Why is healthy food more expensive?



  • fausto412
    fausto412 Posts: 100 Member
    The grocery store where I shop often has frozen chicken breasts and frozen tilapia filets on sale BOGO so I stock up then, and I try to stock up on frozen veggies when they are on sale also. Fresh produce will vary depending on what is in season locally. Try a farmer's market if there is one near you.

    I think I need to start buying some frozen fish...
  • NeverGivesUp
    NeverGivesUp Posts: 960 Member
    I think it is an excuse to say healthy foods cost more. I haven't read the whole thread. Fast food costs you wayyyy more in the long run in doctor's bills and health ailments. I like to feel good within my body. Every grocery store has a fruits and veggies section. I live in a cold country and they import all their fruits and veggies. My health is worth it and I like to know exactly what I am eating while eating it. Fast food is filler processed, and fake food. The kind of stuff they feed pigs to make them fat. Yuck, no way will I put any poisonous food into my body. I think it is more about education than cost of food to tell you the truth. Everyone should be learning the basics of nutrition. Food choices are just that, choices. I own mine, and everyone else should own theirs and take responsibility too.
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    The story about the family going to McDonald's every night might sound reasonable if they only bought one $2 happy meal. What about the rest of the family? Even if each person had a $2 happy meal, I believe they could have bought the ingredients for more than one healthy meal to prepare at home.

    Got to agree here. Eating fast food because it's "cheaper" is a crock. For one kid maybe $2 is cheaper but only because of quantity. Buying decent food and creating a casserole or crockpot meal and dividing into servings would be much cheaper than $2 per child. The fast food diet comes down to pure laziness on the part of the parents not economics.
  • tymberh
    tymberh Posts: 67 Member
    Amazing as it is, I dollar tree shop a lot!!!
    They have bags of frozen mangoes, veggies, strawberries, turkey bacon and even chicken. They also have canned tuna 3-4 for a dollar, plus soy milk and almond milk! For me this is a great deal I compared the price per ounces with my local wal-mart and the dollar tree is less expensive even thought your buying smaller bags. I'm on a 25$ and under a week budget for food and I do majority of my shopping at dollar stores. Of course they don't have everything I need you'd be surprised they have a majority of healthy options. :) hope I helped.
  • Lizrobin3108
    Lizrobin3108 Posts: 102 Member
    I buy veggies on sale. Plus my local store has had great frozen fish sales. I also discovered that my store sells Tofu which is cheap and has lots of protein.

    I would like to eat organic but right now that is not an option.
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    Unfortunately, this will never change in the USA. So, it's just something you have to deal with.

    However, I will say with the rise of people demanding organic food and healthy alternatives, however skewed and stupid and mind-fuc*ed as its become (you don't really believe that organic is really organic do you? Lol. Big farms discovered the money in the label and are taking full advantage of it). It send a message that we do not want HFCS in our products. Our dollars make a difference. The more people that spend money in the right places, business will respond to that.

    Remember, Coke a Cola used to be made with cocaine. Lol. Business does what it wants until someone tells them to stop. That someone can be us, via our $$$$$.
  • Mock_Turtle
    Mock_Turtle Posts: 354 Member
    you need to be more nimble - scour the flyers of the 4-5 grocery stores in your area to see who has a sale.

    Find a local butcher that you can become a loyal customer to and you will get good service (my guy will do simple things for me that are a nice bonus like paying the whole chicken price and having him cut it and skin it for free, seasoning foods for free, vacuum packing meats into small portions, etc)

    Find a couple of items that will help you cost average - stuff like beans, lentils and some frozen veggies

    Only buy fruits in season - personally I am a huge fan of plums so i track their prices closely and they can vary here by up to 200% during various parts of the year
  • emmalouc93
    emmalouc93 Posts: 328 Member
    It is the same here in Ireland.

    When I put on a lot of my weight it was (in part) because we had to buy quick unhealthy stuff, as we were on a reallllllllllly low budget. The processed stuff is always the cheapest. That is not my excuse but it definitely added to it.

    Now, I spend a little more on food and tell myself it is worth it, which it is. I try to save by buying whatever is on offer, or buying bulk frozen veg and keeping that, or bulking when things are reduced and freezing them... It is possible to eat healthy on a budget, it just takes a lot more effort haha