*** Supportive Friends -- Looking to Release 50+ Pounds ***



  • ron2e
    ron2e Posts: 606
    @penny - like I said, he doesn't deserve you. I hate to say it, but it sounds as if your Mum is right :ohwell: We old people know what we're on about!!

    @ Meg, hope your rain stops. You may be interested to know it's been raining off and on in Romania all week, but fairly light, no real showers.

    @tn - totally agree about Cheat days, I sometimes "cheat" a little and eat something unhealthy, but always within my calorie limits and pretty rare too, I haven't been over in more than two months since I started Cheat days to me are like not counting your strokes properly when you're playing golf, the only person you are cheating really is yourself and as you say, you have to go through the pain again. This is a lifestyle change people, a lifestyle change should not need cheat days!

    Well, home again tomorrow, Romania has been good but I'll be glad to get home and I'm working from home all next week. A couple of days to get rid of the water I've retained and hopefully I'll be down on last week!
  • xxjolandexx
    Been using body form energy drink/appetite supressant before my work outs. I did my work out at 11am and I still feel pumped, only downside is I feel a little sick... Has anyone ever tried this before?
    Honestly I was on fire during my work out I felt amazing.
  • janetay01
    janetay01 Posts: 1,298 Member
    Hi - a newbie here keen to join the thread if you'll have me? I don't have 50+lbs to lose - I'm currently looking to shed the last 16. Though by the time I've lost a few then found that they've come back, it may total 50+! Andhaving clicked on this thread whilst looking for something else, I've been struck by how supportive you all are - honest, good and bad stuff - but still supportive.

    So a bit about me. I'm Jane, I'm 36 years old living about 10 miles north of Brighton in the UK. Married to the love of my life since 2007 and we've just bought our first home so having a lot of fun making it what we want - which balances the 'omg what have we done, how much is the mortgage' questions! Work in London as a Learning and Development Manager - commute 4 days a week and work from home 1 day a week - trying to find the work life balance!

    I've been on MFP for a couple of years now - on and off - and I initially made good progress. But I like my food rather too much - not in vast quantities but still. Like to cook for family and friends - and it's no fun if you can't eat the results! I'm on pretty much every day and log accurately most of the time - I try to live by the thought that this needs to be sustainable and therefore don't beat myself up if I have bad days, don't log everything etc. Having said that, I do better when I log so I should learn something from that!

    Anyway, taken a break from work so must get back to it. Will catch up later:smile:
  • teamianoshea
    Hiya, my name is Stormy! I have been trying to lose weight for quite some time. Last year I lost around 30 pounds and then my boyfriend came down from Chicago for the summer and I gained every bit of it back. This time around it has been much harder to lose the weight but I am still trying. It is also difficult for me to lose weight because I have hypothyroidism and PCOS. I'm not saying it is impossible but very difficult nonetheless. I am looking to lose roughly 85 pounds!
  • TheRunningGuppy
    TheRunningGuppy Posts: 651 Member
    @Stormy, welcome, I have a friend who deals with the same health issues you do, I've heard it can be very tough. We will be here for you, feel free to vent here!

    @Jane, welcome. Congrats on your new home! It's so fun to get settled in and start making it your own (and good grief, expensive too! lol).

    @Jolande, I've never heard of the energy drink/appetite suppressant you're using. I'd be very careful with that though. I'd rather get my energy from proper nutrition. If you're feeling sick, don't use it for a while to see if that is the real culprit.

    @Ron, ever heard the expression, raining cats & dogs? Of course you have. Well, that is a typical day in the Pacific Northwest. Have to say though, It stopped for half an hour yesterday, right at my lunch break time. I was able to run and not come back soaked. Also I ran my normal route the opposite direction, and had a good sized hill to run up instead of down, but for some reason, my time was faster anyway!

    @Penny, I think that this guy you're with doesn't realize what he's got, and he's taking you for granted. Real love is about putting the person you love ahead of yourself, and from what you say, he's not doing that. I hope that things get better with your mom. Although I think she is right about not allow the boyfriend to come around, she should be a little more understanding when it comes to your financial situation.

    @Tnsumner, good words on the cheat days! I don't usually have those. I just usually eat what I want, as long as it fits in my calories, and if it doesn't well, I work out hard to make up for it. Like I had to on Sunday, when my husband wanted to go out for ice cream.

    @Laura, good job on getting the jogging done!

    @Steph_135, on the subject of boredom eating, have you tried finding a way to keep your hands busy at times you know you would want to be snacking? I took up knitting last year, it seems to work really well for me in the evenings when I want to be grazing.

