*** Supportive Friends -- Looking to Release 50+ Pounds ***



  • amberlynne1984
    New to the threads, and just looking for some motivation, and wonderful people to share that with. I am 28, healthcare worker. Its hard to preach to patients the importance of health, when I was not living healthy. I have made the change and i am over half way to being a 100Lbs lighter.
  • Snipsa
    Snipsa Posts: 172 Member
    Hi all, I'm Alta, I'm from South Africa. I'm looking to lose around the 50 pound mark. I've always been the fat kid, since primary school, I've always felt like the odd one out.

    Then after school worked for an IT company before deciding my true passion was working with people. Thus I graduated last year with a Bachelor's degree in Physiotherapy.

    Loved the course and the people, but seriously felt out of place during all the practical sessions when we had to strip down to basically underwear, to practice on each other. Nobody ever commented or said anything, but being the fat chick in those circumstances reaaaally sucks!

    So now that I've graduated I've decided no more! I am going to be healthy, I am going to be fit, and I will be able to guide patients to do the same when needed!

    So glad to have found this site. It's been a great help thus far!
  • Amberamazes
    Amberamazes Posts: 9 Member
    Hello there I'm Amber and I'm looking to lose 120lbs in total.
  • hollyjane77
    Hi everyone! I'm Holly - a 35 y/o, happily married mommy of 3 little ones - two boys (ages 5 & 3) and a little girl (age 2). I'm originally from Rhode Island, but am currently living in upstate New York. I work part time (2 nights a week) as an RN on a mental health/chemical addictions unit, but most of the time, I'm home with my kiddos. I've struggled with weight issues since childhood and used to be anorexic as a teen (5'6"ish and 87 lbs). For most of my adult life, I have fluctuated between 130 &155 pounds. (135-140 is ideal for me). THEN, my mom passed away, I went through nursing school, and I had 3 babies - all within a pretty short period of time - and the overeating that accompanied the stress of all that really piled the weight on! Since 2008, I have not been below 200 lbs. My goal is 138. I have about 83 more pounds to lose to get there. I joined MFP in March 2012, but wasn't using it regularly until December. I'm determined now, exercising regularly, and tracking my calories daily. My biggest challenges at the moment are being patient with the scale, trying to be kind to myself... and potty training 2 kids :wink:
  • fresh_start59
    fresh_start59 Posts: 590 Member
    This looks to be a nice friendly thread. I'd love to join in!

    I am a 5'4" 53-year-old female from Southern California. My goal is to lose about 75-80 pounds to put me in the "overweight" range according to BMI experts. Once I reach that weight I will consider whether I want to continue to "normal" BMI levels.

    I have been sedentary most of my adult life, but never as sedentary as the past 18 months. With the encouragement of my 20-something son, I recently started eating a little better and moving a bit more. I have a long way to go to get healthy, but I'm working on it a little every day.

    My new motto is: Baby Steps! :-)
  • penny_eclipse
    penny_eclipse Posts: 524 Member
    Ok so I have FINALLY updated my weight on here…because the scale finally said a number I can admit to. (I’ve now lost about 10lbs since the first re-weigh in on the 7th Jan but havn’t been able to admit to all the losses I’ve had these 2.5-3 weeks, because I havn’t wanted to admit quite how much I’d managed to put on…) ESPECIALLY since my (accurate) scale still says I’m 2lbs heavier than I was fully clothed at the doctors on the 4th Jan (so either I was having a REALLY light day at ~14lbs lighter…or their scale (one of the dial ones) is a very very kind scale!…I had kittens when I weighed myself on the 7th and realised how much extra I weighed in reality…It was actually much closer to what I’d thought I was at, but since the result at the Dr’s I’d really hoped that I’d put on less than I’d feared.)

