Only consuming 500 calories and day and hit a plataue.



  • JediMaster_intraining
    If you physically or mentally cannot start taking in at least a 1000 calories a day (of actual food not just drinks or supplements) then you might need to seek professional help. Sorry that I can't be of much help but I wish you the best.

    BTW it's not just about losing weight to look "better"'s about being a healthy, content individual.
  • ottawagirl613
    ottawagirl613 Posts: 112 Member
    This isn't eating disorder territory, it's an eating disorder. Definitely seek professional help.

    To answer your question your body is starving which is why it won't allow you to lose much/any weight at 500 calories a day. When you get close to your goal (or within a healthy range for your height) you have to eat at a smaller deficit (i.e. well over 500 or 1200 calories) and accept that you will lose more slowly. Your body knows it doesn't really need to lose weight at 140 pounds and it's fighting you every step of the way because you're starving it.
  • smanning1982
    smanning1982 Posts: 210 Member
    Hey there. Please please please talk to someone about this whether a therapist or your parents or someone. You HAVE an eating disorder. This is anorexia, borderline. If you feel fat eating more than 500 calories, this IS an eating disorder. Please seek help. This first step is realizing you have a problem.

    What is happening is your body is going into starvation mode. It may have took several months of losing the weight and now your body is going into starvation mode, whether you feel starved or not. What happens, your body is now hanging on to anything and everything you put into your body to try to stay alive so you probably won't lose any more weight until you get on a healthy diet. At least 1200 calories. Once your body reconizes that you are constantly eatin those 1200 calories a day it will stop holding onto everything and let you start losing weight again.
  • msbunnie68
    msbunnie68 Posts: 1,894 Member
    500 calories a day and you feel disgusted if you go over? You know it's not healthy but you can't stop it? Honey, you need to go to your doctor and tell them is. You HAVE and eating disorder. This IS anorexia nervosa. You need to see this before it impacts on you permanently. You are playing russian roulette with your future health, fertility and mental state. Please seek medical health now NOT advice for further weight loss.


    Please do not give this girl any advice on how to kick start weight loss. It is not what she needs. She needs support and encouragement to seek help from a health professional.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    Go to a Doctor.
  • jansengirlnm
    jansengirlnm Posts: 9 Member
    you are starving your body of required nutriients it needs to survive. plus - as a secondary kick - you are starving your body which is making it think it needs to store up any fat in reserves - which only reduces your metabolic rate. ...
    eat well balanced meals (low fat, low sodium, low carb) every 2 hours AND ensure you drink 8 8-oz glasses of water (else you will store the sodium in your body) .... and you should target a 500 calorie deficit (if you want to lose weight) over what you expend each day in moving/wallking/cleaning/exercising....

    i doubt telling you to see a doctor would make you happy - but honestly if you want to live a healthy life - you should seek medical guidance on how to manage your weight..... who knows - you might even have a thyroid problem or something else that no one on this site would know because we don't know YOU
  • Crankstr
    Crankstr Posts: 3,958 Member
    Go to a Doctor.


    how old are you?
  • shanmackie
    shanmackie Posts: 194 Member
    I ate 500 calories per day in college, and I didn't even have to lose weight. I started at 113. I ended up at 102 after a month or so. Weight came off fast and then plateaued out, and THEN I started the uncontrollable binging. I was eating nearly entire cakes, entire gallons of ice cream, boxes of cereal, etc. I gained it all back and then some, up to 123 lbs. I know that's not much by any means, but it was a lot for me, and I'm only 5'1.5" tall. It put me in a place where I didn't want to be and I've been struggling ever since. Only now am I finally able to eat what I believe is like a "normal person." Please get professional help. Your low calories are what is causing your plateau, and will eventually cause to you eat out of control.
  • SRH7
    SRH7 Posts: 2,037 Member
    I agree with everyone else - you really do need to get help as there is no getting away from the fact that you have or are developing an eating disorder. Is there someone you can talk to about this? Your doctor, sister, mum, friend? Losing weight is absolutely possible on way more than you are currently eating (just ask anyone on this forum) and it's really worrying that you are afraid of increasing your calories.

    I'm sending you a big hug and urging you to get help for this.

    Take care.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Go to a Doctor.


    how old are you?

