ONE week, seriously?



  • BellaFe
    BellaFe Posts: 323
    This is a long hard road full of gains, losses and plateaus. If one week or non movement or a gain whether it be due to the body getting used to exercise or not quite getting the calories right is going to cause such discouragement that several posts are made about it, they will never make the long haul. There is no instant gratification when it comes to weight loss. It is bullsh!t and a lot of hard work.

    If you don't accept that this is going to be hard and that sometimes you wont see any results, you wont make it. it takes commitment and a firm grasp of reality.
  • kelsiekae
    In no way was I saying they don't have the right to feel frustrated, in fact, I agreed it's very frustrating. It took me a long time to realize how big of a committment it really is. We all know it's a long, difficult process. So I'm just saying a week is not enough time to determine whether it's worth it to keep on with the healthy changes being made. Even if you're choosing vegetables over chips once a day. That's progress. Focus on the steps you're making in the right direction, whether you drop weight right away or not. I'm encouraging them NOT to give up. :wink:
  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    Ahhh, it was something I'm sure many of us had to overcome at some point. People always want to lose it yesterday.

    It took me a long time to realise that I had to be in it for the long haul and not a quick fix.
  • denezy
    denezy Posts: 573 Member
    I feel the same way about all the new years post where people say they are going to lose 50 lbs this month. They only lose 1 in he first week and think they are a total failure....and then they watch the Biggest Loser show where you have to lose 20+ pounds in a week and completely give up.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    I don't want to down on the new people either..but it does get a little exasperating when not only do they throw a temper tantrum, but if you try to tell it to them straight (give it longer than a week, etc) - they either get more mopey or angry...or worse. They then start acting like they've done everything right and they just can't lose weight...and blah blah blah.

    Another thing I've found a little irritating is all the forum threads that have popped up because of the excessive broadcasting of weight loss programs, diet fads, etc. So many people asking if this fad works, or this pill works, or I'm going to do this extreme switch in my life based on a movie, etc and because it was on a dvd it will work for me because it says so crap. your money..please! The only thing you need to lose the weight is you! No pill, dvd, special programs, etc is going to get you to eat healthier, watch your portions or get you to exercise. That's ALL YOU!
  • BurtHuttz
    BurtHuttz Posts: 3,653 Member
    Mmhm. This. I became successful because I gradually and incrementally changed my lifestyle, because I was consistent, and always accelerating in the right direction. In a year I've hit my goals. In any given week the results were not spectacular.

    I am very much unsympathetic toward people who expect expect magical results from one week of starvation, cardio, and self-flagellation.

    Then, they double down and start acting like monsters when folks roll in and say "slow down cowboy".