*** Supportive Friends -- Looking to Release 50+ Pounds ***



  • CanToGirl
    CanToGirl Posts: 474 Member
    Misspinkshort: I think having a protein bar between lunch and dinner is a great idea. Also some roasted nuts would be a good thing to have to munch on.

    Some times I just don't get my body. On Monday I had a great workout, felt alive and really pushed myself and burnt a good amount of calories and today did the same work out and was tired off my *kitten*. I pushed myself and talked myself not to quit early and all that kept going through my head was I hate this, I hate working out. Maybe because TOM is here and he is usually a debbie downer. So I don't know.
    Otherwise that is about it. Hope everyone is doing well and making good choices.

  • Lori0510
    Lori0510 Posts: 24 Member
    Hi. My name is Lori and like some others in the group, I joined MFP a while ago but never used it. Several years ago I did start having success losing weight by logging in calories but got off track. I'm now at my highest weight, feel terrible, and need to focus on getting strong and healthy and losing this weight. Ultimately I'd like to lose 150 lbs. That's so overwhelming to think about.

    I'm 45 y/o, married, have 2 teenage sons, and work full-time. I look forward to getting to know you all and supporting each other on our journey.
  • Kgtweight1
    Hi everyone,
    I joined the website more than two years ago but stopped after two weeks. I started again last week, and I really need to lose the weight. I need to lose about 60-70 pounds. I am worried about health problems. I welcome any encouragement. Also, I am still learning how to use the website, so please add me as your friend.
    Thank you.
  • Sandy3313
    Sandy3313 Posts: 140 Member
    Hi my name is Sandy I am a 45yr old a stay at home mom I help take care of my parents and trying to cook healthy meals for my family is sometimes almost impossible because all you hear is whats that! I'm not eating that! UGGHHHH! so trying to stay on a diet is very hard....I really didn't have a problem with my weight until my husband passed away shortly after my 2nd son was born it will be 7yrs this March......... So I just joined a couple of days ago and hope this works....my motivation now is to be healthy and happy with alots of energy! I am looking forward for support as well as me giving it! I would love it if I could drop 60 to 75lbs that would be AWSOME!!!! but in reality anything less than what I am would be wonderful!!!!

  • Sandy3313
    Sandy3313 Posts: 140 Member
    Does anyone live in the Woodbridge NJ area? could use a workout buddy even if its a walk! :bigsmile:
  • starbreum
    My name is Star. I have 65 pounds to lose, and I really would like to be a part of a supportive group. I have been battling my weight ever since I was in high school and I have never been able to complete my goals. Especially after having my first child, my weight has always been on my mind...SOOO I am now going to try and be a healthier and better me, and I think i could do it if I had a few good influences on my side. Anther reason for my want to lose weight is I REALLY want to get pregnant again, but I dont think it would be healthy for me and my baby if I stay at my current weight.

    Some background about me. I am a student in Washington state. i am currently going to Whatcom Community College to get a Nursing Degree :) I am doing very well :) I love my family and my 2 1/2 yr old daughter SASHA :) she is so wonderful. The father of my daughter and love of my life Sheaen is probably the best guy a girl could have :) ... So enough about me!!!!

    I hope my words can be helpful to someone on here and I hope I can get some encouragement as well :)
  • starbreum
    It is so hard to keep on track!!! I have started and stopped weight watchers so many times, but I feel like this is so much better. ITS FREE :) lol I like to not think about how much i need to lose, i focus on how I feel and how much i've lost. And sometimes even if your not loosing a lot you may be loosing inches!! So if you have someone to take your measurement that would be cool. I really liked to see what i was at before and how many inches i've lost!!!! I believe in you!!!! you go girl!!!
  • nmglay
    nmglay Posts: 69
    Hi everyone! My name is Nancy. I'm 54 years old. I'm so glad to find this group because I definitely need motivation and support. I was on this site last year and had a strong group of friends. I strayed and now that I'm back most of the friends are gone and the new friends just don't seem to be very supportive. I have struggled with weight loss since I was a child. I've been on every diet known to man. I now have about 100 lbs to lose. It's important now that I lose it and keep it off for health reasons. I work full time as an ophthalmic technician for an ophthalmology practice in MI. It's difficult for me to work now due to my health problems and my weight. I'm hoping that by losing weight my health problems will go away (well, at least the ones that can) and I can enjoy retirement in the future. I'm looking forward to getting to know all of you! I hope this is the kind of group I've been looking for!
  • sb277
    sb277 Posts: 6
    Hi, My name is Shirley and I am 62 years young. I had gastric sleeve surgery in 2011 and have lost weight , regained weight, and lost the same weight. I have been married for 41 years to my college sweatheart, have no children and have a dog. I just made it under 300 lbs.