    So now mfp is a true reflection of where I am, which is back to exactly the halfway point grrr, but at least it’s not more than half way to go! 32lbs lost, 32lbs to go…

    It is kind of ridiculous that I can put on 32lbs and not go up a clothes size though. I know I’m fuller in the clothes, and whereas I used to be a lot more wobbly, a lot of it is muscle now, but seriously, even if I’ve put on 10lbs muscle…surely 22lbs is more than a clothes size (and please bear in mind even 3 weeks ago at +10lbs I was still wearing the same size albeit very tight…that’s 42lbs difference wearing the same clothes size. My body must be like Mary Poppins’ bag! I have no idea where it puts it.

    Ice update, I swear it gets worse as the weather “improves” (it’s not improving I swear, it’s still freaking cold, and there’s still 6inches snow by the sides of all the roads, 2inches ice on all the pavements, 4inches slush on the side roads, and yet all the real roads are fine so everyone’s back driving like lunatics again!) In central London it’s as though it never happened and I feel like a lunatic being bundled up like an arctic explorer (suitable for where I live) when I step off the train at the other end. Even the number of commuters in wellies is becoming slim to none.

    Becky, I’m so impressed at your workout yesterday, you crazy lady! Was it OK or are you now having a battle of wills with your body - it deciding you’re ready to curl up and recover whilst you’ve re-caught the exercise bug?

    Hello to everyone new, please post lots, with whatever you like, otherwise the thread won’t be helpful to you. To keep the community alive we have to use it. Also, it keeps me occupied at work during bits of downtime between horrific busy-ness and stops me thinking about my growling stomach.
  • harribeau2012
    harribeau2012 Posts: 644 Member
    :flowerforyou: what a lovely lot!! hello there, i am Liz and I'm on my way to 42 y/o. I'm from UK married (not smug married)and i have two fab boys 16 and 11 and want to get down by 70-84 pounds. Like many i have yo-yo'd and I think i fell into a trap a few years ago-kind of a know it all-do nothing with it attitude. I would say things like If WW worked long term then I would be thin! I have finally FINALLY got my head into the place where I am ready to own my fat. no-one forced it down my throat...I have effectively been eating at least twice as much as I should and therefore have some saved up for later..
    I read something on MFP the other week (week one) which I have been keeping very much in mind
    Love fat me...don't hate myself...afterall I have decided to change, I have taken this step, it is fat me that will eat well, it is this person who is going to work hard - not slim me, she is where I hope to get to -I wont be a better person, more loveable, more worthy, by being slim I will simply be slim...I am doing this, love me for that!

    I love the idea that i will "release" my pounds,let them go. xxx nice to meet you :flowerforyou:
  • misspinkshorts
    misspinkshorts Posts: 41 Member
    Penny- The snow and icky weather is really getting to me too. Its been in the single digets here for almost 2 weeks. Bitter cold, snow, ice makes for boring workouts. I hate hate hate running on a treadmill or track but its been to disgusting outside for running.

    Today I did day 4 of lvl 1 30DS. Im feeling it. Oh man do I feel like death 10 minutes in but by the end of the day Im barely sore. I feel like Im doing something wrong. Today I didn't even want to get out of bed but I did anyway. Proud of myself. :)

    Today is my last full day of work before my full time classes start. All my friends come back this weekend and the temptation to just throw in the bag will be STRONG. You guys are gonna have to keep me accountable. I can't wait for my friends to be back but I need to be stronger.

    Im hoping once the weather gets 'better' and the days start getting longer (right now its to dark in the AM to run in my neighborhood and too dark at night by the time im off work) I will be able to get outside and get active. Hope everyone has a GREAT, HEALTHY day!!!
  • clcole522
    clcole522 Posts: 68 Member
    Happy Wednesday my friends.. I'm so ready for Friday! Its been so cold here on
    the Eastern Shores of MD... Can't get out and run, Can't walk the dog..(even though he's a Huskey, and LOVES the cold weather...
    I haven't even gotten up and out the door at 5am to hit the gym, b/c its just so cold and I don't want to tackle it... I know probably a horrible excuse, but......I'm waiting for at least our 50 degree weather back, so I can get back outside....
    How is everyone's week been?
  • MrsG2
    MrsG2 Posts: 56 Member
    Misspinkshort...I was worried about hanging with friends for the same reason, but I've told them all what I'm doing (using MFP to lose weight) and they have ALL been incredibly supportive. As a matter of fact, one of them joined herself...not to lose weight, but to watch what she eats and improve how she eats. I've found accountability to friends and family has really helped. Maybe one of your friends would want to do this, too!

