That's it it's over



  • Caged_Heat
    Caged_Heat Posts: 1,031 Member
    You lost me at "Guys: ... This is not an indication that I want to have online sexy time with you."

    Good luck on your journey to become "bangable"


    Oh come on... I was just kidding...

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  • RedHeadDevotchka
    RedHeadDevotchka Posts: 1,394 Member
    I'm inclined to say this post is bogus! LOL!

    Haven't you had a bad day before. This is no joke and I can't stand being laughed at, it just makes me want to eat more.
  • FizzyAndTango
    I ate 2 cookies and a milky way and haven't exercised in 2 days and I weighed myself today and I still weigh the same as yesterday. I'm done with this whole weight loss "thing".

    Hi :)

    Don't give up. your weight changes daily, so weighing yourself at the same time each week will be better. I don't exercise, I just eat healthily, maybe go swimming every now and again. I lost a fair bit of weight last year and I'll tell you a secret. Eating rubbish for a day here and there isn't bad. In fact it can be good. I read that if you have a bad day every week or two it tricks your body into thinking your intake is higher every other day and you loose more weight. I don't know if this is true or not, but it keeps me happy on an off day :)

    So again, don't give up. Find your inner strength and KEEP GOING! you CAN do this.

    Good luck and well done x
  • Caged_Heat
    Caged_Heat Posts: 1,031 Member
    Of course, I've found that eating one cookie is 110 calories. So would I rather eat four cookies for dinner or have a turkey sandwich with raw fries? And I go with the meal because I get more for the calories. And it's more filling! So even though I don't "eat healthier," I still have to make wise choices because I don't want to just eat 12 cookies a day and nothing else.

    You're a smart little cookie aren't you...

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  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    You want to quit just because of one bad day of eating? Think of all the work you put into this. Do you want to undo EVERYTHING?
    Tomorrow is a new day. Forgive yourself and move on. 2 cookies and a candy bar aren't going to ruin everything. Just don't make it a habit and do it every day. Hell I put on weight 2 weeks after the holidays were over. I'm not going to throw in the towel over 10 pounds. NOPE! I got right back on and started exercising again, measuring and eating healthy.

    You're just looking for excuses to quit.
  • RECowgill
    RECowgill Posts: 881 Member
    You want to quit just because of one bad day of eating? Think of all the work you put into this. Do you want to undo EVERYTHING?
    Tomorrow is a new day. Forgive yourself and move on. 2 cookies and a candy bar aren't going to ruin everything. Just don't make it a habit and do it every day. Hell I put on weight 2 weeks after the holidays were over. I'm not going to throw in the towel over 10 pounds. NOPE! I got right back on and started exercising again, measuring and eating healthy.

    Your just looking for excuses to quit.

    Heh. :happy:
  • Caged_Heat
    Caged_Heat Posts: 1,031 Member
    I ate 2 cookies and a milky way and haven't exercised in 2 days and I weighed myself today and I still weigh the same as yesterday. I'm done with this whole weight loss "thing".
    "but if I ate the cookies then I will gain all of my weight back, and I just can't handle that this far on my journey"


    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • Caged_Heat
    Caged_Heat Posts: 1,031 Member
    I'm inclined to say this post is bogus! LOL!

    Haven't you had a bad day before. This is no joke and I can't stand being laughed at, it just makes me want to eat more.

    "I'm loud, I'm insecure, and I'm alot of fun. I feel like struttin' sometimes.
    GUYS:I am friendly, I flirt a bit, and I am outgoing. I will comment on your statuses and I will be your friend. This is not an indication that I want to have online sexy time with you. I like creepy people becoming my creepy friends on here. I often think about getting a window-less van or ice cream truck to entice children."

    Have you considered getting back on your meds?
  • BaileyP3
    BaileyP3 Posts: 151 Member
    Okay, I'll play. If you are serious in your concerns let me give you a hand.

    True story. I ate and drank like a fiend for most of December and was very pleased that the scale didn't budge. Then Jan arrived and I was up about 8 lbs. Guess what? I survived. I'm back on track and I didn't fret.

    A couple of tips...
    1. Fast food has a lot of sodium in it so you are likely retaining water
    2. Judging by your food diary you aren't exercising
    3, Nor are you drinking water.

    There...that's 3 suggestions. And relax.
  • WinnerVictorious
    WinnerVictorious Posts: 4,735 Member
    I ate 2 cookies and a milky way and haven't exercised in 2 days and I weighed myself today and I still weigh the same as yesterday. I'm done with this whole weight loss "thing".

  • chocl8girl
    chocl8girl Posts: 1,968 Member
  • jha1223
    jha1223 Posts: 141 Member
    You want to quit just because of one bad day of eating? Think of all the work you put into this. Do you want to undo EVERYTHING?
    Tomorrow is a new day. Forgive yourself and move on. 2 cookies and a candy bar aren't going to ruin everything. Just don't make it a habit and do it every day. Hell I put on weight 2 weeks after the holidays were over. I'm not going to throw in the towel over 10 pounds. NOPE! I got right back on and started exercising again, measuring and eating healthy.

