How many here have "never been thin"



  • LaurenVamp
    LaurenVamp Posts: 74 Member
    ME. I think i was thin at, like, age three, maybe? If you can be thin as a toddler.
  • ladynica
    ladynica Posts: 329 Member
    I've never been thin in my adult life. I was in my preteens the last time I was thin. I plan to change that though.
  • WDEvy
    WDEvy Posts: 814 Member
    Yup. I have never bought a pair of pants in a regular women store. I am seriously thinking about throwing a party when I can finally fit in some 12s and not have to go to a plus size store.
  • Lacey_Cakes
    Lacey_Cakes Posts: 223 Member
    As far back as I can remember I have been the "big guy" or have never been thin. I just want to experience it. I don't want to buy into that anymore or what your family says, things like "" you just have "our build" or genetics""

    It sux to alway believe that

    i know the feeling, its been like that since forever. im always the chubby friend. i got so close last year to being thin. then i got pregnant, now im trying again to be thin for the first time
  • grizzlywes24
    I've always been a big man, gotten several nicknames from it too. "biggin, hoss, Big Wes, etc." those are the non negative names anyways. I am now looking to discover the real me, the me I was meant to be. Nothing will keep me from achieving greatness!
  • KabbyGU
    KabbyGU Posts: 158 Member
    I've never been thin, but really got chunky in fifth grade. A couple times I got sick and lost weight due to that (#1-Appendicitis, #2 Mono) but I quickly gained it back and have no memories of being thin, even in those times. I just want to feel it. To go to a store and find that the cute styles I like fit and look good! To not have to remind myself "suck it in, you look pregnant" I'm halfway there, have been for a while, but I'm hoping to break through to the other side. I want to know what it feels like to love the reflection in the mirror. To, she looks great!!
  • eodell86
    eodell86 Posts: 4 Member
    It does suck, but genetics don't lie. Although usually when there's a family where everyone is large it's more the eating habits passed down in the family than genetics. Although there are genetic codes that relate to people's ability to store fat etc. You can fight these. There is no genetic code that says "You're Fat". Or if there is they certainly haven't found it. Your body, your choices, your power. Empower yourself to believe that you can do it. Which you can. But knowing your body is important, and knowing that your body is prone to fat storage is something you need to be aware of and work a little harder to control. Once your body makes fat cells you don't really lose them. You lose the lipids that they store, but you do not necessarily destroy the cells. This makes it easier to gain weight back. Just be aware, informed, and ready to work hard. You can do it! :)
  • cara523
    cara523 Posts: 116
    not even when I was born! I see baby pics of me and all i can say is "REALLY??!" sheesh! But never too late to start! On my way! almost a week down and a long way to go and since I will be here for a longggggggggggggggggg time, feel free to add me as a freind! Everyone and anyone can! LETS DO THIS!!
  • Qwiss
    Qwiss Posts: 13 Member
    I've always been tall (5'10") and on the heavier side of the scale. When I was a kid I got picked on all the time (looking back at photos I wasn't heavy at all). While in the military I weighed 185lbs but didn't look it because I worked out a lot. Now I'm at my heaviest at 240 and definitely look it. But I've never been what I consider 'thin' at all.
  • eodell86
    eodell86 Posts: 4 Member
    I also forgot to post, that I am also one of those "Always big" people. Even when I was my thinnest I was still considered plus size, so don't worry. You're not alone.
  • appelsiinipuu
    appelsiinipuu Posts: 97 Member
    I have definitely never been thin.. and also never been able to lose more than a few kgs. :(
    I feel like I have absolutely wasted my life so far. I hope that I can finally do it this year.. get rid of all this excess weight and hopefully gain a life instead!
  • haroon_awan
    haroon_awan Posts: 1,208 Member
    Yep, been "chubby" my whole life, despite eating and working harder than 99% of the people I know!
  • eodell86
    eodell86 Posts: 4 Member
    Ever since puberty, I've always remembered my mom and dad on my case about going on diets.

    Sounds more like your parents are defective rather than you?
  • Velum_cado
    Velum_cado Posts: 1,608 Member
    I've never been thin. I don't really want to be, either. :)
  • Aliannia
    I've always been the fat one. I remember in elementary school my mom taking me to the doctor to have him put me on a diet. Even had to go to a nutrionist. I think I might have been 10. That was 37 years ago.

    I've struggled with my weight my entire life. I'm determined that with the help of MFP, my boyfriend's encouragement and the support I get here, I'm going to make my goal. I'm not putting a timeline on it, it took me 37 years to put this weight on. But I know how much I want to weigh and that's my goal.
  • Anthonydaman
    Anthonydaman Posts: 854 Member
    same here brother
  • NinjaJinja
    NinjaJinja Posts: 147 Member
    I've never been thin either. When I went to the doctor as a child I was always in the 90th percentile of weight. I have no idea what I would look like thin. Like it's actually stuck in my mind that I will lose all this weight and look exactly the same.
  • amanda3brown
    I have always been overweight/obese. & I agree with you!
  • helyg
    helyg Posts: 675 Member

    I weigh less now than I did when I was 12 (I am 34). And I'm still slightly overweight.
    JESSJESJ Posts: 121 Member
    yup - agree with everything said: thought i was fat when I wasn't; told to go on diets for years when I was younger; would kill to look like i did when I thought I was fat, etc etc etc