    On a slightly related note...I will tell you that it was hard to "admit" that I was on this track, because what I've always shown to people is a confident, happy person (happy with myself), regarless of size. Of course everyone knows I'm a big girl, but I never, EVER showed them how it really made me feel. I never even shared that with my husband. I really am a happy and confident person, but sometimes I have to work at it. My weight has always been my biggest insecurity and although I am happy with me, I'd be happier if I didn't have to worry about how to pose in a picture to hide my double chin! It's hard to share what's inside with others, but I've found that it's actually helping me. Who knew??
  • MrsG2
    MrsG2 Posts: 56 Member
    hello, my name is emily and i too am trying to lose weight. ive had the MFP app for awhile but never really used it, i really dont have anyone to do it with. i lost that motivation. i refused to weigh in because like most people its a nightmare, i finally did today and i am 334.8. its horrible but i can admit it. ive been seriously inputing all my meals and exercises for over a week now and its like the light turned on finally all because im actually seeing my calories and its really awesome. im doing pretty good so far and im planning on weighing in on wednesdays. im hoping that i can get support from fellow dieters because i feel it helps when your not doing it alone. any suggestions would be great, and if i can help that would be great too. thank you for reading.

    We're here for you!
  • gramarye
    gramarye Posts: 586 Member
    Hi, I'm Ashley. I'm looking to get down from my highest (~290) to what I think is a sustainable weigh (180). I'm only 5'3", so I'm very wide. I've got a son (almost four) and work at home as a freelance tech writer -- so, fairly sedentary.

    I come from a heavyset family; every woman on my paternal line is large-chested, large-thighed. (My little sister, meanwhile, got my mother's much kinder figure.) But I've also always had a wolfishly large appetite and a penchant for emotional eating. Right now I'm focusing on eating better, and simply not eating as a default action. I'm also being more conscious of the things I eat, and how I eat them.

    I'm not feeling super optimistic these days, but I'm sticking with it because I'd really like to model healthier eating for my son.
  • msojak75
    Hi, my name is Michelle. I'm a happily married mother of four. I have been overweight my whole life. I have suffered from hypothyroidism in the past and two years ago had the right half of my thyroid removed.
    I have struggled with my weight for so long. I am determined to do something about it this year.
    I've lost 8 pounds to date with 125 to go. I have to keep reminding myself that I didn't put the weight on in a day, it won't come off in a day. This is hard, but in the end I'll have something to show for it.
    I love reading everyone else's story.
  • zainabhassanq
    Hi I am Zainab and am 25 years old. I have always struggled to lose weight in life. I have always been the chunky one, but have always yo yoed between obese and overweight and like a lot of you am in it this time to lose it all for good!

    I get married next October and have declared war on fat. I have had the app for some time but I gave up last year after losing only 6 lbs. However being 4ft11" does not go well with a total of 156 pound of body weight! I have managed to rid off 14 lbs and for the first time feel better (only a little) about myself.

    All the diet plans I have ever been on (And believe me I have tried everything on this planet) have always been useless for me- But I realised that it was because I have never ever had any support- just a constant berating from even my closest- about how i need to slim down.

    So, I am back on mfp and hope that this time fingers Crossed- I lose all the excess along with the problems such as bad sleep and aches and pains even though I am only 25 years old. I am hoping upon hope that this group can help me talk to like minded people who actually understand the journey and that we become a vital support system for each other on the way!

    Please do add me as a friend and let us start (or continue) with lots and lots of support to achieve our goal weights.

    Too excited.
  • findingfab
    Hello to all!

    I am Lisa....39 and pushing hard on 40s door! Wife, Mom, full time Admin Asst (currently, but with a promotion coming once they fill my position - yay!) and a part time student finishing up my associate's degree after putting it off for too many years. I was an athletic youth and didn't gain my weight until I got married and had children. Needless to say, I've spent all of my adult life trying to lose what I've gained.

