When do you log?



  • Bakkasan
    Bakkasan Posts: 1,027 Member
    I log around 9:30AM after my second cup of coffee
  • lilmisfit
    lilmisfit Posts: 860 Member
    I log my breakfast, lunch and snacks in the morning. At night, I log dinner as I'm making it.
  • PetulantOne
    PetulantOne Posts: 2,131 Member
    I pre-log.

    I don't always stick to what I log 100%, but if I decide I want to have something else I can see right away if it will fit with my cals/macros for the day. If it will I eat it, if not I stick to the plan. It's helped tremendously. In the beginning I probably would have consumed all my cals by lunch if I hadn't tracked this way.
  • veggieshark
    veggieshark Posts: 153 Member
    Before school I log my breakfast and all of the food I'm taking to school with me that day, so up through lunch. After that it's just whenever I get on a computer!
  • JaceyMarieS
    JaceyMarieS Posts: 692 Member
    I pre-log every morning. For the past year, I've repeated the mantra "Fail to plan - Plan to fail". Recently, I saw this comment on a friend's feed and it sums my philosophy up perfectly... "Pre-logging is looking at the price tag before you make the purchase"

    I know instantly if that pat of butter and sprinkle of cheese or bacon (mmm...bacon) is going to be a good idea. No more "a Blooming Onion has HOW MANY calories and serves HOW MANY people? *&@%#^!*&!!" scenarios at 11 PM.

    I don't complete my diary until evening just in case something changes, but this philosophy has been extremely helpful in keeping me on track.
  • KristysLosing
    Sometimes in the morning, sometimes after I've eaten something. Every day is a little different.
  • Texafornia23
    Texafornia23 Posts: 177 Member
    I try to log as much as possible the day before... and then I update throughout the day. If I at least know what my dinner will be I can make choices throughout the day based on what I know my calorie intake will look like at dinner.
  • Jaulen
    Jaulen Posts: 468 Member
    I try to log the night before. That way I've planned out what I'm going to eat for the next day.

    And try to leave a hundred calories or so in case I'm tempted by the candy dish at work.

    Then at the end of the day before I eat dinner I adjust, and adjust again if I didn't stick to it.
  • onyxgirl17
    onyxgirl17 Posts: 1,721 Member
    after I eat ;)
  • ryry_
    ryry_ Posts: 4,966 Member
    During the week my menu stays relatively the same so I log everything at work in the morning and adjust if I need too later. During the weekend I mix it up more and log as I go.
  • katynic12
    katynic12 Posts: 10 Member
    I log as I go. If I don't have the chance I always take pictures of what Im eating before I eat it so I can go back and look at it while I'm logging.
  • 1two3four
    1two3four Posts: 413 Member
    I've only ever logged at the end of the day and only ever a few times per month.

    This year I'm going to do better (about logging and weight loss in general) - I'm logging every day. I've mostly done it at the end of the day but a few times I've logged before hand.

    I almost didn't log today. Very stressed and was just about to turn off computer when I remembered to log. It took me 10 minutes to recall my breakfast. If I had a handheld device capable of logging I'd probably log right before or after eating because then you always know exactly what you can and can't eat. Today my breakfast was NOT optimal (perhaps another reason I forgot!) and if I'd been continuously logging before eating I would have made a better lunch choice and not made a bad breakfast choice followed by a lunch choice that was ALMOST as bad. Continuously logging also ensures you won't be trying to recall first thing in the morning at the end of a really bad day.
  • SurfyFriend
    SurfyFriend Posts: 362 Member
    I'd love to log the day before, but when I do, I always decide the next day that I want something different and it doesn't seem to work. I also sometimes log breakfast as I'm walking to work or lunch home from work and then later after dinner when I go for another walk. It makes the time go so fast :)
  • thefewsteps
    thefewsteps Posts: 201 Member
    lately since ive had extra time i've been logging about half the night before so i get a general meal plan, yet im still able to be flexible if something comes up or i jsut dont feel like eating something. then i just log on my phone periodically throughout the day.
  • johnhubbs
    johnhubbs Posts: 33 Member
    Log as I go. Look up questionable food before eating and cut amount as needed to stay under Cal goals
  • MysticRealm
    MysticRealm Posts: 1,264 Member
    I log as I go, or as I have time. If I want to see if something will fit into my calories I will sometimes add it ahead of time to check. Sometimes I will delete it till I actually have it and sometimes I will leave it on there.
  • ahallen83
    ahallen83 Posts: 25 Member
    I work evenings, so I tend to make and pack my lunch, dinner and snacks for my next shift the night before once I get home from work. I don't tend to deviate from those pre-planned meals, so I usually log my whole days worth of food after I finish breakfast because I know what I'll be eating.

    The only thing that might differ is my snacks, like if I did a really hard, long workout and burned more calories than I expected to then I'll probably have some extra fruit and protein afterwards.

    I wear a heart rate monitor to the gym to track my calories burned, and I usually go 5xweek. I log those as soon as I get home from the gym.
  • anels449
    anels449 Posts: 3,187 Member
    I usually eat lunch, a snack, and dinner, so during lunch I'll log my lunch and dinner and that'll determine what kind of snack I can have in between. So far it's been pretty effective for me; I can see what I'm still able to have or if I need tone it down a bit. I'm rarely on the computer at home, so doing it during my lunch helps so I actually get it done. :p
  • Pearlyladybug
    Pearlyladybug Posts: 882 Member
    i log my whole day every morning when i get to work. exactly what i have for lunch pre planed dinners etc etc the only thing i log when i get home is my work out .
  • lee91356
    lee91356 Posts: 330 Member
    In advance, a day or even two before. I prefer to have my eating plan ahead and work off it, minus a few calories here or there. I find if I have my eating plan prepared I will stick to my calories and not stray, but if I have to 'go with it' I tend to make worse decision because I cant always calculate and measure my food as accurately.