My workout plan for next week....what's yours?



  • TheChangingMan
    TheChangingMan Posts: 73 Member
    Good thread ...

    Mon: C25K and 30 min weight session in the morning. Spin at night
    Tue: Weights
    Wed: Spin
    Thurs: c25K and HIT on bike in the morning. Swimming at night
    Fri: PT Session
    Sat: Cycle, C25K, swim, Body Balance class
    Sun: Rest or cycle
  • PurpleTina
    PurpleTina Posts: 390 Member
    Nice to see that people are having rest days in all that activity! Our Instructor is always telling us they are just as important as the 'active' days.

    Monday - run
    Tuesday - spin
    Wednesday - run
    Thursday - cross-training in the gym
    Friday- rest
    Saturday - BodyPump a.m.
    longer run p.m.
    Sunday - rest.

    This will be the first 'official' week of Half Marathon training (21st April), and I was pleased to find a programme on 'Walk,Jog,Run' that actually incorporated cross-training; some of the ones I looked at were run-or-nothing.
  • Mon - Legs
    Tues - Back and Bicep plus HIIT on either bike or elliptical
    Wed - Zumba
    Thurs - Active Recovery day a 5km dwaddle (walk)
    Fri - Legs
    Sat - Chest and Tricep plus HIIT on bike or elliptical
    Sun - Shoulders and Abs
  • letjog
    letjog Posts: 260 Member
    A week in the life of my marathon training (this past week)

    Mon - spinning, squat rack, core routine
    Tues - off
    Wed - Spinning, Body Pump
    Thursday - Hill reps run, covering 10k
    Friday - off
    Saturday - 21.6 mile run
    Sunday - Body Pump
  • jpierc
    jpierc Posts: 31 Member
    Monday - Rest
    Tuesday - Bench Press, Overhead Press, Bent-over Row, Inverted Sit-ups, 20 minutes cardio
    Wednesday - Some random something, probably a run of some form, but not sure yet.
    Thursday - Squat, Deadlift, Weighted Dips, Weighted Pull-ups, 20 minutes cardio
    Friday - Rest
    Saturday - Same as Tuesday, but with more weight
    Sunday - Same as Thursday, but with more weight

    I tried to take the Stronglifts 5x5 program and expand on it a touch by adding the dips and pull-ups, then I toss in a little Crossfit or something just to break up the routine. Gotta keep it from getting boring.
  • notreallytrillian
    notreallytrillian Posts: 77 Member
    I'm just getting back in to working out, so this probably seems pretty lame compared to a lot of other people.

    Monday - Friday: 10 minutes of climbing the stairs at lunch during work
    Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 30 squats, 320 reverse crunches, 320 toe touches
    Every day: 30 second plank
  • Leadfoot_Lewis
    Leadfoot_Lewis Posts: 1,623 Member
    Workout Schedule for this week:

    SUNDAY-Legs 3x5
    TUESDAY-Upper Body 3x5
    THURSDAY-Cardio + Abs
    FRIDAY-Back, Shoulders, & Biceps
    SATURDAY-Chest & Triceps + Abs
  • JamieM8168
    JamieM8168 Posts: 248 Member
    Everyday: Hit nike FuelBand goal of at least 3,000

    Monday: gym for 1 hr
    Tuesday: Nike training club for 45 mins
    Wednesday:gym for 1 hr
    Thursday: NTC for 45 mins
    Friday: rest
    Saturday: indoor roller skating
    Sunday: Open, don't know yet (My bday!!)
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    Sun: upper body
    Mon: lower
    Tues: rest
    Wed: upper
    Thurs: lower
    Fri: rest
    Sat: WOD challenge practice, and bike or run

    All days may or may not have optional cardio component.
  • x3kimi
    x3kimi Posts: 12

    Daily & Weekly Goals
    -eat 1320 calories maximum per day
    -take daily vitamins
    -drink 8 or more cups of water per day
    -complete at least 1 Nike training workout per day; earn rewards (I use the Nike Training Club iphone app).
    -lose at least 2lbs per week
    -burn at 800-1,000 calories every workout

    yoga + weekly meal prep + rest

    (1) jog 1.6 miles (I jog to the gym; this is my warm-up exercise)
    (2) 30min intense cardio (I split it in 15 min intervals)
    (3) upper-body strength training (I use the fitness buddy app for my workout)
    (4) jog 1.6 miles (I try to jog home lol but I'll end up walking home. I consider this my cool-down exercise).

    (1) jog 1.6 miles
    (2) 1hr intense cardio (4 intervals of 15 min)
    (3) jog 1.6 miles

    (1) jog 1.6 miles
    (2) 30min intense cardio
    (3) abdominal strength training
    (4) jog 1.6 miles

    (1) jog 1.6 miles
    (2) 1 hour intense cardio
    (3) jog 1.6 miles

    (1) jog 1.6 miles
    (2) 30min intense cardio
    (3) lower-body strength training
    (4) jog 1.6 miles

    (1) jog 1.6 miles
    (2) 1hr intense cardio
    (3) full-body strength strength training
    (4) jog 1.6 miles
  • workingitinpa
    Mon - body pump 50 mins, 30 min cardio workout
    Tue - 30 min cardio work out
    Wed - body pump 50 mins, 30 min cardio workout
    Thurs- Zumba 50 mins
    Fri - 30 min cardio workout
    Sat - body pump 50 mins, Zumba 50 mins
    Sun - REST
  • ShaniWulffe
    ShaniWulffe Posts: 458 Member
    Sunday (today): I'll probably walk around campus or something

    Monday: 50 minutes of tap, 60 minutes of pointe/ballet, 90 minutes of jazz dance

    Tuesday: 90 minutes of ballet, 90 minutes of modern dance, plus some walking (how much depends on what bus is running that day XD)

    Wednesday: Same as Monday

    Thursday: Same as Tuesday, minus the walking

    Friday: 90 minutes of ballet, 180 minutes of stage combat*

    Saturday: Hit the campus rec center... Elliptical, free weights, abs, etc.

    Sunday: More walking :P

    *Side note, does anyone know how I can log stage combat? I don't have a HRM
  • Beeky85
    Beeky85 Posts: 257 Member
    Some of you really are going for it- good for you! When I get 'fitter', I will be trying to increase the intesity of workouts too.

    Re: Body blast, this is mostly squats, lunges, knee raises, sit ups, jumping jacks and using dumbells. :explode:
  • BellaFe
    BellaFe Posts: 323
    mon: full body (stronglifts 5x5) + bike
    Tues: HITT bike
    wed: full body (stonglifts 5x5) + bike
    thus: HITT bike
    fri: full body (stronglifts 5x5) + bike
    sat: HITT bike
    sun: rest