    I went to a WLS to see if i could do gastric bypass surgery. He wants me to go vegan. I have cried on and off for 2 days, I was so disappointed.

    I am going shopping tomorrow and start my new eating plan. I don't understand why i find this so diffucult. If you don't try it , you don't know if it is something you want to do.

    I want to lose 123 pounds, and need to lose 100 pounds to do total knee replacement in both knees.

    I am excited I found this group.
  • hollyjane77
    It is so hard to keep on track!!! I have started and stopped weight watchers so many times, but I feel like this is so much better. ITS FREE :) lol I like to not think about how much i need to lose, i focus on how I feel and how much i've lost. And sometimes even if your not loosing a lot you may be loosing inches!! So if you have someone to take your measurement that would be cool. I really liked to see what i was at before and how many inches i've lost!!!! I believe in you!!!! you go girl!!!

    Oh I did WW too... a few times. I'm technically a lifetime member, but I have no interest in going back since I found MFP. As far as I can tell, it has all the benefits of online WW, only MFP doesn't charge for me each week I'm not at my goal. It doesn't charge me at all! Plus the people in the forums are much more fun :wink: I didn't start using MFP regularly since the end of December & I can't believe how many inches I've lost already. MFP rocks :happy:
  • pennsciteach
    Okay- I am going good. My husband took my kids to taekwondo so I was able to use the xbox ea sports active "game". I did it! Even though it lost my heartbeat signal so I kept getting crazy warnings - I guess it though I might have expired. I have it set for four times a week, I don't know if I can do that though b/c I am doing Bokwa on Fridays - first one tonight, YAY!

    I am soooo tired after working out though. Aerobics apparently lowers your blood pressure, first temporarily as the "fall off" or cool down but then as you get healthy. My blood pressure is under 100 all of the time - I want to fall asleep after a workout. Needless to say I love my caffeine although I try to not binge.

    Good Luck to everyone!
  • MartialAngel
    MartialAngel Posts: 64 Member
    I'm Traci. I'm a 22 year old stay at home mom with a beautiful 14 month old daughter and a wonderful husband. I have about 28 lbs left to lose to get to my pre-pregnancy weight, but 53 lbs to lose to get to my goal weight. I have tried several other weight loss programs and nothing has worked. This site has been such a good support system for me. I love the community, and all of the logging tools. I used to teach martial arts and I really want to get back into shape again. I'm excited to be a part of this group. Feel free to add me!
  • misspinkshorts
    misspinkshorts Posts: 41 Member
    Started my day off bright and early and with a healthy breakfast. No workout though. I think I decided I like starting my mornings off with a workout because now its mid-day and Im trying to talk myself into a run out in the cold. I did get some cleaning done around the house and I need to do some errands. I've been in a screaming match via txt with a friend since yesterday so my mood isn't the greatest. This is when I would usually turn to food but NOT ANY MORE!

    Later tonight Im supposed to go out with friends. I guess if I don't work out I'll have to be super careful what I eat. Gives me some motivation to workout I guess.

    Hope everyone has a great day!