    OP's profile says 18 y/o
  • Nikki31104
    Nikki31104 Posts: 816 Member
    You definitely need to seek help. You should never hate yourself. At 140 pounds I am willing to bet you look AMAZING. I do suggest you increase your calories. If you can't do it quickly then add 50 - 100 calories a day for a week. Then add another 50 - 100 calories the next week. But please if you don't do anything else please go see a professional. You are dangerously close to anorexia.
  • amili045
    please please please seek help for your self-image. Its terrible that you feel the need to go to that extreme. Also if you feel the need to lose more weight, then maybe see a nutritionist!! and take on a workout regiment but don't push yourself into an early grave. A human being can't survive for long on just 500 cals. Your brain, other organs, muscles and bone structure will start to deteriorate.
  • callieally
    To the person that asked, I am 5 foot 6 and currently weigh 135. I want to get down to 120. I started off at 186.
    I don't know how to make it so their little quote thing comes above..
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    I ate 500 calories per day in college, and I didn't even have to lose weight. I started at 113. I ended up at 102 after a month or so. Weight came off fast and then plateaued out, and THEN I started the uncontrollable binging. I was eating nearly entire cakes, entire gallons of ice cream, boxes of cereal, etc. I gained it all back and then some, up to 123 lbs. I know that's not much by any means, but it was a lot for me, and I'm only 5'1.5" tall. It put me in a place where I didn't want to be and I've been struggling ever since. Only now am I finally able to eat what I believe is like a "normal person." Please get professional help. Your low calories are what is causing your plateau, and will eventually cause to you eat out of control.

    This ^^ happens to a lot who do what you are doing.
    It happened to me also, and is still a battle to keep control.
    You are better learning to eat healthily and in a balanced way, than spending your life battling binge eating and restricting patterns, which can often leave you struggling to get lean anyway.
  • TheCaren
    TheCaren Posts: 894 Member
    Unless you have a doctor or a reputable nutritionist/dietician advising you to eat 500 calories a day, I think you are making a mistake in taking in so little. Even ignoring the hunger factor, you will be at a nutritional defecit that is counterproductive to an ongoing healthy lifestyle. Also, what are you going to do when you hit goal weight? Live on 500 calories a day for the rest of your life?
  • Rosplosion
    Rosplosion Posts: 739 Member

    Yep. If you don't eat ENOUGH your body thinks you're dying and will do everything it can to save you.

    Please seek assistance from a Physician who will refer you to/a therapist who specializes in eating disorders.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    Starting off, I have to say that I know that eating only 500 calories is very bad for you. It has become a mental things now of where if I eat more than that, I hate myself. I feel like a failure and so bloated and fat.

    Well, I have lost a total of 51 pounds over a 8 month period. (Only 17 since I joined this site) Before Christmas, I hit a plataue at 140. I was stuck there about 2 weeks. On Christmas day, I threw my diet out the window. I ate like crazy. I just didn't care. Then the next day I stepped on the scale and noticed I had lost a pound. I went back on my 500 calorie diet and continued to lose weight. About 4 more pounds in a week and a half.

    Well, Here I am today, about 2 weeks later and still stuck on the same weight that I was after that week and a half ended. I have hit another plataue.
    Most people would just easily say "Go crazy again. Eat all you want." but the thing is, I can't. Today I consumed about 1200 calories, and I feel horrible. I feel as if I gained 40000 pounds.

    I just don't know what to do at this point. I am stuck between going back to my 500 calorie a day diet, and being stuck at that weight again. (And hate myself) or force myself to eat 1000+ calories again tomorrow (and feel fat and hate myself.)
    It is like either way I loose.

    Does anybody know why the drastic increase in calories for that one day made me loose 4-5 pounds? I just can't force myself to go crazy again because it is no special occasion, and I fear that Christmas was just a one time thing and if I go crazy, It will just make me gain weight.

    Seek professional help

    This. You don't new to be here, you need to be in therapy.
  • LittleMiss_WillLoseIt
    LittleMiss_WillLoseIt Posts: 1,373 Member
    Hunny just seek one here can give you the help you need.
  • yo_andi
    yo_andi Posts: 2,178 Member
    To the person that asked, I am 5 foot 6 and currently weigh 135. I want to get down to 120. I started off at 186.
    I don't know how to make it so their little quote thing comes above..

    Sweetheart, you need to seek a professional's help with what's going on. Please, please, please speak to a parent or a grownup friend or a teacher or someone you trust. It may be difficult to admit it, but you have to do it.
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