    My ultimate goal is to get down to about 163ish....which is right around where I was when I got married, but for now I'd like to see ONEderland by the end of the year which is about a 55# loss.

    I would love to join ya'll!
  • pennsciteach
    Okay - today while kiddies are doing martial arts I am going to try to use the dojang's tread mill. It is so hard to make time to work out when you are the one who monitors the kids YKWIM? And then tomorrow I am going to take my first Bokwa class. And then on Saturday I am going to try the Xbox Knect's activeinspire "game". My husband doesn't like it b/c he says it is too intense, but I have always been more mobile / aerobic than him even though he always weighs less than me (working on that!). He is way stronger in the upper body than me though. So here is hoping. I start to give out on aerobics usually, it just takes sooooooo much control and effort to get my heartbeat where it should be. This is where I need the help to not give up.
  • Jodi_Hiking4Fitness
    I'm Jodi. I live in San Jose, CA. Recently had a health set back due to a tumor. (not trying to make an excuse). I need to drop a good 70 pounds. I'd love to be part of this support group.
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member

    Pennsciteach: it is hard to fit in the exercise - so any bit you get in deserves a pat on the back! Good luck tomorrow with the Kinect and let us know how you get on.

    MrsG2: I said the same thing to myself for years: happy, confident etc. Even convinced myself my size didn't matter, wore what I wanted (I was fat, everyone knew it, clothes weren't really hiding). Then one day I broke down and admitted it was all an act and I began this amazing journey. Welcome aboard!

    Penny: 10lbs that is awesome! You do sound like you have a Mary Poppins wardrobe...32lbs is an incredible variance to be in the same size!! (but cheaper than having to buy new clothes). Any chance the clothes were getting too big and that's why they 'fit' on both ends of the scale (pun intended!)

    Well this was supposed to my strict day. It didn't end up being strict but it was a very good day. Perhaps on a day when I am out and about with wee miss it will be easier to have a strict day. Too much time cooped up and inside and I just couldn't be super strict (especially without the guilt of having been really bad!). Other than that, not much new here! Thirsty Thursday so drink up! (my day is done....12 glasses!)
  • gramarye
    gramarye Posts: 586 Member
    Okay - today while kiddies are doing martial arts I am going to try to use the dojang's tread mill. It is so hard to make time to work out when you are the one who monitors the kids YKWIM?

    I feel you there. I work out in the morning, and I do Wii Fit because most days, my son will play along. It sort of makes it fun and I feel like, "Hey, look at you, learning something useful from me!"
  • misspinkshorts
    misspinkshorts Posts: 41 Member
    MrsG2-- Thanks for the encouragement. Im hoping to bring it up with my roommate and one or two close friends. My roommate might want to eat health with me which would also help because we split some groceries so if she was eating the fruits and veggies that would give me some support and encouragement and save me some bucks!

    Work was so boring. By 3:30 I was STARVING and had nothing to eat. I need some healthy snacks that I can keep at work. Also once the semester starts Im going to be going straight from work to the gym 3 or 4 days a weeks. Im going to need something in between lunch and dinner to hold me off. Anyone have an opinion on Cliff and/or Luna bars?

    On a side note... having a girls night with my roomie to kickstart our weekend. We had dinner and Im stuffed (ate a lil too much pizza) but Im still like 400 calories under my goal for the day. I don't think I could eat anything else tonight but isn't it bad to be so far under?

    Work was so boring and the crazy people I work with are so dramatic. I really don't like my job. It makes me want to stuff my face with chocolate or kill someone. I swear. This day just seemed to drag and drag. Im so glad I did my workout (30DS) this morning because I would not have done it after work. I have been proud of myself all week. I worked out every day and plan on running tomorrow afternoon middle of the day when the sun is up and its the 'warmest'. Saturday will be my rest day and then its right back into 30DS.

    Bring on the WEEKEND.