Any new runners?



  • Brittany3914
    Brittany3914 Posts: 258 Member
    I'm "new" as of August 2012. I completed C25K, ran my first 5k in October, and signed up for 8 more in 2013.
  • Brittany3914
    Brittany3914 Posts: 258 Member
    ME! One of my new goals is to run a 5k this spring....I have no idea how to begin other than trying to run a little longer each time i go to the gym.....

    Hands down - look into the Couch to 5k running program! Great place to start.
  • kwied90
    kwied90 Posts: 26 Member
    I'm on week 4 day 1 on C25K..i do a half a 5k running tonight! wahoo love it.
  • vampee
    vampee Posts: 103 Member
    I am somewhat new. I began running back in the fall but then had to stop due to lung issues. I am asthmatic and whenever I get a cold my lungs can sometimes take a long time to get back to normal.

    I started running again this month. I love it and have a goal of a mini this Spring (knock on wood). I am not expecting to finish with a great time, but as long as I finish I will be excited. :drinker:
  • zoeeelizabeth
    zoeeelizabeth Posts: 3 Member
    Ready to run!
  • jlgarcia85631
    jlgarcia85631 Posts: 57 Member
    I am not new to running but that is my main exercise. I do 30-35 minutes a min of 2miles in that time. I use a HRM and Nike Plus app on my phone. Have been looking for friends to add on there. If anyone else out there new and uses that app let me know so we can be friends.
  • PollyWolly98
    I began running in Aug with C25K and have kept up after completing the program. I currently run 3 days a week, but only run 2-3 miles each time. I do not have the ability to increase my mileage significantly, due to time constraints but I am really hoping to get to 5 miles. I am very interested in being friends with other new runners, so feel free to add me. Good luck to all!
  • librarygirlontherun
    I am a seasoned runner that would love to join your group. I do atleast two half marathons a year and will be moving up to a full marathon this year.
  • librarygirlontherun
    May I reccond Title9 Apparal to you, they have a bra called "The Frogger" that you might be itnerested in.
  • neilvv
    neilvv Posts: 146 Member
    I started jogging in October/November so i'm still quite new. I currently jog between 5 and 7k (4.35 miles) and use Nike+ to track my progress. If anybody would like to add me my Nike+ id is neilvv that's neil v v not w :smile:
  • lilann1961
    lilann1961 Posts: 131 Member
    I have recently began running regularly (I am in the National Guard and running was NEVER my strong suit). I have even signed up for my first 5K in September! It isn't great, but I definitely do not hate it like I used to!
  • SoontirFel
    SoontirFel Posts: 45 Member
    Wow, it's so encouraging to see so many folks getting their run on.

    I'm not new to running, but would love to connect with anyone looking for encouragement or advice.

    Now go get out there!!
  • blondie_182_182
    blondie_182_182 Posts: 54 Member
    I'm not really new to running, but I am new to doing races. I plan to do a 5k, 7k, 10k this Spring and a half marathon later this year. I could definitely use some encouragement on building up my distance!
    I'm not new to running, currently training for half marathon. But, always good to hear about new runners.
  • RedHotRunner
    RedHotRunner Posts: 850 Member
    I'm an old runner, literally, since i'll be turnining 50 this year. I took up running at 44 or 45 (I forget.....old age, ya know!) and have 7 or 8 half marathons under my belt. I'm kicking around running my first marathon in October.

    There's a great group of supportive runners on this site. Welcome!
  • cbohlander8
    not really new to running but i've slacked the last 6 weeks since the weather turned cold :-( did go run last night and didn't do too bad. I've ran a few 5k's and am planning to do the mini in indy in may. I love running and coming from someone who couldn't run a block without gasping thats really saying something! feel free to add me! i'd love to have some online running buddies!
  • heatherv89
    heatherv89 Posts: 20 Member
    Just started the C25k app! I will be starting Friday :)
  • DebHutton55
    DebHutton55 Posts: 48 Member
    I always feel like a new runner even though I started in 2009. I have been an on and off runner. I have done 2 sprint triathlons and a bunch of 5Ks. Entering and competing in the beginning was scary as I was an out of shape over 50 rookie. It got easier as I realized there were all different types competing. Some just walked and some ran the whole thing. I felt like I was in the middle somewhere. I run and walk. Being at this old age I do win medals sometimes as there aren't as many signed up in my age group. I just signed up for a 5K in May. Did it last year and medaled after doing the C25K in the spring. Great program. There is a lot of snow out right now but still able to run so am starting my training.
  • jennable
    jennable Posts: 48 Member
    I started running last February and love it. Feel free to add me if you would like.
  • amandat_79
    amandat_79 Posts: 221 Member
    I'm starting my second week of "training" - my 61 year old father started running a couple of years ago and now runs marathons so I figure if he can do it.... well I'd better be able to do a 5k this spring at least. :)