    You're just looking for excuses to quit.


    It looks like you are hitting your calories for each day and coming fairly close to your macros. Did you work out yesterday? Retaining water?

    I worked out hard on Friday - well for me anyway. I ate ok and drank a good amount of water. Saturday morning, I had gained two pounds. Did I <i>really</i> gain two pounds of fat or muscle? NO.... I don't obsess on the scale, so its ok for me to be weighing from time to time. It doesn't affect me.

    Find your TDEE, take 15% away, eat back your exercise calories, watch your macros and throw the scale out the window. Obsessing on the scale will only piss you off and if you are a sad binge eater, you'll constantly be eating lots of crap. OCD types and scales do not mix. Seriously, don't touch that scale for a few weeks. You'll be much happier.

    And honestly, a Snickers bar is not the end of the world. Hell, if that is your personal weakness, make it fit your macros.
  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    I ate 2 cookies and a milky way and haven't exercised in 2 days and I weighed myself today and I still weigh the same as yesterday. I'm done with this whole weight loss "thing".
    "but if I ate the cookies then I will gain all of my weight back, and I just can't handle that this far on my journey"


    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools

    I agree she doesn't make any sense. One post she says she ate the cookies another post she says IF she eats the cookies. One post she says she didn't lose or gain any weight i think it was... then the other she says she gained 2 lbs. Make up your mind! Pick a story and stick with it. Gesss and you wonder why no one is taking you seriously? whine whine whine I can't do this anymore boo hoo
  • RedHeadDevotchka
    RedHeadDevotchka Posts: 1,394 Member
    I'm inclined to say this post is bogus! LOL!

    Haven't you had a bad day before. This is no joke and I can't stand being laughed at, it just makes me want to eat more.

    "I'm loud, I'm insecure, and I'm alot of fun. I feel like struttin' sometimes.
    GUYS:I am friendly, I flirt a bit, and I am outgoing. I will comment on your statuses and I will be your friend. This is not an indication that I want to have online sexy time with you. I like creepy people becoming my creepy friends on here. I often think about getting a window-less van or ice cream truck to entice children."

    Have you considered getting back on your meds?

    Do you think they would help me lose more weight?
  • shyrlann
    What I have learned the hard way is that, for awhile, the weight does indeed stay down. Then it pops up all of a sudden. Just get back on track before that happens! It's not too late by any means. You can do it!
  • RedHeadDevotchka
    RedHeadDevotchka Posts: 1,394 Member
    I ate 2 cookies and a milky way and haven't exercised in 2 days and I weighed myself today and I still weigh the same as yesterday. I'm done with this whole weight loss "thing".
    "but if I ate the cookies then I will gain all of my weight back, and I just can't handle that this far on my journey"


    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools

    I agree she doesn't make any sense. One post she says she ate the cookies another post she says IF she eats the cookies. One post she says she didn't lose or gain any weight i think it was... then the other she says she gained 2 lbs. Make up your mind! Pick a story and stick with it. Gesss and you wonder why no one is taking you seriously? whine whine whine I can't do this anymore boo hoo

    But it's my life and it's now or never.
  • ubermensch13
    ubermensch13 Posts: 824 Member
    She is a TROOOOOLLLL
  • RedHeadDevotchka
    RedHeadDevotchka Posts: 1,394 Member
    She is a TROOOOOLLLL

    Name calling that's so uncalled for! Makes me sad
  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    Okay, I'll play. If you are serious in your concerns let me give you a hand.

    True story. I ate and drank like a fiend for most of December and was very pleased that the scale didn't budge. Then Jan arrived and I was up about 8 lbs. Guess what? I survived. I'm back on track and I didn't fret.

    A couple of tips...
    1. Fast food has a lot of sodium in it so you are likely retaining water
    2. Judging by your food diary you aren't exercising
    3, Nor are you drinking water.

    There...that's 3 suggestions. And relax.

    Same here! Took a couple of weeks for the weight gain to show on me. Instead of giving up I got pissed and got moving. I took into consideration that for one thing I ate a lot of ham over the holidays, drank some wine, had a couple cookies etc etc. We all know how the holiday eating goes. But most of that is salt retention and of course fat. But life is going to be like this. There are going to be parties, anniversaries, weddings etc. You don't want to just stand there and not eat anything at all. You try to work it into your plan but if you go over you don't throw in the towel over one bad night or two or an entire month. You suck it up butter cup and get your rear in gear and get moving. MOVING!! Get back on track and quit your belly aching as my dad would say.
  • ubermensch13
    ubermensch13 Posts: 824 Member
    She is a TROOOOOLLLL

    Name calling that's so uncalled for! Makes me sad

    I'm sure you will go emotionally eat then, cookies or a snickers this time? :)
This discussion has been closed.