Unhappy at goal weight?

Not that I'm anywhere near my goal yet, but I am currently almost 40lbs from my HW, and have been 25 lbs thinner than I am now, and even at that weight (175lbs-- 65lbs from HW), I didn't LIKE my body any more than I did at my HW. I have this fear that even when I hit GW, I'm going to be disappointed in the shape and proportions of my body. My hips are too wide, my calves have always been trunks, stretch marks and "pooch" from pregnancy that won't budge are all staring at me. This fear grips me and almost makes me want to say, "why bother?" If a 65 lb weight loss didn't help my perception of my body, is another 65 going to make me happy?
Has anyone else experienced this? Anyone get to (or close to) goal and still find that weight hasn't impacted their feelings about their body?


  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    Funny you post this. I was thinking about this the other day. People post how they have 40lbs to lose or whatever. I was thinking, "How do you know?"

    I set my "goal" just to give MFP something to work with but I didn't know if losing what I lost will be what I want to see - turns out it wasn't in the end and is irrelevant.

    Something else related: would you prefer to be twice as healthy but twice as fat or half as healthy but half your weight? :-D
  • rainghirl
    rainghirl Posts: 203 Member
    It was more that I got there, was happy wth my size clothed, but felt that I lacked muscle definition, especially as I'm in my 40s. I'm a bit worried about sagginess generally. So having reached weight goal, I'm now trying to work on body fat percentage and muscle definition.

    I think in a way it's good - because it gives you a reason to keep working and logging. Maybe if you thought all was okay it would be too easy to slip back into the old ways and put the weight back on again!
  • jily310
    jily310 Posts: 38 Member
    I am sure that everyone judges themselves at any weight. I think it is even harder for people that are overweight and then loose weight. We still look at ourselves as being the "big girl" and no matter people tell us, we still see something else in the mirror.
    We are our own worst critic, but we have to remember to love ourselves because this is the only body we have!!!!
  • Echosapa
    Echosapa Posts: 19 Member
    I was very happy at my lowest weight (which was still 20 pounds heavier then my goal weight). However, I know that some people aren't always happy about how they look or feel, sometimes at any weight. But in my opinion your why bother shouldn't be about your self image but your health. You said pregnancy weight so I assume you have a child. Lost the weight so you can live a longer healthier life with your child. Again, just my opinions but I think being healthy is a good byproduct of weight loss, even if you may not be fully satisfied with your body image.
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    Not that I'm anywhere near my goal yet, but I am currently almost 40lbs from my HW, and have been 25 lbs thinner than I am now, and even at that weight (175lbs-- 65lbs from HW), I didn't LIKE my body any more than I did at my HW. I have this fear that even when I hit GW, I'm going to be disappointed in the shape and proportions of my body. My hips are too wide, my calves have always been trunks, stretch marks and "pooch" from pregnancy that won't budge are all staring at me. This fear grips me and almost makes me want to say, "why bother?" If a 65 lb weight loss didn't help my perception of my body, is another 65 going to make me happy?
    Has anyone else experienced this? Anyone get to (or close to) goal and still find that weight hasn't impacted their feelings about their body?

    Last spring I was 5 pounds from goal weight. I still didn't feel great about myself and found fault in my body, even though others kept telling me how great I looked. I think for me, it's a self esteem issue, because I've struggled with my self esteem my whole life, while I didn't always struggle with weight. Even when I get to goal weight, I know that I need to change how I think about myself.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I think with weight loss has to come an acceptance of who we are. My hips are too big for my liking, my thighs never seem to slim down (oh, they'll be pure muscle -- but slimmer? Not really), and I have the mommy belly that is loose skin and isn't going to change without a tummy tuck.

