Thinking about running



  • natalie412
    natalie412 Posts: 1,039 Member
    What is the C52K? I am a techie newbie!

    Couch to 5K - google it.

    Awesome way to start running. I started it a year ago, and ran several 5Ks last year, a 5 miler, a 12k and a half marathon. Training for my second half marathon in April now.

    Love running, and never ever thought I would.
  • laurieagain09
    laurieagain09 Posts: 183 Member
    I like this :)
  • andread67
    andread67 Posts: 28 Member
    Hi everyone!! I just wanted to thank you all for your wonderful advice, encouragement and for sharing your knowledge with me! I (weather-permitting) plan to start tomorrow am.:happy: !!!! I live right near Colonial Williamsburg in VA..(remember your history lessons? lol) Anyway, I have always enjoyed walking around there.. beautiful, so now I think I will try running there. So dumb, but I'm afraid of falling off the it's ok, I'm sure your laughing because it's pretty funny-I'm so graceful (NOT)-so I think I will stick to outside. Thanks again everyone...I'll let you know how it goes! Ohh, please add me as a friend if you'd like!!!
  • jamiek917
    jamiek917 Posts: 610 Member
    i used to be a TERRIBLE runner, and would get a cramp in my ride side pretty much immediately. about 7 yrs ago- i made it my goal to become to runner. i started doing intervals of running and walking (2 min run--1 min walk --2 min run...etc). eventually i increased the time i was running, then i increased the pace...eventually i was able to remove the walking intervals. it takes time- but its definitely a good way to ease your way into it. a lot of running is a mental block-- thinking "i have to run 3 miles" sounds impossible at the beginning... but thinking "i have to run for 2 minutes and then i can walk" is MUCH easier. in the end, miles are miles-- and if it takes u extra 10 minutes to do a few miles because u added 1-min walk intervals- so be it! it will only help you!

    i sometimes still do intervals, whether its 2-9 min of running before i break for a 1 min walk...i find that it helps me to switch things up.

    but im telling u-- if an awful runner can eventually complete 2 half marathons, numerous 10Ks and 5Ks and 2 triathlons (almost all with good times!)- YOU CAN DO IT TOO.

    feel free to message me or friend me if you want more advice. i may need a kick in the butt to stay consistent with my diet- but i LOVE working out :)
  • jamiek917
    jamiek917 Posts: 610 Member
    oh- and in terms of nutrition- that depends on your body. i found that i cant eat anything heavy within an hour before i run or i can be quesy, but if i eat nothing- i can get a headache. something small (<200 cals) and non dairy (to avoid throwing up) is good for a pre workout snack, if needed!

    also depends on the time of day u work out. whatever works best for your schedule. some people LOVE morning workouts-- whereas i have most of my energy in the evenings-- its up to you!
  • truelypinkthing
    truelypinkthing Posts: 164 Member
    I tried c25k three times :sick: but couldnt get motivated enough to do it. But now Ive discovered treadmills:happy: and love running on those, with an incline. Im sticking to the gym for now, but when the weathers better and im more confident im going to have another go at c25k.:wink:
  • Khiltbold
    Khiltbold Posts: 39 Member
    I tried c25k three times :sick: but couldnt get motivated enough to do it. But now Ive discovered treadmills:happy: and love running on those, with an incline. Im sticking to the gym for now, but when the weathers better and im more confident im going to have another go at c25k.:wink:

    This is me 2!!!! Running outside is a lot harder for me. I LOVE running on a treadmill. I was new to the whole running thing to. I started out running at home with the C25k, I could barely run a minute :laugh: I went to the gym and ran 10 minutes straight, no problem. And I could have ran longer but my hubby was ready to go. But I also feel like running is a mind set thing. I tried not thinking about how far, and how fast I was going and just ran... Now I love running. You can definitely do it! :wink:
  • ashlinmarie
    ashlinmarie Posts: 1,263 Member
    I don't like eating before I run...but I guess if you are an afternoon runner, I'd give it an hour or two. My only real piece of advice would be to invest in a pair of specially fitted running shoes at a running store (not footlocker or D*cks or whatever). Also, don't give up! It is hard at first and you may have to repeat days/weeks but it is so rewarding and worth it!
  • chubbygirl253
    chubbygirl253 Posts: 1,309 Member
    I tried c25k three times :sick: but couldnt get motivated enough to do it. But now Ive discovered treadmills:happy: and love running on those, with an incline. Im sticking to the gym for now, but when the weathers better and im more confident im going to have another go at c25k.:wink:

    This is me 2!!!! Running outside is a lot harder for me. I LOVE running on a treadmill. I was new to the whole running thing to. I started out running at home with the C25k, I could barely run a minute :laugh: I went to the gym and ran 10 minutes straight, no problem. And I could have ran longer but my hubby was ready to go. But I also feel like running is a mind set thing. I tried not thinking about how far, and how fast I was going and just ran... Now I love running. You can definitely do it! :wink:

