Vitamin D deficiency currently 16



  • ShannonECTD
    ShannonECTD Posts: 203 Member
    Pretty much most of Seattle :)

    hahaha pretttttty much. I lived there for 11 years and had to take vit D
  • Davids1mom
    I had mine checked last spring...was having a lot of bone and joint pain and extremely tired all the time, also memory loss. Mine was 16. Some docs don't buy into it. Mine had me on too low of a dose. I did research on my own & put myself on 5000units vit d3 for about 6 months, currently taking 3000 units. At last check my level was 37.
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    whether doctors agree or not, our levels SHOULD be anywhere from 60 to 80.

    most of us are in the teens or 20s.

    it's a WORLD of difference when you get those levels to where they should be.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    No but fun fact: I'm pretty sure absorbing through skin is easier then absorbing via pills which is why the dosages tend to get quite high (since you don't absorb it all). Also, vitamin D can be formed and washed off your skin before it is absorbed:
  • getmebackforlife
    getmebackforlife Posts: 20 Member
    Just had mine checked for the first time...and only because I mentioned that that mother and sister had low numbers. My number came back as 19 and they told me to take a 1000 dose daily. Then I took my daughter to the doc for an ear infection and in discussing different things I told her about my number and she said...oh I would have thought they would have suggested at least a dose of 4000 daily for a few now I am confused! But at least I know to supplement now! I had no idea that low D carried so many issues with it!
  • Queen_JessieA
    Queen_JessieA Posts: 1,059 Member
    Not yet. I have to go get some more blood work done...but I do know I am deficient from blood work I had done in December. I struggle from depression and I had a really bad bout starting about October despite of the meds that I am on.
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    1000 IU is way too low for any meaningful change to occur. it has taken many months for folks to raise their levels from the teens to the 30s and 40s, and that's on a dose of at LEAST 5,000/day - usually more.
  • stargazer008
    I understand it is winter currently but trying getting some sun for vit. D
  • rowdylibrarian
    rowdylibrarian Posts: 251 Member
    Make sure to take D3 supplements, not D2! D3 is where it's at, according to my doctor. :)
  • lisadiane41
    Yes I am Vitamin D deficient I have been on 2000 i.u.D3 for 6 years now. I get blood work done every 4 months. I am learning that a lot of people have this. For some reason the doctors never explain why. I eat food with D in it, get plenty of sun but I still am Vitamin D deficient. SO go figure.
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    Yes I am Vitamin D deficient I have been on 2000 i.u.D3 for 6 years now. I get blood work done every 4 months. I am learning that a lot of people have this. For some reason the doctors never explain why. I eat food with D in it, get plenty of sun but I still am Vitamin D deficient. SO go figure.

    because our foods - even the ones with D in them - don't have as much as they used to due to all the processing that has gone on over the last 50 years.

    and we don't live in a good area of the world to get D from the sun
  • pamperedhen
    pamperedhen Posts: 446 Member
    I'm on Vitamin D3, 2000 iu til May when I see her again. I have a stress fracture...wonder if that was the reason??:huh:
  • jevoyager
    jevoyager Posts: 59 Member
    Yes I am Vitamin D deficient I have been on 2000 i.u.D3 for 6 years now. I get blood work done every 4 months. I am learning that a lot of people have this. For some reason the doctors never explain why. I eat food with D in it, get plenty of sun but I still am Vitamin D deficient. SO go figure.

    Same here. Exposing your arms for about 10-15 mins in the Sun should result in like 10000 IU of VitD. And its not like I live in a cave or only come out at night, lol. My doc said over half the people she sees are deficient, its that common. Becoming problematic in infants and children too. It can affect a number of things in the body so its definitely worth the bloodwork to get checked out!
  • acogg
    acogg Posts: 1,870 Member
    I also take vitamin D-3 and I believe it has helped me with mid winter blues. There is no way to test, but hubby takes the gummy with me and he seems less grouchy, too.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Good news is, D3 supplementation is incredibly inexpensive (at least for the drops I take). I haven't tested, but take 4-6000 IU daily depending on whether or not a third drop sneaks out of the bottle.
  • barbaramitchell101
    barbaramitchell101 Posts: 360 Member
    yes, 1000 iu twice a day, until further notice......was low when checked....caused by gluten issues that just became apparent....although I have had symptoms for a long time....

    maybe I will increase the vit looking at other responses....I guess maybe 1000 iu twice a day may not be enough...I am still very fatigued...just thought it was the gluten...still eating this way cause of the tests that still need to be done....when tested, after finding out I had a gluten issue, I was low in ALL fat sol vits, high in Calcium, low thyroid, (before the tests my DR didn't even want me taking vits at all...LOL) low in B vits, even tho my multi was 500% of min daily levels...LOL

    thanks for all your ideas...
  • lisadiane41
  • lisadiane41
    Yes I am Vitamin D deficient I have been on 2000 i.u.D3 for 6 years now. I get blood work done every 4 months. I am learning that a lot of people have this. For some reason the doctors never explain why. I eat food with D in it, get plenty of sun but I still am Vitamin D deficient. SO go figure.

    because our foods - even the ones with D in them - don't have as much as they used to due to all the processing that has gone on over the last 50 years.

    and we don't live in a good area of the world to get D from the sun
    This is one of best explanations I have heard so far.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Yes I am Vitamin D deficient I have been on 2000 i.u.D3 for 6 years now. I get blood work done every 4 months. I am learning that a lot of people have this. For some reason the doctors never explain why. I eat food with D in it, get plenty of sun but I still am Vitamin D deficient. SO go figure.

    because our foods - even the ones with D in them - don't have as much as they used to due to all the processing that has gone on over the last 50 years.

    and we don't live in a good area of the world to get D from the sun
    This is one of best explanations I have heard so far.

    I'm having trouble understanding how "processing" has eliminated the vit D in the foods we eat, but I'm not necessarily arguing with the conclusion that our foods are lower in vit D. I just don't see how the explanation is the ever-popular "processing". Food choices, yes, I can see that...or perhaps growing practices or selective breeding...
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    Yes I am Vitamin D deficient I have been on 2000 i.u.D3 for 6 years now. I get blood work done every 4 months. I am learning that a lot of people have this. For some reason the doctors never explain why. I eat food with D in it, get plenty of sun but I still am Vitamin D deficient. SO go figure.

    How often do you shower? Do you get much sun?