*kitten* runners say



  • nickyfm
    nickyfm Posts: 1,214 Member
    Oh my god shin splints.
  • DiannaMoorer
    DiannaMoorer Posts: 783 Member
    1. I can't stop thinking about the 18-miler I have to run this weekend.

    2. My favorite running snacks are sport beans, shot blocks and Honey Stingers.

    3. I'm not drinking this week so I can be hydrated and PR in the 8k on Saturday.

    4. Crap, I forgot my body glide! This is going to hurt.

    5. Time for new shoes, I've already run 500 miles in the ones I have!

    6. Do you want to get up on Saturday and run 10 miles at 7 -- AM?

    7. Vanilla Bean Gu totally tastes like cake. (Just me? Maybe...)

    8. Old Navy's "running clothes" are just not legit.

    9. You only want to run 3 miles? Okay, I'll just do four before we meet up and then run 3 with you.

    10. These $30 compression socks I just bought are awesome!

    11. This marathon fee was only $75!

    12. Dinner's at 7? Great that's plenty of time to run home from work, shower and be there.

    13. Oh, can you stop at CVS so I can pick up two bags of ice for my bath?

    14. Did you see those awesome arm sleeves that Kara Goucher was wearing? I want some!

    15. If I can just PR, I'll be happy for the rest of the year.
  • MorganLeighRN
    MorganLeighRN Posts: 411 Member
    "Those hills were a killer. I can't wait to do them again tomorrow!"

    My favorite is when my husband says "You're in a bad mood, go run". :)
  • Superchikanthem
    Superchikanthem Posts: 362 Member
    How do you know someone has done a marathon?
    Just wait they will tell you :)
  • 007bondage
    007bondage Posts: 631 Member
    Hang on, "Code Brown Emergency" !
  • JoyousRen
    JoyousRen Posts: 3,823 Member
    9. You only want to run 3 miles? Okay, I'll just do four before we meet up and then run 3 with you.
    This! I do it all the time.

    "I've been drooling over that hill. I'm going to run it this weekend"