    See, I'm the opposite of these 2 posters. I HATE THE TREADMILL! I have been running in the cold (20'sF) all week because I would rather run with gloves on than get on that dreaded machine. The point? Try different places, weather, terrain, time of day, etc until you find the sweet spot. Find what you love and run.
  • Khiltbold
    Khiltbold Posts: 39 Member
    I tried c25k three times :sick: but couldnt get motivated enough to do it. But now Ive discovered treadmills:happy: and love running on those, with an incline. Im sticking to the gym for now, but when the weathers better and im more confident im going to have another go at c25k.:wink:

    This is me 2!!!! Running outside is a lot harder for me. I LOVE running on a treadmill. I was new to the whole running thing to. I started out running at home with the C25k, I could barely run a minute :laugh: I went to the gym and ran 10 minutes straight, no problem. And I could have ran longer but my hubby was ready to go. But I also feel like running is a mind set thing. I tried not thinking about how far, and how fast I was going and just ran... Now I love running. You can definitely do it! :wink:

    See, I'm the opposite of these 2 posters. I HATE THE TREADMILL! I have been running in the cold (20'sF) all week because I would rather run with gloves on than get on that dreaded machine. The point? Try different places, weather, terrain, time of day, etc until you find the sweet spot. Find what you love and run.

    That is so interesting :laugh: I guess it comes down to the individual. Just try both ways and pick the one you like better. I'm sure you get a better running workout outside, and it is much prettier to look at.
  • LoosingMyLast15
    LoosingMyLast15 Posts: 1,457 Member
    these are just the tips i use (may not work for all) and also my opinion on my biggest pet peeve suggestion.

    i eat 1-2 hours before a run (and it's light a banana or string cheese at work or toast with a little peanut butter if on the weekends. my stomach does not do well when it's full or even half full when i run (i'd rather be a little hungry then end up with heartburn).

    stretch before and after.

    start out slow build up speed (you start too fast you'll loose steam) let your muscles warm up

    i never did the c25k program but i hear they are very good.

    get outside and run it's very different from a treadmill. map a course using either gps or even a site like you can use this site to track your progress as well.

    sign up for a 5k race (one that's a few months out not next week). find one who's charity is important to you (it'll keep you from backing out) and the race will give you something to work towards (so what if you don't RUN the whole thing - it's important your goal is to finish)

    lastly this is a pet peeve of mine. run in the best shoes you can afford - try running first before you run out and spend hundreds of dollars on good sneakers. find out if you like it first and if you're going to stick with it THEN get fitted for shoes (unless you have feet issues and need to be fitted). great running sneakers are expensive. why spend the money if you're not 100% sure you're going to enjoy it and stick with it. once you've determined you love running then yes please get fitted for running sneakers. i never understand why people go out and buy every imaginable item for a brand new sport they have no idea if they like then use the stuff once or twice and quit because they don't like the sport - complete waste of money.

    good luck!
  • HermioneDanger118
    HermioneDanger118 Posts: 345 Member
    I started a year ago and I'll echo those who said get fitted for running shoes. When I first started my women's 5K running group, I was having a ton of knee pain. My coach said to get fitted for shoes at a running store and I thought that was much too simplistic an answer - it couldn't be that easy. It was! Once I was in the right shoes, the pain stopped immediately. Amazing.

    I also run by the Galloway method, which works better for me personally than running straight through. Mentally I do better if I know I only have to run for x more minutes rather than x more miles.

    My other trick is to have music/audiobooks/podcasts downloaded to listen to. The podcasts especially are great!

    Have fun! :happy:
  • andread67
    andread67 Posts: 28 Member
    Thanks again everyone! I DID it!! I started yesterday am.. I did ok I guess for having never done it. I did get pretty winded at times, and I had to walk thru 2 of the run phases..I did 1.22 miles including the warm up and cool down walk. But I am planning to go again tomorrow providing it is not pouring rain like it has been doing since last night. I do think I need to try the treadmill, I'll just see when theres not a ton of people so if i plie off the thing I won't be so embarrassed! I thought I'd try to get thru until next week until I buy good me a chance to see how I do. But, i felt an accomplishment even if I didn't do it the exact way..I'll just keep at it until it becomes more comfortable.
    I did figure out I don't want to eat ahead of time..I only had coffee an hour or so before and it threatened to come back. I need to control my breathing..I was trying to breathe in thru my nose, out thru my mouth, not as easy when you are running. I also should probably start where there aren't any hills.. lol..:laugh:
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Well done, overcoming all your mental barriers and getting out there is a great first step (ha ha)

    Keep at it!
  • AlessisMore
    AlessisMore Posts: 179 Member
    That's great! Keep us posted on your progress. You did the hardest part--the first step. It really does get easier!