just starting out but failing



  • Anthonydaman
    Anthonydaman Posts: 854 Member
    This is a honor system, it only works if you are honest with yourself. If it goes in your mouth, it goes in the diary, simple...
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    Edit because it's not worth the strike.
  • annicins
    You keep eating junk because it's there. As painfully expensive as it is...grab a trash bag. Everything that's not reasonably healthy goes in the bag. Anything that you're keeping for a treat gets divided up into snack sized portions. Look up what you're keeping, write the calories on the bag. Ask yourself, when you pick it up, if it's worth the work out. My rule of thumb is that 100 calories is a mile run...are FOUR TWIZZLERS worth a mile and a half...fifteen minutes from my day? Usually not.

    Plus, losing weight for anyone other than you is hard. Don't lose it for the boys. Lose it for you.

    This. Get rid of the junk. If you have good food in your house, you will eat GOOD food. Also keep some small size treats like they suggested but portion them out in advance. I am also a HUGE advocate of planning a day in advance.

    Also, give youself a cheat meal a week! It keeps you sane.
  • muddyrosemarie
    Daily journal on eating I have failed every year. I thing that I have learned is drink at least one 8 oz. of water before eating. Secondly is eating slowly (10 seconds) between bites. Between the water and slow eating your body fills up and you are no longer hungry. Remove soda with water and you will loss 10 pounds in one month.
  • Valera0466
    Valera0466 Posts: 319 Member
    you need to want it.

    This and you need to want it for you not for anyone else. If you aren't willing to put in the effort to do it right you aren't ready yet.
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    Do it for yourself, not boys. :)


    Plus if you shift your focus to HEALTH, instead of weight, you might have more incentive, and there's immediate rewards because more matters than just the number on the scale. That's what finally made it all click for me. Of course, for my health I eat a "restrictive" diet (so-called by others, but I love it), I have to cook my own meals (so I don't really have to look up BRANDS that much), and I log everything. Yup, too much work. Your approach is "easier".
  • Gwenski
    Gwenski Posts: 348 Member
    HI there. It does sound like you want to have succeeded. To get there you will have to decide if you want the success more than whatever is holding you back. Each bite, each meal, each minute of activity is a choice... you either choose the short term 'feel good' or the long-term result. That, is totally up to you! I hope you make the choices that are best for you.. you are worth it!
  • RocketsGirl
    RocketsGirl Posts: 346 Member
    you need to want it.

    THIS X1000
  • sgv0918
    sgv0918 Posts: 851 Member
    when i started forcing myself to log every bite, sometimes my laziness won just because i didn't wanna log so I wouldn't eat the crap.
  • Catlady87
    Catlady87 Posts: 302 Member
    If you use the MFP calorie tracker it gives you so much motivation, because you know what you are allowed and you really don't want to go over your limit.
    It's not that difficult to log it all, and if you are determined to lose the weight you will. I tried this last year and couldn't be bothered - I thought it was a real pain so I stopped. I also put on over a stone since then.
    If you want to shift the weight for YOURSELF you will do it. If you want to shift the weight for other people you won't.
    It's all about your mind set.
  • sgv0918
    sgv0918 Posts: 851 Member
    Commit to logging. Even before I started exercising, the logging gave me the gut check I needed to get going.

    and this
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    you need to want it.


    and habits are not made over night. It can take two weeks for the brain to form or break a habit. Log for two weeks, eat what you like, but log it. See what you are really doing/eating. Then start making the changes.

    Change is not something that happens in one moment. Change is a progression of little choices made by you, and you alone, over a long period of time. You chose what you eat, you chose your attitude about what you eat, you chose to "give up". This is a great place for do's and don'ts, tips and tricks, but it is up to you to commit to yourself and say it is for you.
  • soloflexman
    soloflexman Posts: 2 Member
    You've already failed if your doing it for the "boys." Since they are not noticing you, you don't feel the need to continue the struggle... You need to find a better motivator than the "boys."
  • Retiredmom72
    Retiredmom72 Posts: 538 Member
    I know my diary says otherwise but I don't log all the junk I eat because I get lazy and don't feel like looking up EVERY brand.

    You can only succeed when you are READY to put in the effort. If you are too lazy to log it, then don't eat it. When you get ready to lose weight, then you will do what is required. Honesty with yourself is what you need to lose weight. You will continue to fail if you don't try. SO WHAT IS YOUR QUESTION? NO EFFORT= next question!
  • 4jamaica
    4jamaica Posts: 69 Member
    Once you have logged for a few weeks, the foods you tend to eat will pop up immediately so it becomes easier. Take the time now to log in everything and also buy yourself a set of measuring cups, measuring spoons, and a food scale--I was amazed at how small a 1/2 cup of rice is and quite happy to see that 3 oz of chicken wasn't a starvation amount. If you've never really payed attention to weights and measures, it's amazing. After awhile you'll also be able to eyeball quantities when you're eating out so that you can make better choices.

    I also think it's fine when you start to just take a couple of weeks to log everything that goes into your mouth and not worry about your daily calorie goals. There are a lot of things to change once you decide you want to become healthier--doing them all at once can be overwhelming. If logging calories seems like a chore--it could be because you don't want to see the result (same thing happens when people avoid a scale). Be gentle on yourself and start changing things bit by bit. Start with logging. Once your'e in the habit of logging faithfully and truthfully, it will be easier to then start making the difficult choices of what you should eat to reach your calorie goals, what exercises seem to work for you,or what you need to cut back on foodwise. Patterns will also appear that you can either learn to accept, change, or find alternatives.

    Nothing is off limits using MFP--there are just choices. Sometimes you can scratch a food itch with a substitute and sometimes you can't and you have to learn how to admit to yourself when you're indulging so that it doesn't compromise your health or progress.

    Good luck and keep trying!
  • pholbert
    pholbert Posts: 575 Member
    Once you truly decide to do this for yourself, you'll do a much better job.
  • stanton2013
    I joined TOPS for the accountability and found a group that cares.. One of the members told me about this web page and now I have more accountability and love it. I have fun wondering if the web page will have what I just ate and so far they have. Make it fun and know that you can do it!!!
  • MacInCali
    MacInCali Posts: 1,044 Member
    Regardless of any outside factors ... boys, parents, spouse, school, work, kids, time, no time, gym, no gym, fast food places, happy hour, it all comes down to ONE thing ...

    You either want it, or you don't.

    It truly is that simple.
  • MargoAnnG
    MargoAnnG Posts: 2 Member
    I finds that if I take about four or five pieces of fruit to work, and aim to have it all eaten by the end of the day it gets rid of the inclination to eat sweet stuff and other junk. It might be the natural sugars working or just the fact that when I eaten the fruit I can't be bothered eating other stuff. I also have one egg on toast in the morning and that fills me well and takes away cravings.
  • MargoAnnG
    MargoAnnG Posts: 2 Member
    Good luck by the way, try to think positive about it