What day is your weigh day and why?

Mine's today, saturday. As it's the only morning i have off to sleep in.
So i wake up when i want (today it was 11), go downstairs, brush my teeth and such.
Get naked, and weigh.
Some days i get up at 5 in the morning, some at 8.
I'm in a good mood after feeling well rested, so i feel ready to take on the scales.
What about you?


  • twinteensmom
    twinteensmom Posts: 371 Member
    Saturdays. I work from 4:00 AM to 12:30 Pm Monday through Friday. I get up at 2:30 AM on work days and weighing in at that time just isn't practical.
  • elsinora
    elsinora Posts: 398 Member
    Wednesday morning. Makes me accountable all week long and allows me to be good at work, good at the weekend, but able to have enough time to recuperate, should I go off the rails. Weighing at the weekends is so depressing because in London, Friday and Saturday nights are your nights out really, so I know I'd just fluctuate massively.
  • ZombieFoodSlayer
    Every Monday at 6am, right before time with Trainer. He originally weighed me at that time, so I stuck

    with it! I need to get remeasured!
  • twentytwelve12
    twentytwelve12 Posts: 245 Member
    Either Monday or Tuesday mornings
  • Zommbunny
    Friday.. it keeps me motivated over the weekend:drinker:
  • sapf
    sapf Posts: 146 Member
    Daily... :-)
  • thnksfrthmmrs
    thnksfrthmmrs Posts: 152 Member
    Mine is a Sunday morning as have more time to get ready for work. Although I did weigh myself on Friday as i was curious. Will still weigh again tomorrow though
  • tryclyn
    tryclyn Posts: 2,414 Member
    Official weigh day is Monday nights when I get up for work, but I actually weigh everyday and keep track on a spreadsheet. Doesn't bother me when it bounces up and down because I look at it as just data.
  • acogg
    acogg Posts: 1,870 Member
    Everyday, because I need reassurance that I haven't gained it all back. For me, years of not weighing = denial.
  • KelliW_runner
    KelliW_runner Posts: 150 Member
    Saturday first thing in the morning. My rest days from training are Fridays so I figure that takes some of the variability out of the water retention/muscle repair.
  • britnik29
    britnik29 Posts: 34 Member
    I weigh myself every morning. That way I can see the progress, even when it is only 0.1 pounds, because I know I am doing something right. It also helps me see how different ratios of foods and exercise effect it every day. & If I go up a little, that gives me the motivation to workout even more that day. Has worked so far =)
  • Daysednconfused
    Daysednconfused Posts: 975 Member
    I never really had an official weigh in day, but I do now. I weigh in on Tuesday, because I joined the Lose a Pound a Week group and we started January 1st - which was a Tuesday. I still occasionally weigh through the week (used to be daily) but I will only log it on Tuesdays.
  • sleepynene
    Friday 8.00am in light clothing with bare feet. If for any reason I can't do it due to work schedule etc I leave it until the following week.
  • mactaffy84
    mactaffy84 Posts: 398 Member
    Sunday is my official weigh day, the only day that I log on weight into MFP. Sunday is a good day for me, as it is the start of the week so it is like a new beginning every week. Keeps me motivated for the previous weekend because I know I have to weigh myself at the end of it.
  • BigGuy47
    BigGuy47 Posts: 1,768 Member
    Wednesday. I weigh myself once a week. I started wieghing myself on Wednesdays over a year ago and haven't found a good reason to change it up.
  • icimani
    icimani Posts: 1,454 Member
    Every day.

    It helps keep me mindful of what I'm eating and reminds me that fluctuations will happen and they're normal.
  • Patti1023
    Patti1023 Posts: 78 Member
    Mine is Friday morning. I prefer a weekday morning when I first get up, since on the weekends I wake up at varying times. Occasionally I'll weigh in on another morning (like I did this morning although it was about 2 hrs later than my normal weigh in time) just as a process check/status update but I try to stick with just once a week since daily fluctuations would drive me nuts.
  • ahadj
    ahadj Posts: 257 Member
    Wednesday morning. Makes me accountable all week long and allows me to be good at work, good at the weekend, but able to have enough time to recuperate, should I go off the rails. Weighing at the weekends is so depressing because in London, Friday and Saturday nights are your nights out really, so I know I'd just fluctuate massively.

    In London, and everywhere! Haha, this is why I weigh in on Wednesday morning too.
  • runningwiththepups
    I'll casually step on the scale all week (with shoes, without shoes, different clothes, whatever), just to desensitize myself to the numbers jumping all over the place. My official weigh-in day is Tuesday, because I asked for/got a new scale for Christmas, which was a Tuesday. First thing in the morning, post-bathroom, pre-breakfast, with no extra clothing.
  • RandiLandCHANGED
    RandiLandCHANGED Posts: 630 Member
    The days I wake up without a bloated stomach.