    These are all things I dislike about me. But, there's also a long list of things I do like and I focus on those vs the things I can't change (I can't change the fact that having two babies stretched my hips or my skin -- and I'm not having surgery to fix the skin, sorry. I can't change the fact that I have a family history of larger thighs and mine follow suit). I focus on the things I CAN change and let the rest go. No use crying over genetics or something you can't change. :)

    I'm at the high end weight-wise for my height, but I'm happy and content here. I am proud of what I've accomplished and am happy with the way I look overall.
  • nhughes1864
    nhughes1864 Posts: 102 Member
    I'm in the same boat as you. I still have about 100 pounds to go till my "goal weight" which is somewhere between 150 and 130 but I worry too that after a majority of my life spent overweight and 2 kids I won't have the tiny little sexy body I want, or I think I want. When things like this start creeping in one me, the "why bother?" "Is it worth it?" type thinking, I remind myself that I'm not only doing this to LOOK better but also to FEEL better. And, to me, that is worth more than what I look like at the end. I will be able to run with my kids, be around for my kids, and just generally feel better and stronger. Plus, even if I don't look smokin' in a bikini I heard they were going out of style and there are PLENTY of other tiny clothes I'll be able to rock! :wink:
  • AwesomelyAmber
    AwesomelyAmber Posts: 1,617 Member
    WHY is it worth it??? Because this is YOUR LIFE. YOU ARE WORTH IT... that's why.

    I have changed my "goal" weight a few times... now that I am there I know that I need to tone and work on SHAPING my body. This will be a forever thing for me. There will always be ways to improve yourself. :flowerforyou:

    Big, Small, or whatever... I hope that you find things to LOVE about yourself.
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    Try not to set your expectations so high. The number of people in this world who are 100% completely and unequivocally happy with their body is about....zero. I've seen people with flat stomachs, perfect arms, etc all talk about their future plans and goals for improvement. Nothing wrong with it - the desire to improve oneself is generally THE defining motivation for their work. Keep it up. If you've got 130lbs total to lose, at the very least you are going to make monstrous improvements in body composition AND in your health. Yeah, loose skin sucks but dying of a heart attack when you're 45 sucks worse. There are no downsides to losing weight like that.
  • sullykat
    sullykat Posts: 461 Member
    I honestly didn't start liking what I saw in the mirror until I got below 150 pounds… That's not to say you wont love yourself at 160 pounds, or whatever weight it may be. I still have body issues. Many days I wake up and think "You, Kate, do not look good". I don't know when I will be regularly satisfied with what I see in the mirror. Lifting weights has helped my image of myself, more than anything, but it is a struggle quite often for me.
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    Not that I'm anywhere near my goal yet, but I am currently almost 40lbs from my HW, and have been 25 lbs thinner than I am now, and even at that weight (175lbs-- 65lbs from HW), I didn't LIKE my body any more than I did at my HW. I have this fear that even when I hit GW, I'm going to be disappointed in the shape and proportions of my body. My hips are too wide, my calves have always been trunks, stretch marks and "pooch" from pregnancy that won't budge are all staring at me. This fear grips me and almost makes me want to say, "why bother?" If a 65 lb weight loss didn't help my perception of my body, is another 65 going to make me happy?
    Has anyone else experienced this? Anyone get to (or close to) goal and still find that weight hasn't impacted their feelings about their body?

    I don't get posts like this. Why don't you just gain all your weight back?

    I bet you weren't happy there either. There is nothing we can say or do that will change your body type. The issue isn't your "WEIGHT" people are always chasing a number on a scale. That scale means nothing. You're really chasing a look, not a number. I am pretty sure you would want a nicer physique last time you where lower on your weight. That is done by "RESHAPING" your body, you need resistance training.

    She's not complaining, just asking if others feel the same way as she does. As a person who's experienced this, I can completely relate to how she feels. You don't relate to it, and that's ok, but you don't need to belittle someone for asking for support. And, no, it doesn't make me personally want to gain the weight back. It makes me want to get not only physically healthy, but emotionally healthy so I change how I perceive my body.:flowerforyou:
  • morkiemama
    morkiemama Posts: 894 Member
    A lot of people are unhappy at GW because they focused solely on weight loss for their journey. You could start now, but once you hit goal if you are still unhappy my recommendation would be to pick up lifting heavy. Focus on your body composition, lowering BF%, and gaining definition. A lot of people are unhappy at GW because they are "skinny fat." (I've been there, done that).

