throw out or keep



  • Celeigh12
    Celeigh12 Posts: 763 Member
    I've lost weight before and kept the clothes out of fear that I would regain as most people do and need them. It's hard to find larger clothes that fit! They were expensive! And eventually I ended up back in the clothes.

    This time, I got rid of them all. Four sizes worth in 8 giant garbage bags. It was so scary, and yet everything in those bags represented a life I don't want anymore. Nice or not, still with tags or not. I had to let it go. So now I have a mostly empty closet and it's frightening sometimes to open it, but liberating at the same time.

    Don't make it easy to go back to your life before.
  • erinpooh
    I only keep a couple things in the larger sizes and bag up and donate the rest. Some things I can alter and do periodically. In fact, I need to purge my closet--haven't done it in a while.
  • BamBam125
    BamBam125 Posts: 229 Member
    1) Clean everything
    2) Sort everything according to size, season, condition, and if you would WANT to wear it again.
    3) Keep and hang up anything that meets ALL of the following:
    you want it,
    it's in good condition,
    it fits,
    it's in season
    4) Keep and store anything that meets ALL of these requirements in neatly labelled bags or bins:
    you want it,
    it's in good condition,
    it fits but is out of season OR it's too small
    5) Donate or sell anything that wasn't kept from the previous steps.
    5b) Keep your largest dress or pair of pants as evidence of how much progress you made.
    6) Take one outfit out of the items from step 4. Choose an outfit that is just 1 size too small. Hang it up in a place where you see it regularly.
    7) Try on the item from step 6 periodically. If it doesn't fit, repeat step 7. If it fits proceed to step 8.
    7b) When the season changes, go to 8b)
    8) Open the next size smaller bin of clothes from step 4.
    8b) Open the seasonal bins for your current size and the next size smaller.
    9) Go to step 2.
  • Glynneybug
    Glynneybug Posts: 196 Member
    I try to get rid of all my clothes that are too big or even getting too big, so as to keep me motivated. I donate all my "too big" stuff. I did keep a couple pieces to refer back to later, as a reminder of how far I have come. :) Wish I would have kept my biggest jeans to look back at now.
  • Glynneybug
    Glynneybug Posts: 196 Member
    1) Clean everything
    2) Sort everything according to size, season, condition, and if you would WANT to wear it again.
    3) Keep and hang up anything that meets ALL of the following:
    you want it,
    it's in good condition,
    it fits,
    it's in season
    4) Keep and store anything that meets ALL of these requirements in neatly labelled bags or bins:
    you want it,
    it's in good condition,
    it fits but is out of season OR it's too small
    5) Donate or sell anything that wasn't kept from the previous steps.
    5b) Keep your largest dress or pair of pants as evidence of how much progress you made.
    6) Take one outfit out of the items from step 4. Choose an outfit that is just 1 size too small. Hang it up in a place where you see it regularly.
    7) Try on the item from step 6 periodically. If it fits proceed to step 8.
    8) Open the next size smaller bin of clothes from step 4.
    9) Go to step 2.

    Love these suggestions!
  • RaineMarie
    RaineMarie Posts: 158 Member
    I recently just cleaned out my closet. I had clothes at my current heaviest weight and clothes at my smaller weight. I finally just got rid of the smaller clothes. Most of them - even if I could wear them, I probably wouldnt. I also donated clothes in my current size that I just know I wont really wear anymore. It was really liberating to start fresh - added bonus: my closet is much cleaner and organized!
  • bcf7683
    bcf7683 Posts: 1,653 Member
    My mom walked into my house about 6 months ago and saw my entire living room floor covered in my old clothes... She says "What are you going to do with all of these things?!" with a horrified look on her face (I'm a slight shopping addict, and I tend to have expensive taste, so I guess I can understand her shock) But then she says "You need to keep this stuff. What you are going to do when you're that size again?" :noway: I've never wanted to hurt my own family, but that comment inched me awful close.

    Nonetheless, I let my friends go through everything and take what they wanted, and took the nice stuff to a consignment store nearby, the rest donated. I wanted to get it out of the house as quickly as I could. I didn't want it hanging around reminding me how big I used to be, and I DEFINITELY didn't want it "just in case". My friends were thrilled that I let them all go through it, and I was happy to help the people where I donated it who could get some nice stuff cheap. It sucked seeing all my nice stuff go, but I didn't want it hanging over my head.
  • Luvmesumkenny
    Luvmesumkenny Posts: 779 Member
    I donate!!! It Keeps me Motivated to keep Pushing myself. I do have a Pair of "FAT" Pants I keep so I never forget where I came from and how far Ive Come.. Other than that I GET RID OF IT!!!!
  • Zampa13
    Zampa13 Posts: 75 Member
    Thanks for all the great advice guys...

    I am planning a massive sort out this weekend. I will keep a couple of pairs of jeans in lower sizes just so I have something to wear as and when I drop some weight. I will of course be donating anything that is not too worn...Id never be so wastefull as to just throw it in the bin.

    There is only one thing that I keep that makes me think I want to get into that again. A black blouse that I wore when I met my partner nearly 9 years ago.... It reminds me of the size I was I was slim, healthy, youthfull and full of life!. I have managed to fit into this a few times over the years and I know when I fit into that, I have acheived my goal or standard of 'normality'.

    I always find it strange how one item of clothing has such sentimental value and psychological power to motivate me, I think I would be absolutly devistated if this was mistakenly thrown out. In fact now I think about it when i get in from work tonight....Im going to get it out wash and Iron it and have it hanging up so I can see it and aim to be back in it by November.

    Thanks again for all you words of wisdom!
