MFP or Facebook...?



  • alexbusnello
    alexbusnello Posts: 1,010 Member
    I like Facebook a lot more, but MFP and Facebook are for two different things. This site being for fitness and health, Facebook being just for fun, even though you can make fan pages and stuff for fitness and food. I don't get why this topic is such a huge deal. don't like Facebook? Great, don't make an account.
  • kuderstadt
    kuderstadt Posts: 134 Member

    I find myself wanting to "Like" things all the time. The same goes for real life situations, I just want to "Like" things rather than comment on them.

  • KatLifter
    KatLifter Posts: 1,314 Member
    2) Gov't uses FB to surveillance your life.
    3) If you said something wrong or bad then your reputation will be destroyed instantly.
    4) FB endsored Obama and Gay marriage.

    I hate when things get ensored. Almost as much as intolerant people.
  • tlatrice13
    tlatrice13 Posts: 162 Member
    I have both and use both, but I don't want to see your fitness goals and updates and every time you go to the gym on facebook...that's not what I use it for.

    Facebook is for stalking people I know in real life without violating my restraining order. MFP is for finding new people to stalk in case I have to move...again.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • faceoff4
    faceoff4 Posts: 1,599 Member
    I am sick of hearing about someone checking in at an ice cream palor or what they dont like about in life...FB is full of that. I like MFP way better as most here are very genuine about their health and fitness and it is refreshing!
  • umachanxo
    umachanxo Posts: 926 Member
    A lot of people seem to complain about annoying posts etc on Facebook. See, for me, I only have people on there that I want to have on there. I don't have people that annoy me, and I have deleted friends off of the site that bother me with their posts. I like them both, but I usually come to MFP more. I also find that I post more on MFP.
  • searolex
    MFP every time, FB is full of fakes and fantasy people.
  • Sheri869
    Sheri869 Posts: 1,195 Member
    I go on my facebook about once a month! And all I EVER see is mundane lame talk about doing to a movie or headed to dinner or political stuff...maybe I have the wrong friends on facebook...but it seems kinda blah! I do like seeing people pictures updated though....

    As for MFP....I'm on here EveryDay (and MISS it if I can't get on here) and Love reading the things people post about there True accomplishments or their frustrations or their needs for support or advice or recipes.....just a happy or sad moment to share and the SUPPORT that goes out to everyone in comments is what keeps my day much happier!!!

    MFP WAY RULES OVER FACEBOOK!!!! The only thing for me that facebook is a plus for is keeping connected with family that I don't get to see...but I've made much more valuable friends on MFP than I ever could on Facebook!
  • 00sarah
    00sarah Posts: 621 Member
    i deleted my FB. replaced it with MFP. at least now i'm obsessed with fitness goals rather than who was out partying with who.

    THIS!!! FB free for 3 years now. Zero regrets
  • Leeann1979
    Leeann1979 Posts: 1,090 Member
    I like Facebook a lot more, but MFP and Facebook are for two different things. This site being for fitness and health, Facebook being just for fun, even though you can make fan pages and stuff for fitness and food. I don't get why this topic is such a huge deal. don't like Facebook? Great, don't make an account.

    It wasnt intended to be a comparison, i was just asking what people spend more time on. Making small talk. That is all.
  • SoulReckoning
    SoulReckoning Posts: 48 Member
    I agree
    I wish that people got on board with Google+. It's KIND OF awesome.
  • ellabelle0310
    ellabelle0310 Posts: 92 Member
    I traded my FaceBook account for a FetLife account...

    Haha! Kept FB, deleted FL, stay on MFP!
  • halobender
    halobender Posts: 780 Member

    Um...didn't you that here once before as well?
    Everything is cyclical.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
    not even on facebook
  • slacker80
    slacker80 Posts: 235 Member
    Absolutely more active here, and fb is my group of haters, and eyerollers. I just use it to keep up with family since im also not interested in talking to my bro on the phone. Except for every other week.

    I'm fed up with people "Likeing" *kitten* on fb. I scroll down the screen just to a bunch of dumb crap people "Liked" (need a "Like" blocker. I respect religion and beliefs but prayers and religous pics,comments,quotes get carried away. Time to fix preferences ;)

    Rock on FP people!
  • dkaryna
    dkaryna Posts: 19 Member
    keep a tab of both open all day...

  • trackercasey76
    trackercasey76 Posts: 780 Member
    FB is an online trailer park
  • Luvmesumkenny
    Luvmesumkenny Posts: 779 Member
    I use Facebook to get in touch with friends and Family..
    I'm on INSTAGRAM more than Facebook
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    MFP is so much more fun then Facebook!
  • coolraul07
    coolraul07 Posts: 1,606 Member
    MFP >>>>>>>> Facebook

    would much rather see updates of fitness related stuff all day than baby pictures
    I resisted FB until last year when I joined to take advantage of some discounts and online deals. Have a real account that I rarely use (keep track of family), and will create a separate 'stealth' account just for online deals. Hell, I use LinkedIn way more the FB. I only use Twitter mainly as a news aggregator.