Bad day - how do you move on tomorrow?



  • runningwiththepups
    I've had those times where I've eaten something and said later, "well that was a bad idea", because a Pillsbury Grand felt like I had eaten a whole loaf of bread! Like others have said, the next meal is the more important one. Just because didn't do it "right" this time, doesn't mean it has to happen again.
  • NCchar130
    NCchar130 Posts: 955 Member
    It helps to remind myself of my life 'before.' On occasion, I would exercise and eat really well for a day or two or even a week, but of course didn't lose any weight. I didn't lose anything because weight loss is a process and it's cumulative. One day of proper eating and exercise didn't make any difference in the long run. I remind myself of that so I'll remember than one day or even a week of overeating isn't going to make me regain all the weight I lost. Your weight and fitness will reflect whatever it is you do MOST of the time. So just let those days go and forget about them.
  • ldonahue74
    ldonahue74 Posts: 53 Member
    I had a bad lunch yesterday. The boy wanted pizza, and, evidently I have no self control sometimes. But, I forgave myself, and got back on at dinner. You have to allow yourself occasional cheats, otherwise, I've found in my experience that I'll always fail. Don't beat yourself up, move on, and start again. If you're like me, make yourself WORK for the food. Say I want a cookie (or two lol), I don't stop myself, but I get them, and then (this part is important) put them away and go into another room to sit down and eat them. If i want more, I have to go get them! That really helps stop me from the whole "omg i just ate 10 cookies, what is wrong with me?"
  • bcraigrncen
    bcraigrncen Posts: 36 Member
    I forgive myself if I am on program 90% of the time! I have to move on or I will go back to the old me. This is my life! This is a life-style change. I am not going to be perfect. When I pull in a parking place wrong, I don't quit driving. When I miss making the bed one day, I don't quit cleaning house. When I forget some little thing in my daily life I pick it up the next day. As people with food issues we tend to go OCD on that point. We aren't going to be perfect. We fall down then we pick ourselves off and dust ourselves off. I made major bad dietary choices today, but I choose to move on! I am gong to the gym and working out a little harder to get the guilt beast off my back, then I am eating better the rest of the day! You can do this. Don't beat yourself up! If you are on program 51% of the time you are on more than you are off! Celebrate. Celebrate each good day! Don't beat yourself up!!