Eating healthily yet struggling to eat 1200 cals a day



  • Dobbleton
    To anyone replying to the original post, this has pretty much been resolved now. Thanks for all the advice :)
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    I have the EXACT same issue! check out my food diary. I usually hit 1000 a day and am so full all the time. I eat olive oil, peanut butter etc. and still am not getting to 1200 and am burning lots of calories everyday, as my workouts are usually 3 hours. I am in the same boat. I don;t know if I am "starving" my body or being unhealthy. I eat when hungry and not when I'm not. I stay away from dairy, wheat and red meat most of the time and in doing so my body feels clean and happy. I am not losing weight however. Its strange. I am currently getting my hormones and blood tested to see if there is something medically up that is making me not hungry and not lose. I am 5'2 and 119 pounds, trying to get down to 115.

    Please see the posts by 1ConcreteGirl! It may just be that you don't eat a great deal and your body is used to it so it tells you you are full but actually you aren't eating as much as your body actually requires. Maybe you shouldn't workout every single day if it makes eating back the calories too hard and you shouldn't need to cut groups as long as everything is in moderation. If you're not losing weight, then 1000 calories a day might be the reason.

    Smart girl! Now go forth and spread this information any time you can!!! You are going to succeed!