Worried I won't stick to this again.



  • StrawberryThief
    Hi there!
    I think I know how you feel. I really struggle to lose weight healthily. If you want someone who can crash diet for a month, make themselves ill from overdoing it at the gym and then get depressed, binge eat for a week and put the weight back on again, well, I'd have been your girl.

    I've realised something about myself which perhaps might be true of you too - I am impulsive and compulsive, which are not a good mix for weight loss. It used to be all or nothing for me and I've worked really hard to get out of that mindset. For example, as an opposite to the not eating/overdoing it at the gym, it used to be that if there was a big bar of chocolate in the kitchen, I had to eat it all. Couldn't just leave a bit; if it was there, I had to eat it. Didn't want it, but couldn't leave it either. Sound familiar? If so, have a look at other areas of your life - for example, do you start hobbies, be obsessed for a week and then never pick up your guitar/paintbrush/knitting needles ever again?

    For me, recognising that aspect of who I am has been instrumental in changing it. Now I can take it or leave it, eat healthily (in a way that I can sustain, rather than overdoing it and giving up after a little while) and leave the gym when my time is up or I've had enough (and I don't start stupid, expensive hobbies without thinking about it first!).

    One last thing - a big problem I had was that if I slipped up I'd get into the 'Well, I've ruined it now, may as well eat all the things'. Say you've done well for two weeks and then you mess up and eat a load of cake, or chocolate or steak. Well, that's not great, but it's one day. You haven't ruined everything, you've just had a steak. Don't wait until next week to 'start again', get back on it right away, right after you've finished eating that naughty thing.

    Hope that helps!
  • 4nowisthetime
    REMEMBER THIS....worry is interest you are paying on a debt you may never owe........ take it one meal and one snack at a time. It is ok to have that steak when you really want it.....just don't have it trying to break a steak eating record at your local eatery! You can do this....all you have to do is love yourself the way you did when you logged on to this site.
  • carriempls
    carriempls Posts: 326 Member
    I have a hard time sticking to it too. I have lost 50 pounds and have maintained that loss for over 3 years now but I am still overweight and can't seem to lose the rest. I do OK for a while and then end up gaining back the small losses I manage to make,

    I keep telling myself that I just have to keep trying. That's all I can do. I'm not going to give up altogether.
  • ahamm002
    ahamm002 Posts: 1,690 Member
    I feel compelled to not eat, I'll obsess over the diet and then burn out and dive into a steak.

    A lean steak can be GREAT for losing fat. It looks like you have quite a bit to learn about the proper diet. Generally, high protein is best for body composition, and high fiber is best for your cholesterol. Your first goal should be losing weight in a SUSTAINABLE manner. no 1300 calorie diet is sustainable for a big guy like you. That's a terrible method doomed to fail.
    I've read it get's easier as you go but I'm not sure. I'm 272 and I have a big frame. I would like to get to 185 or 190. I think that's impossible, but I have some chronic health issues so it's for the best. How did you all stall motivated?

    There are lots of ways to stay motivated. Eating a high protein diet while exercising is a great way to lose weight and it can be very fun and enjoyable. Simply find foods that you like and exercises that you like.

    Also, spend a lot of time on here (or similiar forums or websites) during your free time to stay motivated. If you spend all of your free time watching TV with McDonalds advertisements being constantly flashed in your face, what do you think your mind will be craving? Whereas, if you spend your free time reading about diet and exercise, those are things you'll end up doing.
  • katy_trail
    katy_trail Posts: 1,992 Member
    again, work just under your TDEE. Your body won't struggle to hold onto fat, and you won't feel deprived if you eat foods that are healthy and satisfy you.

    Do you know which foods make you feel the best? For example, for breakfast, when you eat protein- eggs, lean meats, do you feel full longer? do you feel satisfied eating a fiber filled breakfast? If you know that, it makes it so much easier to find foods you like and keep you full long enough.
  • slboling
    slboling Posts: 117 Member
    It's not about sticking to it. I had to change my mindset. This isn't a diet. This isn't a fad. This is how my life is now. If I had cancer I would spend the time to get healthy (with chemo, diet change, medication). I'm obese and I am spending the time now to get healthy.

    No one should be expecting perfection. No one should be expecting immediate results. "This isn't a sprint, it's a marathon" is thrown around a lot on here, and it's true. You're not changing for today. You're changing to be with us tomorrow.

    (Now that my philosophical rant is over...)

    Do what you can. What you feel you can do right now. Make small goals. Your BIG goal weight is 185 but your 1st goal weight can be 270. Whatever it is, we are here to help you on this journey. We're all on here for the same reason, to be healthy.

    To say that it's a lifestyle sound cliche, but it's the truth. You have to envision your goals. You have to grit your teeth and just change everything you do. Look at what triggers binges. Also, know that steak is not unhealthy. Eating an entire porter house with mashed potatoes, and dessert when you could have eaten a salad with a small steak and plain baked potato. The other cliche saying that "It's not easy, but so worth it" is beyond true. You can do this. Good luck on your goals.
  • sweetsarahv
    sweetsarahv Posts: 180 Member
    You can't enter into something w/ that negative attitude!!! Believe in yourself!