Girlies need some help......the implant



  • Maidofmer
    Maidofmer Posts: 908 Member
    LOL I'm so sorry I was not clear on it at all!!! Thought you were all mind readers ;p IUD implant, it's not surgery it's really quick and I can change my mind any time, It's just the night before nerves getting to me a bit! Sorry for being so unclear!

    its gonna hurt. I got one almost 3 years ago. had a guy, so I hated it cause guys don't know what the hell they're doing down there. they can read all they want, but they have no clue. all I did was yell at him, I bet you cant even tell a fake orgasm from a real one. mind you, I just had a baby so I was a war zone. With me, he got a big gauze pad, soaked it in Iodine (if you've ever had it on a cut, it burns like hell) stuck it in me saying "if you kick I might piece the wall". it feels weird for a while, especially when you go back so they can make sure it didn't more or hurt you. (merge with the uterus, move into a tube, pierce the wall)
  • feathertouch
    feathertouch Posts: 156 Member
    I'm so stupid I was meant to put down not IUD but the arm implant! SO SORRY AGAIN GUYS...deadline for uni coming up and very little sleep makes for silly mistakes!
  • I had the implant in my arm up until recently, I really liked it. They numb your bicep beforehand but you still feel pressure and discomfort since its a fairly large gauge needle in your arm. I bruised ALOT but that's something that differs depending on the person. I had muscular pain and discomfort for about 5 days and ten completely forgot about it until i got it taken out. Getti it taken out is just as uncomfortable, but nothing terrible. They have to find it again to get it out so depending on yOr physician it can take a few minutes. All in all I would do it again. I didn't have scarring, but some people do.
  • stepherzzzzz
    stepherzzzzz Posts: 469 Member
    My friend had the arm implant and ended up getting pregnant...three times. Her idiot doctor wouldn't let her switch back to the pill, even after the second "fluke" pregnancy.
  • lovelyMYlovely
    lovelyMYlovely Posts: 1,066 Member
    oh gosh!!! no i tried the IUD and ouch!!! most painful thing EVER u know they give u a shot inside ur girly-girl right.... i TRIED getting it in but the doctor said she couldnt get it in..... and it hurt alot!!!!!! maybe its because im tiny but ouch i will never again..... plus having that has alot of risks..... i would get the arm one instead... i hate birth control but i know alot of woman need it.. when i was on it i just took the pill.. loestrin24FE it wasnt bad...... but it gave me anxiety... i was on it 18 months. i also tried the nuva ring that one sucked also....
  • Lucassvg
    Lucassvg Posts: 190 Member
    Take pain killers and RELAX during the procedure It is painful. I am a big softy. My first one rejected after six months. I waited a few months and had another one inserted. That was 18 months ago. Unfortunately I STILL have regular periods and I am 52 years old. Good luck for tomorrow.
  • lovelyMYlovely
    lovelyMYlovely Posts: 1,066 Member
    u are a little indecisive of which method your choosing maybe you should google it first because birth controls take research because its a medicine that goes into your body... so try to google it.. its not like u can just take it out and u will be fine.. once u decide its not for u ur body needs 3 months to recover after to feel yourself again. so make sure ur picking the right one......
  • Lucassvg
    Lucassvg Posts: 190 Member

    I have a two questions.

    Q1. Does it take longer to orgasm.

    Q2. Does your orgasm feel different after you have had the mirena inserted
  • WTF7
    WTF7 Posts: 140 Member
    It is painful because they open your cervix, but nothing you cant handle. People either totally "Love it" or "hate it." Everyone I know was one extreme or the other. The ones that hate it was mostly due to too much spotting.
  • coffee_rocks
    coffee_rocks Posts: 275 Member
    I am so sorry I opened this thread...

    ***slowly backs out of the room***
  • Emma_Problema
    Emma_Problema Posts: 422 Member
    I really wanted to switch to an IUD, but can't because I get really bad hormonal acne and the pill clears all that up for me. I've definitely heard of problems with IUDs but it's also a very individual thing and you won't know if it works for you until you try it. Don't worry until there's something to be worried about. Worst case scenario, you gain some weight and get it removed and lose the weight. It happens, but for long-term birth control, I'd say the risk is worth it.
  • morielia
    morielia Posts: 169 Member

    I have a two questions.

