This isnt good is it?



  • beccyleigh
    beccyleigh Posts: 847 Member
    I woudl kill myself if I ate what you have posted. Eat more. Here is an example of my day at 1500 cals.

    Breakfast 2 x poached eggs & 1 slice of wholemeal toast (no butter, not needed)
    Midmorning snack - 150g edamame beans
    Lunch - Homemade chicken stew & 50g (dry) protorice (low carb rice) plus 190g red grapes.
    Mid afternoon snack - 3 celery sticks dipped in salt & pepper
    Dinner - 3 egg omlette with 30g grated cheddar, 100g mixed peppers 50g courgette 50g auberine 100g onion 50g spinach.

    After diner I might have a couple spoons of vanilla icecream, depends how I feel but all above coems in at 1350 cals.
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member

    ^Read this link!

    OP - you are not doing yourself any favors by trying to exist on so little food. Your body needs more than that. Eat at least your 1200 calories plus your exercise calories. Even better, figure out your BMR & TDEE (using the link above) and take a cut from your TDEE.

    Set yourself up for a lifetime of success rather than more yo-yo dieting and starvation.
  • __RANDY__
    __RANDY__ Posts: 1,036 Member
    Just shoot for 1600/day.
    Just eat 1600 a day.

    Eat 1600 a day.

    Enjoy your fat loss.

    That's it

    wow not even 600 yesterday, then you burned 400.....have fun with that. maybe next January you will make a more realistic goal when you crash and burn with this one.
  • nikbolok
    nikbolok Posts: 107 Member
    Eat. Good. Things. And eat more than 1200 calories. Yes, EAT. 1600 calories at least. Me on 1200 calories was crabby, hungry, yoyo dieting, gaining weight on again, recycling to the same cycle the next time. Me on 1800-2000 cals now = SUCCESS, strength, finished a marathon, fat loss with strong lifting, keeping the weight off 1+ years now. This is IMHO however. The professional dieters will tell you otherwise.
  • LittleMiss_WillLoseIt
    LittleMiss_WillLoseIt Posts: 1,373 Member
    Just shoot for 1600/day.
    Just eat 1600 a day.

    Eat 1600 a day.

    Enjoy your fat loss.

    This is what you need to do...I have 50 more lbs to go and increased my calories to this. I'm back to losing again. :)
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    How do i open my diary?

    For example today i had bran flakes for breakfast
    Just finished soup and 1 slice of bread for lunch
    Its 1 chicken breast & Cabbage for tea

    with 1 snack of muller light greek style yogurt at about 3pm.

    So this means i have used 731 so i still need to eat 400 calories! i always allow for so much calories either way as these things can nevber be accurate

    eat a bigger portion of bran flakes for brekfast
    have a boiled egg as a morning snack
    find a soup with more calories or add some lean meat to lunch
    add a sweet potato or some rice to your tea and another portion of veg
    have a handful of nuts with your yoghurt... easy!
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Just shoot for 1600/day.
    Just eat 1600 a day.

    Eat 1600 a day.

    Enjoy your fat loss.
    and THIS!

    This man knows what he's talking about. Read the thread, put your own numbers in the tools lined there and follow the plan. You seriously need to eat more food. Have you always been a light eater or are you doing this in order to lose weight? Food is fuel - eat too little and you are just giving your body a reason to store fat rather than burn it. Seriously, read that thread.

    If it's a hunger issue and you feel like you'd be stuffing yourself to reach your goals because you aren't hungry, then eat more calorie dense foods during the day - avocados, nuts and nut butters, use olive and coconut oils in dressings and cooking, eat full fat dairy - it takes small portions on any of those foods to add a nice amount of healthy calories each day.
  • faithchange
    faithchange Posts: 311 Member
    So sick of seeing people only eating 1200 calories! It doesn't work people!!! Why not feel healthy and better eating at least 1600 calories a day. This is totally crazy!!! It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know this. You WILL lose if your eating more, but your body will NOT lose if your starving it.
  • MaggieSporleder
    MaggieSporleder Posts: 428 Member
    How do i open my diary?

    For example today i had bran flakes for breakfast
    Just finished soup and 1 slice of bread for lunch
    Its 1 chicken breast & Cabbage for tea

    with 1 snack of muller light greek style yogurt at about 3pm.

    So this means i have used 731 so i still need to eat 400 calories! i always allow for so much calories either way as these things can nevber be accurate

    Diary Settings
    scroll to the bottom and make your diary public.
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    Just shoot for 1600/day.
    Just eat 1600 a day.

