any work from home mfp people out there - need some friends



  • jedibunny
    jedibunny Posts: 321
    Hi all - I just started working from home last month, and I find I'm going a little stir crazy. I'm also finding that it's entirely too easy to wake up 20 minutes before I have to work, make coffee, and sit down at the computer... so I could use people who've been in the same boat and are successfully losing weight or maintaining a goal weight. I did let myself slip up last year, and I'm back to having lost only 4lbs since I started here a year ago, so I can't let the at-home thing allow me to fall farther into the danger zone.

    Feel free to add me or message me anytime.
  • lewcompton
    lewcompton Posts: 881 Member
    Started July 1st and have now lost 124 pounds... Anyone is welcome to add me! I log everyday with a couple of days missed while vacationing. I do go back and journal everything. My journal is open to my friends and I am open to and readily give advice to everyone. I'm a school teacher and move around, for work, about as much as if I were working from home. Bon chance, buena suerte, bona fortuna, good luck! Do or do not there is no try!