Who has KIDS? How many? Ages



  • 1Pretty_Busy_Mom
    1Pretty_Busy_Mom Posts: 449 Member
    Hi Im Donnett .I have six ages 11,8, 6,4,3,2. 4 boys and two girls .I am a stay at home mom also homeschool and babysit two other kids ages 5 nad 1 . So i totally understand your to do list .It is amazing how strong we are and it is funny how the pounds dont just drop off from our daily duties . We have to take time to take care of ourselves. I manage to squeeze mine in little by little. for instance this morning I saw my husband of to work at 4:30 and I decided not to go back to sleep but to put my tennis on and do 30 day shred .I will pay for that a little later when I need to try to sneak a nap in. My extra to dont come today but that is a whole nother story well ,I can just go and go and go so you can friend me if you want have a blessed day.

    And you homeschool..I'm definitely going to pray and add you..lol plus I love the profile picture
  • cfilipi74
    cfilipi74 Posts: 63 Member
    I have two kids - 19 year old son and a soon to be 12 year old daughter (in 2 weeks). I also have a stepson who currently lives in Michigan with his mom and he's 17.

    It's nice with them being older now... I have all the free time for myself to exercise and do whatever.
  • 1Pretty_Busy_Mom
    1Pretty_Busy_Mom Posts: 449 Member
    I have 5, 3 girls 2 boys: first 3 are girls ages: 29, 28, 21, 18, and 4. Yea I guess you can say I started all over again.

    4?! Yes you started ALL OVER AGAIN!! LOL
  • 1Pretty_Busy_Mom
    1Pretty_Busy_Mom Posts: 449 Member
    I have two kids - 19 year old son and a soon to be 12 year old daughter (in 2 weeks). I also have a stepson who currently lives in Michigan with his mom and he's 17.

    It's nice with them being older now... I have all the free time for myself to exercise and do whatever.

    Hopefully when my son gets his D.L. I can have more Me Time
  • msrootitooti
    msrootitooti Posts: 253 Member
    I have 2 boys... 6 years and 17 months. They are a handful :)
  • glwerth
    glwerth Posts: 335 Member
    3 boys, ages 11, 10, and 4.

    One of them was a surprise....guess which one?

    I'm the oldest mom in the PTO at 46.
  • 1Pretty_Busy_Mom
    1Pretty_Busy_Mom Posts: 449 Member
    I'm blessed to have 3 girls. Oldest is 13, followed by 11 and the toddler is almost 3.
    I've just closed the door on number 4 which was devastating as it meant I was never going to have my son.
    But hubby is determined he is done and I have to respect that.

    Yes have to respect that..but if God says you're not done., then look out hubby
  • MommaFuhrer
    MommaFuhrer Posts: 214 Member
    I have 4 kids! 3 boys and 1 Girl
    The boys are 7, 4, and 3
    and my daughter is 6!
  • 1Pretty_Busy_Mom
    1Pretty_Busy_Mom Posts: 449 Member
    three, two girls aged 24 and 22 and a son aged 20, a granddaughter aged 8 months and two step grandchildren aged 4 and 6 :heart:


    Hopefully it will be a long long time before I have any grandkids.lol
  • Shelbert79
    Shelbert79 Posts: 510 Member
    I have four kids, all girls. Ages 11, 6, 4 and 2. All but one was planned. My last came a year earlier than expected. FYI: Antibiotics do mess with your birth control. I always heard it was an old wives tale but my little girl is proof that it can happen.
  • plcowner
    plcowner Posts: 106 Member
    I have 2 kids - that I know of ;)
  • 1Pretty_Busy_Mom
    1Pretty_Busy_Mom Posts: 449 Member
    3 boys, ages 11, 10, and 4.

    One of them was a surprise....guess which one?

    I'm the oldest mom in the PTO at 46.

    4yr.old..Lol ....you have seniority being the oldest mom at PTO!! Take Control..Lol
  • karenjoy
    karenjoy Posts: 1,840 Member
    three, two girls aged 24 and 22 and a son aged 20, a granddaughter aged 8 months and two step grandchildren aged 4 and 6 :heart:


    Hopefully it will be a long long time before I have any grandkids.lol

    I was a Grandma at 45 lol
  • 1Pretty_Busy_Mom
    1Pretty_Busy_Mom Posts: 449 Member
    I have 2 kids - that I know of ;)

    Uh -oh..lmbo
  • I have two daughters 21 and 12
  • I have 5 sons, 16, 13,11, 7, and 4. My house is loud but my kids are happy:)
  • Handsett
    Handsett Posts: 37 Member
    10 month old name Arthur, and my wife is pregnant again with what we hope is a girl! If so, we will name her Delilah. It is still early, but we think the due date will be end of August or the beginning of September.
  • I have 3 kids...10 (girl), 8 (boy) & 5 (boy). I work from home and am starting school Jan 30th full time.
  • 1Pretty_Busy_Mom
    1Pretty_Busy_Mom Posts: 449 Member
    I have four kids, all girls. Ages 11, 6, 4 and 2.

    All girls...that would drive me crazy!! Lol
  • SherryR1971
    SherryR1971 Posts: 1,170 Member
    Two, in my profile pic!! 18 and 10...I know, I know!! I don't look old enough to have an adult child-you can say it, go ahead!! LOL