    Eat 1600 a day.

    Enjoy your fat loss.
    and THIS!

    This man knows what he's talking about. Read the thread, put your own numbers in the tools lined there and follow the plan. You seriously need to eat more food. Have you always been a light eater or are you doing this in order to lose weight? Food is fuel - eat too little and you are just giving your body a reason to store fat rather than burn it. Seriously, read that thread.

    If it's a hunger issue and you feel like you'd be stuffing yourself to reach your goals because you aren't hungry, then eat more calorie dense foods during the day - avocados, nuts and nut butters, use olive and coconut oils in dressings and cooking, eat full fat dairy - it takes small portions on any of those foods to add a nice amount of healthy calories each day.

    At the risk of being totally redundant: THIS^^^^^^^ All of this.
  • newhabit
    newhabit Posts: 426 Member
    just like everyone said try eating a little bit more and make it healthy choices. stuff with lots of protein, minimal sugar. try to aim for about 1200 to start out with and then you can even add more! i am 5'4" and maintaining at 125-130 and i eat like 1600-1800 daily. i'm sure you were eating more than this before, right? if not, maybe go to the doctor and check out everything, make sure there are not other problems responsible for your weight gain.
  • JanaCanada
    JanaCanada Posts: 917 Member

    Read it over and over again. Absorb the information. USE the information.
  • mmckee10
    mmckee10 Posts: 405 Member
    Just shoot for 1600/day.
    Just eat 1600 a day.

    Eat 1600 a day.

    Enjoy your fat loss.

    This! you need to eat at least 1200 a day. 1600 be awesome for you and the weight will fall off.
  • Lyra89
    Lyra89 Posts: 674 Member
    I ate on average 1600 calories a day, which is a lot if you are eating good food, & I lost nearly 60lbs!

    DON'T starve yourself. Slow and steady wins the race.
  • calimari
    calimari Posts: 202 Member
    The program gives me about 1450 calories, I exercise and get maybe another 250 calories/day, so that is 1700 calories, and I struggle to stay within that! I always wonder about people who say they are on 1200 calories. I'd be starving! Some days I don't eat all my exercise calories, but many days I do.
  • T1mH
    T1mH Posts: 568 Member
    So many newbies, so many resolutionists... I thought it was bad in the gym. So many threads full of bad information and newbies perpetuating old myths.

    Your not eating enough. You will crash, you will gain it back and then some. You did not get overweight by starving yourself so there is no way I believe you when you say you can't get to 1200 calories a day without eating pizza.
  • NLKatherine
    NLKatherine Posts: 37 Member
    You're starving yourself. I know when I have days when I eat too little, if I complete my entry the diary pops up and tells me I've not eaten enough. You need to eat more veggies and fruits and lean proteins.
  • brucebalding
    I dont even think about the calories they say I get to have because of exercise....just eat your target 1200, I started 5 days ago and have lost 6 lbs. all i do is walk for 15 minutes a day. Just care about the 1200 and thats works.
  • jfrankic
    jfrankic Posts: 747 Member
    Just shoot for 1600/day.
    Just eat 1600 a day.

    Eat 1600 a day.

    Enjoy your fat loss.

    Listen to Dan.
  • wareagle8706
    wareagle8706 Posts: 1,090 Member
    Your daily calorie goal is 1200...if you have 50 pounds to lose I would not re eat your calories at this time unless you find yourself losing to much weight. So if you have 731 of planned calories this means that you have 469 calories to consume left. Once you record you workout my fitness pal will give you back the 357 calories you burn, but I would leave that at is. If you are having trouble with consuming the correct amount of calories try adding snacks. For example my morning snack consist of Dannon Light and Fit Vanilla Greek Yogurt and Dole Diced Peaches in 100% fruit juice. You are more than welcome to look at my diary for ideas. If you need help just let me know. I hope this explanation help you.



    If you have 50 lbs to lose I'm not sure 1200 calories is enough food. Might want to try eating exercise cals back.

    Someone want to give her the link to "in place of a road map" or whatever that is? It will help you calculate how many calories your burn on a daily basis given your activity level, then you can lower that a bit in order to get weight loss. Instead of just blindly guessing at 1200.... if no one can find you that topic (or you can't find it on your own) google BMR and TDEE, read up on them and then calculate them for yourself.

    let me know if you have questions!