    Well, today is my Friday (yay!) I'm lucky in that my husband has a good enough job that I can afford to work very short hours (total of 15 a week). It's also my official rest day. I don't know about you guys, but I'm realizing I have a very hard time taking a rest day. I want to be working out EVERY day. But I also know that my body needs the down time. This is a fairly new phenomenon for me, I used to absolutely hate sweating. But now I love that feeling when I'm working out so hard that the sweat is dripping down my face and back. I've seen that saying here and there, "Sweat is just fat crying". I guess in a way that is true. So, I'm a little sad that I'm not exercising today, but I'll deal with that. Have a good Thursday ya'll!
  • _tru_
    _tru_ Posts: 96
    @renaejae – Hello!

    @jennypenny – Try focusing on how great you feel, not on the number. Your health is more important that what the scale tells you.

    @megblackburn – Love the pics! That is so cool!!!!

    @joawilliams – Welcome!

    @heidiaustin – You need to take note of ALL that you are. Not just what you perceive as negatives. I have no doubt there will be many more positives. Focus on those and be proud of them. As for the others, they are just starting points. You've already made the decision to change them or you wouldn't be here. So stop beating yourself up. It takes time to make changes. There is no point waiting until they have been made to love yourself. Love yourself now.

    @steph_135 – I try. Laughter really is the best medicine!

    @sweetmissie – Welcome! Just take it one day at a time and you will succeed!

    @tnsummer – That's fantastic! You are crushing it!

    @stephaniezoundi – So glad you're not giving up! Use that GRRRRRRR as workout steam!

    @breezedays – You can do it!

    @penny_eclipse – I once had a wise person tell me that the best thing you can do is live on your own for at least one year. If you can't afford your own flat, then perhaps you can find a room to rent somewhere or a basement apartment or similar (that is not with family). This will allow you to discover who you really are (and what you really want) on your own away from other influences and is also a great all-around life-learning experience.

    @ron – Welcome home. A whole week at home sounds like a rarity for you! I'm still just blown away by all the travelling you do! Have a great week!

    @jolande – I don't know anything about that drink, but is it possible that it just let you work out too hard? Is/was your heart racing? Did you get enough water? There are many possibilities, but feeling sick afterwards is of concern. :(

    @janetaye – Welcome! I encourage you to log everything. I found it a bit tedious at first, but now I don't know how I got along without doing so. It really does help to see what you are putting into your body and how much activity you are getting and mostly it holds you accountable.

    @teamianoshea – Welcome! You will lose again. You just have to stick with it. Unfortunately with hypothyroidism and PCOS you will have to be a little more diligent, but you'll also notice that you feel thousands of times better! Focus on how much more energy you have! :)

    @megblackburn – That's a great feeling! You could always go for a light stroll. Enough to burn off some of the extra energy, but not too stressing on the body. Welcome to the new you! So proud of you!

    Happy Thursday everyone!!
  • janetay01
    janetay01 Posts: 1,298 Member
    Hi all,

    @meg - happy Friday to you. I love the idea of working sligtly reduced hours, perhaps only working 4 in every 5. Not really an option right now but some day!

    Feel like I've had a good day - got lots of work done, worked out for 45 minutes and I'm well within my calorie goal for the day. Inside of all my macros apart from sugar. Haven't done as well as I might have done with water today - can and will do better. Just need to make it through tomorrow - we are going to the cinema with a friend after work - the challenge will be to not fill my face with maltesers while we are there. I'm usually quite disciplined and popcorn does nothing for me - but my husband will have to be in charge of the maltesers!

    Anyway, have a good evening all - the good news is that it's nearly weekend - woohoo!
  • TheRunningGuppy
    TheRunningGuppy Posts: 651 Member
    @Tru, is a mile & a half a light stroll? LOL, it's the round trip walk to pick up my son from school, and I'm considering it since the sun is out right now. I do have to walk with a preschooler (almost 4 year old) so it's not super fast :bigsmile: I think am I gonna do it. I do have too much energy right now after sitting at my desk since 9:30 this morning.

    @Jane, have fun at the movies! I don't know about you, but I sneak my snacks into the theater (I'm not paying 4 times the amount I would pay elsewhere for the exact same thing, I'm a cheapskate!) I don't go often, but have a couple times since beginning this journey, and I sneak very small portions of my favorite candy, and a small healthy snack too.
  • beckyzalldat
    beckyzalldat Posts: 236 Member
    HI everyone!!! I am so new, I Hope i'm posting this right!! one of my biggest concerns is that once I read something on a message board I can't find it again!! I hope I could find you all cause this looks like a really cool page!! and please i'm looking for new friends too please add me ....thank you all!!
  • dareacceptor
    dareacceptor Posts: 58 Member
    How do you like the little snack I was offered on Romanian airline, healthy huh? It was this or 'cake'. Notice it hasn't been opened!

