Finding the time to exercise.. Single Mum works Full time



  • FitCowgirl8
    FitCowgirl8 Posts: 175 Member
    I am a single mom to a 3 year old and I also work full time at a desk, am a 4-H leader, and a drill team director. I completely understand how hard it is to find time. I used to be the same way. I was always too worn out to stick with an exercise routine once my daughter was in bed and trying to get up in the morning to work out cut into the little bit of sleep I already get (up at 4:30 already just to get to work on time). I spent years making excuses that I couldn't find the time but last November I decided that this was something I needed to do for me so now I treat exercise as I do any other meeting or commitment. It is in my planner to work out from 3:30 to 4:30 right after I get off work before I pick up my daughter from daycare. This way there are no more excuses and I have found I have actually been able to stick with this schedule much better than the other times that I had tried. There are still days that I miss due to my busy life but I think that happens no matter when you exercise. One other thing I do while I am at work is have my computer set to print at the printer 3 floors up from my office so every time I need to print something I have to walk stairs to go get it :)