newbie: struggling to eat enough protein/help with goals



  • amyreafleng
    amyreafleng Posts: 69 Member
    Greek yogurt
  • DanTillson
    DanTillson Posts: 71 Member
    hey there, i saw your post. if you're not much into meat, try eating nuts and mushrooms.. both are good sources of protein without much bad cholesterol in them. :)

    Sorry again, but average mushroom you would need to eat nearly a kilo for 24g of protein. As with broccoli, tasty, great, healthy etc but guys these are not efficient sources of protein unless you are happy to eat 4 kilos+ to hit goals. Personally, I don't have the time or stomach for that, especially as my personal goal is to hit 150g minimum of protein a day...

    If you stick to meat, fish, eggs, quorn, small quantities of nuts (as while do contain a lot of protein also have lots cals in [albeit healthy fats]), shakes, bars these are the highest concentration of protein per calories of everyday food available worldwide in most supermarkets. So while there are quantities of protein in loads of foods if you make sure you cover the minimum using these whilst sticking to your calorie goals then anything above that is a bonus.