    Stay strong, my friend!!
  • Glynneybug
    Glynneybug Posts: 196 Member
    Hello all. I'm a 30 year old and I have lost 30lbs with MFP over the past few years. Losing slowly but not going back up, so it is working for me. I have 50 lbs still to go to my goal weight of 160lbs. I have not been under 180lbs since I was 14 or so. I don't know what healthy looks like but I'm SO looking forward to the feeling.

    I could TOTALLY use more support and inspiration- and even the occational not so gentle push. Thanks for posting this and I'm excited to get to know you all!

  • TheRunningGuppy
    TheRunningGuppy Posts: 651 Member
    @Becky, it's very easy to find posts you have commented, just click on the Community tab and then where it says "My Topics" right above the different areas of the forums. There you will see a list of threads you have commented on, and you'll see this one near the top. And, welcome!

    @Glynis, welcome. Glad to be here for the support and occasion kick in the tushie. :tongue:
  • xxjolandexx
    @Tru and meg
    I felt sick for around 4 to 5 hours it seemed to come on when I was sat at my desk but when I was about and about walking it'd go away. I drank my 8 glasses of water and yes my heart was a bit jitery but I guess that's the high caffine levels. I didn't have the second reccomended drink before 6pm. It did stop me from feeling hungry all day though and I managed to stick to 2x slimfast shakes and a healthy chicken salad for dinner. Which to be honest I don't think I would have done without the supressant. I'd have come home and had some toast or a sandwich but I've come straight to bed with some water.
    I think I'll give it another go tomorrow but if I feel sick I won't be taking it again.
  • janetay01
    janetay01 Posts: 1,298 Member
    Happy Friday all! Does anyone have any fun plans for the weekend?
  • TheRunningGuppy
    TheRunningGuppy Posts: 651 Member
    Looking forward to a good day today. Going to meet my dad this morning, and we are going to take a walk together. Normally he would be working today, so its a little treat to get to go during the day on a Friday. We might walk to a local lake from his house, which would a really nice long walk (5+ miles).

    I also plan on riding my one speed bike with a 35 lb child attached to it, at least for a mile and a half. At my older son's request, he wants to ride his bike to school, and I'm not quite ready to let him ride there alone. So this morning, in order to have energy for the walk with Dad, I'll be driving along Jamie as he rides to school, then this afternoon I will actually ride the bike to go get him.

    Dinner should be interesting, I'm going to a potluck at my church for a ladies get together. I'm making an Olive Garden knockoff soup, Pasta E Fagioli. Has lots of yummy veggies and not a lot of pasta :happy: If anyone wants that recipe just let me know.

    @Jolande, don't forget to let us know how you feel today. Just want to make sure you take good care of yourself.
  • janetay01
    janetay01 Posts: 1,298 Member
    Sounds like a good day Meg. Tell me - what is a potluck? I see lots of people talk about them in here. Would love the soup recipe if you don't mind sharing.

    Had a reasonable day today but really tired from a busy week at work. Need to not go mad for chocolate at the cinema. Mustn't fall asleep at the cinema either!! Day off from working out so just had my standard walk to and from the station. Looking forward to the weekend.

    Jolande - I echo others on here. Let us know how you did today and take care of yourself.
  • TheRunningGuppy
    TheRunningGuppy Posts: 651 Member
    @Jane, a potluck is a gathering where each person brings a different food to share.

    Here's the recipe for Pasta E Fagioli:

    1 lb hamburger, fully cooked
    2 cans tomato sauce
    1 can diced tomatoes
    1 large potato, peeled & diced
    carrots (how ever much you like)
    2-3 stalks celery
    1 small onion
    2 cans of beans (your choice), rinsed
    2 cans water (use a bean can)
    2 cups macaroni or shell pasta
    1 tsp Italian seasoning
    1 1/2 tsp garlic
    1 tsp marjoram
    1 tsp basil
    3/4 tsp chili powder
    salt & pepper to taste

    Brown hamburger in soup pot, drain if needed. Add all ingredients except pasta, simmer till veggies are tender. Then add pasta and simmer another 8-10 minutes.

    This is a recipe created by my mom after she had Olive Garden's version of this soup. Enjoy!

