Best day for weigh ins??



  • narcissus1199
    narcissus1199 Posts: 18 Member
    Wednesday mornings... keeps you on track while work at work and stops me drinking much after work, while also allowing me to undo damage if the weekend has been a heavy one!!!

    A drink after work today sounds nice. Thanks for the idea!
  • mtaiken2
    I have been weighing in on Wednesdays. Figure if I do this then I have to be held accountable for all the days of the week and I feel it helps me to keep myself on track. My hubby is gone all week and is home on the weekend where I know there will be much more temptation to overeat, so I figure I would weigh in on Wed. to help me stay on track through the weekends. Because I know that day is coming that I have to weigh in and I want it to keep going down. Just my two cents......Keep up the good work everyone!!!flowerforyou:
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Friday morning after my shower is my official weigh in. I like Friday mornings because I've had a nice healthy week. Not really worried so much about the weekend and gaining any significant amount of fat or anything...I'm usually right in line with my goals and if I go over I'm generaly still somewhere between my BMR and TDEE...would be pretty difficult to do in two days anyway...but my sodium intake is usually higher on the weekends because we're always on the go with the kiddos and running errands, etc and I just tend to grab whatever to eat. During the work week I'm much more organized in RE to making sure I'm getting some good stuff for my meals and snacks.
  • mathera26
    mathera26 Posts: 90 Member
    Started weighing in several a week but only recording the ones that showed progress... And there is truth in doing it on Monday morning to be accountable through the weekends so I made a compromise: Monday morning and Friday afternoon. Honesty is the best policy!