Beautiful Blues 3/2/10



  • katattack
    katattack Posts: 45
    Hi hi!!! I completely forgot the weigh-in this morning! My apologies. I may not be able to get near a scale until later tonight, which may mean i miss the team weigh-in. Ugh, so sorry, was very distracted this monday morning.

    The weather in Toronto is GLORIOUS. Unbelievably spring-like, cool breeze, no snow on walkways. I planned a 14k run down by the lakefront in the morning. After fighting off some anxiety about running, i finally got my butt out the door by around noon. Thinking it'd take me 1:20, maybe 1:30 if i'm running slow, I was distressed to find myself heading far more west than i anticipated, with no hope to turn back! The path that i mapmyrun'd before didnt exist, and I ended up on a 19K loop (which i'm not really conditioned for atm... ow). I ran about 15, then walk-ran the last 4.

    So! P90x huh? We like? It's blue-approved? I see the infomercials a lot but am pretty skeptical about things that have infomercials in general. Any feelings about p90x either way?

    Happy Monday!
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    hehehe, dam right the weather in toronto is glorious. I'm working afternoons this week so I had to get out there.

    Thought of you chrissy when I went for my wogging after my p90x workout. :wink:

    Did chest and back today and sorta 1/2 of ab ripper X argggg.... But feeling great, and since I didn't work my legs, I thought I'd go for my 2 mile loop. Nothing compared to you ladies, I admire your running distances.

    Kat, P90x is kick azz. There are quite a few people on MFP that are doing it, and/or done it. Those pictures in the informercials, alot of them I believe. I've done some research, reviews, and after doing the exercises, I can tell that they are definately possible after 90 days.

    New pics are up, I took pics last week, but didn't like them, so after 1st week of P90x thought what the heck. One thing I saw when I was looking online was someone who took a pic every day. I'm not going to go to that extreme, but instead of P90x's D30, D60, D90. I think I"m going to do them every week, and at the end put them together.
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Taking a quick break from packing. Running up and down the stairs carrying boxes sure gets the HR up!

    Kat I will wait to put up the new board until I get your weight.

    Thanks for the congrats Chrissy. I am excited too. I am just waiting to get keys, and that should happen tomorrow. Waiting sure isn't fun!

    peter--I almost wouldn't recognize you. You must feel great! I am going to order p90x as soon as I am settled at the new place. I am excited to try it!

    Have a great day everyone!
  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    I finally got a new sports bra today and it is so comfy I can't wait to try it out tomorrow. I do cardio X tomorrow I am going to do it as soon as I get up so I have no excuses

    Peter I love the new pixs
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,523 Member
    Peter- Awesome new pics. Keep up the great work!

    Debnu- So excited about your new house!

    smadag- Hope you enjoy p90x like many others have.

    I got in my workout for today and did Insanity Core Cardio & Balance & Insane ABs for like 67 minutes.

    I'll catch up with all later!
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    Good morning everyone,

    Thanks for the compliments.

    Still an ongoing process, and in 2 more months, I will be a lot closer to my goal
    I can't believe that I actually have some abs sorta showing. I've always had fat on my stomach, but the tightness i'm feeling in my abs and obliques up to my chest is starting to feel great.

    That feeling beats the feeling that I haven't lost weight in the last 2 weeks

    Cool news, I was able to upload information from my Polar F6 to the website, and able to look at all the data. There is a little graphing, can look at my hbm, avg, high, lows, calories burned, but I don't think the functionality is as good as the bodybug website.
    I did see that I can export the data, so that might be interesting to put the data into excel and play with numbers (I like numbers) lol
    Bad news, my watch only kept the last 4 weeks of data, I guess only certain amount of storage it can hold :blushing:

    Plyo X today.

    Have a great day blue team.
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    I wish I would have started downloading data from my Polar last year when I got it - it would be cool to see what I've done. but I do log it on here so I can still get a glimpse! What matters most is just doing it!

    Today was supposed to be a run day but since I didn't rest after my 12m run day, did strength yesterday - today might be rest day....schedule crazy...trying to finish a HUGE project, son ortho appt and have evening filled with gathering baseball equipment for the season that starts Thurs
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,523 Member
    Hi blues,

    I'm so happy to watch Biggest Loser tonight- I guess I have become a fan and this is my first season that I'm watching a full episode.

    Peter- That sounds cool about downloading the hrm information. A HRM is in the list of things for me to buy in the future.

    After waiting for 3 weeks, my weight is finally down and I'm starting to lose from my last lowest weight. Wohoo... This week my ticker will finally move. I guess patience is key when losing weight. While my toddler naps I'll do Insanity Core Cardio & Balance & Insanse abs for a total of 70 minutes.

    Take care all!
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member

    Here is the next one...

    I have been going a little crazy because my husband wants to move out the TV and treadmill tonight. I don't think I can handle it. I look forward to getting up at 5 am and watching BL every Wednesday morning. I think I am an addict!