

  • T1mH
    T1mH Posts: 568 Member
    I gave up pop 7 1/2 years ago, I went cold turkey. I drank a lot of juices and lemon aid for years. Juices often have more sugar and sometimes more calories than pop. On top of that it was expensive. It's funny pop is the cheapest thing you can drink, often being cheaper than bottled water. Eventually I switched to just lemon aid and then I slowly started adding less powder than it called for. Eventually I got down to half the powder that they recommended and I liked it that way. I could never handle light or diet lemon aid. Almost a year ago I quit drinking the lemon aid. Now I almost only drink water and less than 1 glass of milk a day. Occasionally now for a treat I'll get real fresh lemon aid but that's usually a summertime thing.