    I wouldn't start judging yourself now before you even get there! I'm sure you judge yourself enough in the present, let alone future you at the same time. Take it one day at a time. <3
  • angelique_redhead
    angelique_redhead Posts: 782 Member
    I've lost 30. I'm not impressed so far. I'll just have to see what it looks like the nearer I get to goal. Good luck! *HUGS*
  • kelly_e_montana
    kelly_e_montana Posts: 1,999 Member
    I've felt this way too. My suggestion, and what has worked for me, is not to focus on what my body looks like but how my body feels and what it can do. Thus, I like to set fitness goals like completing 30 Day Shred, running a 5K, etc. so that I can feel my body getting stronger. I also like to gauge how often and how significantly I experience illnesses like the cold. Does my eating healthier help my immune system? Can I lift more, run faster, and generally feel healthier? What are my vitals?

    So if you do have body dysmorphia and can't tell what you look like, you can still tell how you can feel and how you can perform. Knowing you are physically fit will give you confidence and make you feel better than simply losing weight ever will! Maybe it does not matter what your goal weight is, really.:smile:
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    My goal was to get about 10 pounds away from what I thought was my goal and figure out what my real goal was. My real goal had nothing to do with that the scale says and everything to do with how I feel, and what I want to look like that is perfectly reasonable for my body. I'm 5'3" so I'm never going to have the legs of a 6' tall model, but I can be strong and lean. My goal became to move faster, be stronger, live happier, and eat cheeseburgers once a week.
  • Sheila_Ann
    Sheila_Ann Posts: 365 Member
    For me it's not about the number it's about body fat and inches lost. My current weight is 123lbs (met and exceeded my goal). I'm now in a size 2 pants and sometimes 0. My weight in high school was around 112lbs and I was around a size 6 in pants. So I weigh less but was in a bigger pant size. I still have my curves. I'm currently working on getting my body fat down from 23.6 to around 18. When ppl find out what size pants I am I get the old "that's not heatly" and i tell them about my weight in HS. For the first time i'm very happy when I look in the mirror. I no longer weigh myself as much as I used to. I'm all about lifting weights and building muscle.

    We are all different. You can do it!

    Best of luck to you!
  • kelly_e_montana
    kelly_e_montana Posts: 1,999 Member
    P.S. And to the OP, no I have not felt any more confident about my body and how it looks at 135 (lowest weight) than 235 (highest weight). So, find confidence through using your body instead of looking at it.
  • Rosplosion
    Rosplosion Posts: 739 Member
    You know, from what you wrote about your body it sounds like you never will be satisfied.

    You cannot change your body type.

    I have wide hips and thick ankles. I am "pear" shaped. This is my body. At 260 it was awful. At 178 (now) it is not satisfactory. At my goal weight though I will STILL HAVE BIG HIPS, THIGHS, and ANKLES. That's my body. You know what, I love my body. That is why I am taking care of it. Its the only one I've got.

    There are many people on this site who can tell you exactly how to get cut, or how to be skinny-fat. I can tell you if you are worried about lose skin you should up your greens intake massively. EAT LEAFY GREENS: kale, chard, bok choi etc. I like to put them in smoothies.

    Good luck and don't be so hard on yourself. You are beautiful.
  • bronnyd
    bronnyd Posts: 278 Member
    I know how you feel...I am about 13 pounds from my goal and I still do not like the way I look naked. I look good in clothing now, but when I look at myself nude, I still have all of the same wobbly bits and cellulite, I am just a smaller version of that. That being said, instead of letting it get me down, I'm now going to focus mainly on weights and building muscle because I think that is the way to really firm up those areas. I hope to see the results I want, and I hope you do too!

    Also, we're always going to find flaws in ourselves. Try to focus on the good and on all of your accomplishments. Tell yourself every day one thing you LIKE about yourself (whether it's a body part or a character trait) :smile:
  • Mischievous_Rascal
    Mischievous_Rascal Posts: 1,791 Member
    My hand's waving in the air right now! Been there!!!

    What helped me was when I started to focus on body fat % rather than weight. Check out this thread:


    Do you incorporate weights/resistance training? That - along with increasing my food from the recommended 1200 kjs - has made a world of difference for me. Last time I was this weight I was a size 9, but with resistance training I'm a size 6/7 now.

    PS - you may want to learn to love the stretchmarks, however...some things are just genetics! lol
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