    - Amanda
  • carhicks
    carhicks Posts: 1,924 Member
    Hey everyone, I am back, sort of.
    I have been on vacation since the 3rd of January and was not doing too badly, until I went to an all inclusive resort in the Dominican Republic. I ate, ate, drank, ate some more and drank some more. I put 7 pounds on in one week. I can not believe I let myself fall back into those bad habits. I guess, I just figured that I had paid for it, I was going to eat it and drink it. Never again.

    I am still away until February 4th, but now have a kitchen to cook my own meals, a pool and exercise room so I am now 5 days back on track.

    I usually work out at least an hour a day being as I am retired and that really helped me to lose the 99 pounds I lost in 17 months. Unfortunately, I put about 25 back on in 3 months, so need to get back on track.

    It looks like we have some familiar faces and many new ones so let's keep that motivation going everyone. I also would like to add to many of the newbies to MFP, that the challenges are really motivational. I try to be in at least one all the time and they really helped. Don't overwhelm yourself though. Bye for now, Carla
  • carhicks
    carhicks Posts: 1,924 Member
    I've been in a screaming match via txt with a friend since yesterday so my mood isn't the greatest. This is when I would usually turn to food but NOT ANY MORE!

    - Amanda

    Woo Hoo, great choice Amanda, what a wonderful NSV.
  • fresh_start59
    fresh_start59 Posts: 590 Member
    Did not sleep well night before last so I was feeling out of sorts. Better sleep last night so today I'm doing better.

    It is amazing how sleeping well and long enough, but not too long, can affect our outlook on life.
  • CanToGirl
    CanToGirl Posts: 474 Member
    Today was a slacker day. Didn't do a darn thing. The snowy road put a stop to us going to the gym. People were calling to the radio station saying lots of cars in the ditch and accidents. So that, in my mind, is a cozy day doing nothing. Eating was fine, over all, though more then I would normally. But back at it tomorrow. First have to take Eve jean shopping, mind you she is only two and a half. She has a long torso and a big belly. So hope I can find something comfortable for her. Then decided to paint my living room so have to get supplies for that. Then sweep out our garage and get more wood up for the fireplace, so I will be to busy to eat...right?

    Carla: Glad you had a good time on your vacay, now when you come back you start on a clean slate and start new. You can do this!
    Amanda: I too like working out in the morning, just so I can't talk myself out in the afternoon.
    Traci: Welcome to the group. Keep coming back and posting.
    Pennstciteach : I too am more tired after a cardio workout. But I have an half an hour drive home, so no nap for me. :)

    Hope everyone is doing well

  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    Grumpy and annoyed at the scale. In two days I've apparently put back on what I'd lost this week....can't be! I've been good with eating. I know I haven't been exercising with baby being so poorly but come on. It better be due to TOM, GRRRR! Will comment on everyone else when I am in a better mood.
  • nathaliacg87
    This is the people I was looking for!!!!

    this is a summary of my story.

    I always was a chubby kid! At the age of 18, I had 180 pounds (I'm 5.1 heigh). That really scared, at the time I went to University and lived by myself. That year I was able to lose 44 pounds and I was getting satisfied with, but every time I went home or during my vacations I put weight.

    For years I fought with weight cycling, but my weight stabilized between 132-137lbs, which doesn't make me happy, but doesn't make me lose my head also. But the last 6 months have been very stressful for me and I'm weighing 143lbs. I'm very scared about getting 180 pounds again. And as I've been living with my family again is being very hard to keep up with my diet. I'm trying hard, but my mom and my sister are always sabotaging me. And even I asking to stop to offer me fattening food, they don't!!!

    My point is: I don't have a support system and I'm around tempting food all the time, so I'm looking for a support here. Hope to find great support and motivation here!

    As I'm very short girl, my goal weight is 110 pounds.

    I`m sorry about the long text and for any english mistake (I'm not a native speaker)

    Please feel free to add me!!!!
  • CanToGirl
    CanToGirl Posts: 474 Member
    Still working off my set back from Friday. Ohh well. Hoping today while cleaning will help put it back to where I was. We are in for some icky weather, ice and snow. Don't know about going to the gym for the next few days.
    Otherwise not much to report. Hope everyone is doing well.