >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Kirk

    100% agree!

    <...waits for a flood of "Kirk >>>>>>>>> Picard" zealots to run in 'gang-rumble' style...>

    Captain Pike....I win all the internets!
  • mrincredible93
    I think I got you beat...I watched the first go around of TOS Star Trek black & white!

    For the tie: I first watched in syndication, mid-to-late 70s on a 10" B&W TV that took 2-3 min to warm-up. Turn it on, go fix sandwich, come back and wait 5 more seconds.

    How about that?

    I think we tied on the TV (Zenith)! My first episode was in `73 though. Also a few neighborhood buddies and I had a "bridge" set up in the basement. For the bonus...first convention in `75. I'll agree to a tie though, LOL!
  • AndyStanford
    AndyStanford Posts: 154 Member
    Um... Only because they stole them from JMS!!! *ducks & runs*

    (reference - Babylon 5 vs. Deep Space 9 controversy via usenet in the late 90s)

    Not really that contraversial.

    As I remember it.

    JMS pitched B5 to Paramount. Paramount said no. JMS takes B5 elsewhere. Paramount creates DS9. That's pretty much the sequence of events.

    Now, I love Trek. I grew up watching Kirk kick butt, I watched the original run of TNG in the UK, and I thought DS9 was great (aside from the finale), but frankly, Babylon 5 leaves Trek in the dust as far as gritty, compelling storytelling is concerned.

    B5 also came in at a fraction of the budget of DS9.
  • mrincredible93
    I don't know if i can go for the idea that we're at the peak of knowledge and advancement. There's too much that we don't know about just the parts of the universe that we can observe. (I think it's about 14 billion light years....) Not to mention what's outside of that. Heck, if some of the stuff I've seen on Nat Geo is right, there is still a huge amount that we don't know about the oceans here on earth. I think that as long as there is that much unknown left, we're always going to be innovating. We're always going to try to get there. Much of our modern tech is really just a byproduct of reaching out, observing and measuring. I think we've still got a long way to go. But I could be wrong.

    I remember reading about some advanced and respected thinker (can't remember who) in the late 1880's who famously stated that everything that could be invented or discovered was already done...that humanity had reached it's peak. We certainly know now that by the 1880's we had just finished our warm-up. I think we're only limited by our own thoughts. Walt Disney said "If you can dream it, you can achieve it".

    I think the only true limit to our human potential would be to believe that we can continue to advance without expanding off this planet. Ever expanding population on a closed environment will continue to stress the limits of our planet. Politicians who want to cut manned exploration are short-sighted. Economists talk about expanding marketplaces. History tells us the best opportunities are made not when we try to steal market share from competitors where we are but when we create new marketplaces where we are not. Think European expansion into the Western Hemisphere. If there are other societies in our universe, history also tells us the advantage belongs to the ones who expand beyond their boundries, not the ones who wait for the others' expansion to happen to them.

    If we do nothing but sit back and use our limited resources and expand our population using those resources, we risk degrading to the apocolyptic societies we see in our movies. Larger wars will be fought over ever smaller reasons, like access to fresh water or farmland or even just areas of temperate climate for food. Expanding our race into the stars and planets is the only way to advance humanity and to reach our true potential.

    (stepping down from soap box now)
  • Admiral_Derp
    Admiral_Derp Posts: 866 Member
    I remember reading about some advanced and respected thinker (can't remember who) in the late 1880's who famously stated that everything that could be invented or discovered was already done...that humanity had reached it's peak. We certainly know now that by the 1880's we had just finished our warm-up. I think we're only limited by our own thoughts. Walt Disney said "If you can dream it, you can achieve it".

    I think the only true limit to our human potential would be to believe that we can continue to advance without expanding off this planet. Ever expanding population on a closed environment will continue to stress the limits of our planet. Politicians who want to cut manned exploration are short-sighted. Economists talk about expanding marketplaces. History tells us the best opportunities are made not when we try to steal market share from competitors where we are but when we create new marketplaces where we are not. Think European expansion into the Western Hemisphere. If there are other societies in our universe, history also tells us the advantage belongs to the ones who expand beyond their boundries, not the ones who wait for the others' expansion to happen to them.

    If we do nothing but sit back and use our limited resources and expand our population using those resources, we risk degrading to the apocolyptic societies we see in our movies. Larger wars will be fought over ever smaller reasons, like access to fresh water or farmland or even just areas of temperate climate for food. Expanding our race into the stars and planets is the only way to advance humanity and to reach our true potential.

    (stepping down from soap box now)

    Yeah I think it's inevitable that we go that direction.
  • mrincredible93
    Ancient Aliens on the History channel or H2 has me thoroughly convinced...

    Anyone have any theories on who the villian is in the upcoming Star Trek Into the Darkness movie? I've already been advised that "John Harrison" is JJ's version of "John Smith" means he's not telling. I personally think Gary Mitchell is a decent bet.

    I soooooo want it to be Gary Mitchell very very muchly! :D<3<3<3

    Some others are saying NO because Gary was used in the comic version but I think it would be wrong to discard the possibility based on that alone. The trailer talks about being betrayed from within and it shows Cumberbatch in a starfleet uniform and enclosed in a glass cell...very Gary Mitchell-esque. AND since Mitchell is a character already belonging to Paramount, they do not have to give writing credit (or payment) to anyone else. While JJ has said many of the written stories will be accepted into cannon, it doesn't take away that if they use them they have to pay for them.
  • sedwards9999
    sedwards9999 Posts: 160 Member
    It's not that I think there isn't more to discover. I just think we're not capable of discovering too much more given the limitations of our species and environment.
  • mrincredible93
    Picard >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Kirk

    100% agree!

    <...waits for a flood of "Kirk >>>>>>>>> Picard" zealots to run in 'gang-rumble' style...>

    Kirk ROCKED the tight polyester pants and side fastening command shirt though!!
  • mrincredible93
    I play a Drow Cleric in Pathfinder. I'm a fan of Dragon*Con. I sleep in a Cowardly Dog Tshirt and Batman underwear. Enough said.

    They make Batman underwear for women??!!
  • wadedawg
    wadedawg Posts: 315
    I play a Drow Cleric in Pathfinder. I'm a fan of Dragon*Con. I sleep in a Cowardly Dog Tshirt and Batman underwear. Enough said.

    They make Batman underwear for women??!!

    It wasn't specified that it was women's underwear :wink:
  • mrincredible93
    I play a Drow Cleric in Pathfinder. I'm a fan of Dragon*Con. I sleep in a Cowardly Dog Tshirt and Batman underwear. Enough said.

    They make Batman underwear for women??!!

    It wasn't specified that it was women's underwear :wink:

    Tru `dat...

    (geek/nerd trying to write in street/ that there is some funny stuff)
  • wadedawg
    wadedawg Posts: 315
    I play a Drow Cleric in Pathfinder. I'm a fan of Dragon*Con. I sleep in a Cowardly Dog Tshirt and Batman underwear. Enough said.

    They make Batman underwear for women??!!

    It wasn't specified that it was women's underwear :wink:

    Tru `dat...

    (geek/nerd trying to write in street/ that there is some funny stuff)

  • coolraul07
    coolraul07 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Tru `dat...
    (geek/nerd trying to write in street/ that there is some funny stuff)


    Fo'shizzle, my Tribble! :glasses:
  • coolraul07
    coolraul07 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Speaking of quasars, check out this story I just stumbled upon:

    The biggest thing in the universe is really, really big