44lbs down - 70 total! *With Pics*



  • glahlstedt
    glahlstedt Posts: 308 Member
    I love your progress! You look like that trainer(Jillian?!) on the biggest loser!~GORGEOUS!~

    I know personally how hard it is to lose the baby weight! I WILL get down to my pre-preggers weight at some point. I have 36lbs to go!

    I went from 140-240 while preggo! It was all worth it for my beautiful daughter though! Keep smiling girl~you look like a new woman!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:love: ~
  • moisyrocks
    moisyrocks Posts: 38 Member
    Wow, you look fantastic! And you are beautiful, then and now! Charlie....mmmmmm. Yummo.

    May I ask what sort of exercise you did to achieve your results?

    Congratulations again.
  • Barbell_Jules
    Barbell_Jules Posts: 358 Member
    Congrats on all your weight loss!! You look great! :drinker:

    I am so totally jealous of you meeting Charlie Hunnam!! OMG, LOVE him! Love SoA!!! :love: :love: :love:
  • cyndilynn13
    cyndilynn13 Posts: 20 Member
    Congratulations on your weight loss - we all know what a struggle it is, but you look gorgeous!
  • Daysednconfused
    Daysednconfused Posts: 975 Member
    You are beautiful and actually look like an actress yourself in your after picture! Congratulations!
  • Southernsass6885
    Southernsass6885 Posts: 100 Member
    You're amazing! WTG! Standing next to him just makes you a badass lol
  • mllst18
    mllst18 Posts: 188 Member
    OMFG! I'm soooo in love with Charlie Hunnam! So delish :love:

    You look fabulous, btw :flowerforyou:
  • kkochenber
    Wow! you look awesome!
  • lizzyb1006
    lizzyb1006 Posts: 2 Member
    I saw your pic on all the Charlie sites! You were the last one to meet him, right? You are beautiful! I was supposed to meet him in two weeks, but he cancelled. Great job!
  • mattagascar
    mattagascar Posts: 708 Member
    Wow you don't even look like the same person. Keep it up!
  • Purplepeater
    Purplepeater Posts: 42 Member
    Wow, how great to have done so well and what a treat to have a photo with Charlie Hunnam! I'm thinking that if I start being good again, maybe I'll meet him too! Lol, very unlikely , but one can dream!
  • missjulyy91
    missjulyy91 Posts: 54 Member
    You look great!! Very inspiring :-) and oh ummm luckyyy I would love to meet him<3
  • cynnie731
    Wow, you look fantastic! And you are beautiful, then and now! Charlie....mmmmmm. Yummo.

    May I ask what sort of exercise you did to achieve your results?

    Congratulations again.

    Thank you! :)

    I have actually been doing this 80s video 'Callanetics -Look 10 years younger in 10 hours'. Its an oldie but a goodie! Pretty much alot of stretching :)
  • Crazibaker
    Crazibaker Posts: 130 Member
    HAWT Momma!!!! :happy:
  • Camille0502
    Camille0502 Posts: 311 Member
    Whew! All I saw was the good looking guy in the picture! Who did you say he was... When I first saw it, I thought "Wow that lady has a good looking husband!!!."

    You look great, too!
  • cynnie731
    I saw your pic on all the Charlie sites! You were the last one to meet him, right? You are beautiful! I was supposed to meet him in two weeks, but he cancelled. Great job!

    LOL! Yep that was me! too funny.. :)

    I know alot of people were super bummed he had to cancel, but at least you get Ryan!..He's one of the last on my list to meet :)
  • cynnie731
    Whew! All I saw was the good looking guy in the picture! Who did you say he was... When I first saw it, I thought "Wow that lady has a good looking husband!!!."

    You look great, too!

    LOL i wish!! hahaha i'll just pretend thats reality with my picture :p
  • sugarlips1980
    sugarlips1980 Posts: 361 Member
    Wow, you look so attractive!
  • bradwwood
    bradwwood Posts: 371 Member
    smokin' :flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou:
  • Stinaa91
    Stinaa91 Posts: 199 Member
    ohhh man charlie is...AH SUCH A BABE. lol! congrats on your loss! you look great :)
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