First cheeseburger in two weeks and now I feel...



  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
    yum! Only on workout days though.......
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    My life revolves around the advent of my next Half Pounder with cheese.
  • beckyinma
    beckyinma Posts: 1,433 Member
    Eww chilis is gross and I cant eat there anymore. I prefer a home grilled burger. Love a good burger.
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    out of curiosity, was it a cheeseburger you made yourself or a crappy fast food burger?

    Makes a HUGE DIFFERENCE, imo. Fast food burgers are disgusto

    Agreed! I eat cheeseburgers pretty much every week but I make it myself, I weigh out 4oz of lean ground beef, use my own cheese, and a whole wheat or potato bun, and the calories are controlled, and it tastes so delicious!! It isn't a "cheat" if I make it at home.
  • supersparklies
    supersparklies Posts: 40 Member
    I ordered some bison burgers from my food coop, cooked them up on my indoor grill, slapped them on some sandwich thins with lettuce, cheese and lots of pickles. Yummy! I had no ill effects. I am a recovering fast food cheeseburger addict and this was a good alternative.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,709 Member
    All this talk about burgers...............................I'm going to Nation's now.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    It's sort of like taking a break from the gym and after that first day back, you're sore for days and days.
    Just got to keep at it, and don't go so long between cheeseburgers. :wink:
  • devan33
    devan33 Posts: 177 Member
    I ate great all week and decided on some pizza this was the little rectangle ones like from when you were in school...the Tony's brand with the little cubed tasted really good, and then about 45 minutes later my stomach was killing me...I asked Hubby if he thought I had to count those calories since they went right on through! :/
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    The orthorexia is strong in this thread...
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I typically feel orgasmic after a Chili's Big Mouth Burger. :smokin:

    But I wouldn't call it a good dining experience if I didn't stagger out to the car in a food-coma and have to unbutton my pants for the ride home. I don't (typically) eat like that at home... that's what makes going out a special treat.
  • mcflat29
    mcflat29 Posts: 2,159 Member
    out of curiosity, was it a cheeseburger you made yourself or a crappy fast food burger?

    It was a crappy burger from Chili's. I haven't eaten there for years and decided to give it a shot... Now I can understand why it's been years.

    Ugh I had a similar thing happen to me. I indulged in pasta with creamy sauce at my fave restaurant last night and apparently overdid it. Today I felt like I got hit by a truck!
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Solution: Eat cheeseburgers more often.

    Exactly what i was coming here to say. She's such a helper
  • funkycamper
    funkycamper Posts: 998 Member
    I typically feel orgasmic after a Chili's Big Mouth Burger. :smokin:

    But I wouldn't call it a good dining experience if I didn't stagger out to the car in a food-coma and have to unbutton my pants for the ride home. I don't (typically) eat like that at home... that's what makes going out a special treat.

    Yup! But with me it's from our local Humdinger. A double-meat, double-cheese. Heaven. I do it maybe once a month and enjoy every bite.

    Flexible dieters have greater long-term success with both losing and maintenance. Sounds good to me! Eat healthy 90% of the time and enjoy your splurges the other 10%.
  • carolineire
    carolineire Posts: 65 Member
    I used to love making these Jamie Oliver recipe burgers, maybe I should try them out again for a treat, super nommy!

    MMM cumin and coriander!
  • sokkache
    sokkache Posts: 220 Member
    Yeah. I went to DQ drive thru after eating "healthy" for a few weeks and when I smelled the fries in the car, I almost felt like puking. I still ate it, and it didn't taste bad and I didn't feel to bad afterwards. Next time, I'm just going to try chocolate or cheesecake because you can never go wrong with the two.
  • aimeeernest
    aimeeernest Posts: 159 Member
    definitely! Fast food is terrible when you never eat it, and a candy bar is overly sweet to the point of being sickly sweet when you never eat it.

    im finding myself enjoying the sweetness of fruit more these days. Its tastes incredible now that im picking better foods as a whole.
  • alevett
    alevett Posts: 79 Member
    We eat out once a week - which usually means a burger and fries. That didn't change when I started counting my calories and watching my diet because I am worried about depriving myself of the things I have enjoyed and rebelling. So the problem for me today was that I had Mcdonalds for dinner but had to go out again after dinner and decided to surprise my family with dairy queen ice cream - haven't had that in over 2 months. Well add that to my stomach about an hour after eating supper and bam! My stomach hurt and I felt crappy for a couple of hours after. I don't know how I did it before. My calories today were approx. 2500 and have been more like 1500 the last 2 months (since I started MFP). I too have learned not to over indulge. We live and we learn.