    Edit to say, this recipe feeds my family of 4 at least twice! I usually take out half the batch and freeze it before I add the pasta, that way the pasta isn't mushy in the frozen half next time we have it.
  • didifournierblais
    didifournierblais Posts: 18 Member
    Hello everybody!

    First, thanks to all of you who congrats me last sunday for my weight loss.

    Today is a weird day for me... I feel hungry all the time and I don't know what I'd like to eat so I'm drinking water a lot to stop that feeling, but doesn't seem to work cause I'm just thinking about eating junk food (chocolate, chips, candy, etc...). So far, I'm holding on but, I don't know, it's really hard no to jump in all that food. Well, I guess tomorrow will be a better day...

    @Meg : I'm stealing your recipe! It looks yummy!

    @Jolande : Be careful with that stuff, I'm not sure it's a good thing to use this...

    Have a nice week-end all,

  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    Didi: stay strong or find an alternative, perhaps a hot chocolate? Won't do as much damage...

    Meg: I'm going to have a go at that recipe too. Although I might make it with ground turkey as husband eats no beef. Hope you had a great walk and bike ride.

    Jane: hope you enjoyed the cinema. What did you see? I'm afraid if I went to the cinema I would be asleep!!

    Jolande: Personally I don't believe in supplements and energy drinks. A friends son is currently awaiting a liver transplant due to the damage caused by those drinks. Be careful!!

    Ron: Enjoy your week at home!

    So still no movement on the scale but it will, I know it. Don't know what is stopping it but I'm sure it will move. Been loving being back at the gym. I used to be such a regular that everyone, staff and clients knew me, so returning is like being greeted by long lost friends. My trainer has been there training other people when I've been there but she always keeps an eye on me. Its nice, causes she has been training me for over 2 years we have a friendship as well. She is impressed with the dedication and effort I've dived back in with. I am finding it mentally hard as all I can think is 'need to get home to baby girl!'. But I also keep telling myself the more weight I lose the more time I will have with my daughter when she is older.

    I properly go back to work on Monday (did 2.5 days and then it was the Easter holidays) and Kenzie goes to nursery. Its been hard because when I dropped her off for her final settling in time yesterday (2 hours) she has clocked that this is the place where Mommy leaves me and started to cry which made me cry and then she cried when I came to collect her. The look on her face was just like Mommy you left me!!!! She is only 8.5 months old but smart as a whip. Not looking forward to having to drop her off for the whole of Monday. When I dropped her off I used the time to go to the gym (and restart C25K). I'm pleased with myself though as all I wanted was to go into the shop and buy chocolate and stuff my face. I told myself though that eating was not going to make me feel less guilty about that fact that Mackenzie has to go to nursery. It is just a fact of life. I need to go back to work. And I know that nursery will be good for her and soon she will love it.

    Hoping to get to the gym both days this week as well as spending some time sorting out the gardens (we rent and the last tenents did nothing with the gardens!). Hope you all have a good one, if you are in the UK, enjoy the sunshine!!
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Meg... Thanks for the tip about keeping my hands busy instead of snacking. I've been really (really!) into puzzles lately, but unfortunately, the table I use is the kitchen table! My family is going to bring on out of storage so that I can puzzle without the use of the table, and that will be further away from the kitchen! I'm trying to experience enjoying a tea while puzzling, rather than a meal. -- I'm glad to hear you are enjoying working out so much (and sweating) :laugh: I was in the zone back in 2011, and it was AMAZING! I'm still trying to get back into that swing.

    Jane... I'm glad you have little difficulty at the movie theatre with popcorn. When I wasn't sensitive to dairy, I would get it, but now when I go to the movies, it's a weird idea to me to even eat something in the theatre at all! As Meg said, prices are also insane! Fun plans for the weekend? Reading, puzzles, and crafts! Quality time with myself. How about you (aside from that movie)?

    Becky... MFP has a way of tracking the forum topics that you post to, but I prefer to bookmark the ones I return to in my actual browser. Then I can open them all at once, reply, and find them really easily without clicking multiple links through MFP to get to them.

    Jolande... Whatever is making you sick, if you know what it is, it might not be the best thing to continue with! Feel better! :flowerforyou: What is it you are doing again? Energy drinks are TERRIBLE for you. :noway:

    Diane... If you are feeling hungry, and craving junk, maybe you are missing some nutrients. When you have a meal, make sure you compliment your plate with LOTS of colorful veggies, and snack on different fruits! Maybe try something new and exciting.

    Stephanie... That's great that you have a connection with those at the gym. You are doing a great job! I can tell by the way you talk about everything. I'm sure your daughter will adapt to the nursery soon.