    Q1. Does it take longer to orgasm.

    Q2. Does your orgasm feel different after you have had the mirena inserted

    No and no.
  • limesublime
    limesublime Posts: 118 Member
    I had the arm implant (Nexplanon) put in last August so I've only had it for 4ish months, but so far so good. The pill (even low dose) made me nauseous every single morning so my gyno convinced me to try this or an IUD. I decided against the IUD as I haven't had children and am a wuss about pain =P

    Pros of the arm implant: Really not that bad to put in (the numbing shot was the worst part and that wasn't bad), no need to refill a month Rx or take daily pills, and lower hormone level = less hormone side effects (for me this was nausea, which has complete gone away).

    Cons of the arm implant: Made my skin greasy (I almost went back to teenager skin!) and my period is unpredictable. For the first month after I got the implant, no period. The second and third month I spotted for about 3 weeks with 3 days of actual period. It isn't terrible, just annoying to not know when it's going to arrive, especially when it comes to sex.

    I was concerned about having it removed if I didn't like it (more involved than simply ceasing to take a pill that sucks), but overall I'd say it's worth it, just requires a bit of adjustment. Now that I've reverted to my teenage facial care routine (hello blotting papers, goodbye oil-based moisturizer!) my skin is fine, and like I said the spotting seems to have calmed down. Still better than unplanned pregnancy.

    Edit to add: PM me if you'd like! I was really curious before I got mine, especially about how it would effect weight loss, and was frustrated I didn't find much about it on here.
  • OnionMomma
    OnionMomma Posts: 938 Member
    Not sure if you all's DRs tell you this but if you have had a tubal pregnancy in the past, you are not a candidate for any kind of IUD.

    IUDs can *cause* tubals once they are in place. I personally know someone who almost died because of her IUD due to a tubal and she had never had a previous tubal.

    Just thought I'd throw that out there.
  • e_trexler
    e_trexler Posts: 31 Member
    I have Implanon and absolutely LOVE it.

    I've had it since April and it was such an easy insertion. They numb your bicep and put it in after checking that it's in the needle. Beware, the needle is HUGE. But, you won't feel a thing, other than some pressure.

    My arm bruised a lot and looked like I had been beaten, but that only lasted about a week.

    I bled for a month straight, but haven't had any bleeding since.

    If you have any questions, feel free to PM me.
  • Emma_Problema
    Emma_Problema Posts: 422 Member
    Oh. It's about the arm implant now? For frak's sake, lady.

    Here yah go : Knock yourself out.
  • ABetterJayme
    ABetterJayme Posts: 29 Member
    I had the Nexplanon put in the week of Thanksgiving. I was scared to death, so I know what you're talking about! My arm was pretty swollen afterward, but that was just the huge pressure bandage they put on, and it was a little painful for a while after that. I still feel it sometimes, like today when I was working out, it started feeling uncomfortable. Haven't had a period since I had it put in, though. I had a lot of headaches and some nausea, which are side effects.Only issue I really had was after I went through them shoving it in my arm, they mentioned that there are cases of ppl over 28 BMI not having the same level of effectiveness. That would have been nice to know before hand! I'm sure it will go fine and I hope you enjoy not having to worry for quite a few years!
  • Lucassvg
    Lucassvg Posts: 190 Member

    I have a two questions.

    Q1. Does it take longer to orgasm.

    Q2. Does your orgasm feel different after you have had the mirena inserted

    Any answers
  • WTF7
    WTF7 Posts: 140 Member
    And just one more thing - I personally know 3 people who got pregnant with an IUD in place. 2 had an early miscarriage and 1 carried the baby full term!
  • veggieshark
    veggieshark Posts: 153 Member
    I have it! It may sound odd but I laughed the whole time the doctors were putting it in. Going with a funny friend, parent, or boyfriend might help ease your nerves. It didn't hurt, it just felt like strange tugging. I've had zero problems whatsoever. Some people claim weight gain because of it but that never happened to me, ever. No mood swings. Though I haven't had a period in forever.