You know what really grinds my gears?



  • nickyfm
    nickyfm Posts: 1,214 Member
    What grinds my gears is the guilt I feel when I eat off plan and in excess.

    It's like lady, if you just stuck to it, you'd have nothing to feel guilty about!!
  • SereneRose
    SereneRose Posts: 499 Member
    Stones that get inside the gearbox.

    You are better off cutting down rather than cutting out for your own sanity. Nothing wrong with fish and chips, pie and mash, sticky toffee puddings etc. From April to November 2012 I ate that stuff regularly and smashed through my weight loss goal (see the banner below). In fact, I'm now eating more and am no more focused on losing weight.

    I wish!
    I have to cut out foods like that as i'm insulin resistant with pcos and foods like that even in moderate amounts can stall me for weeks so it's all or nothing for this gyal.

    What else really grinds my gears is some peoples assumptions that because i'm bigger I can't keep up like in classes at the gym etc so I work out at home where i'm my own critic and i'm doing alright. :)
  • LittleMiss_WillLoseIt
    LittleMiss_WillLoseIt Posts: 1,373 Member
    people that eat Turtles...........I will get all of you!!!

  • People that think there is only one way to lose weight (their way)
  • GoddessG
    GoddessG Posts: 175 Member
    Nectar Syntrax has a protein shake that hits that sweet spot for me. It's called "Cookies & Cream". 100 cal, 5 carb. when mixed with 1 cup of water.
  • SteveJWatson
    SteveJWatson Posts: 1,225 Member
    There is this crowd of weight watchers types at my gym that will always say at the end of body pump or circuits or something like that "a half hour class just isn't enough"

    You know what? You are doing it wrong then! Put on more weight, squat parallel, get off your knees when doing press ups, do sit ups with your abs, not your neck and do all the reps, THEN it will be enough!


    Exactly -you get out what you put in and if you are excercising at a pace you could sustain for an hour in a half-hour class, you are doing it wrong.

    Also, I find some people at the only class I go to (circuits) seem to be somehow afraid they might beak into a sweat.
  • Missylydia
    Missylydia Posts: 304 Member
    There is this crowd of weight watchers types at my gym that will always say at the end of body pump or circuits or something like that "a half hour class just isn't enough"

    You know what? You are doing it wrong then! Put on more weight, squat parallel, get off your knees when doing press ups, do sit ups with your abs, not your neck and do all the reps, THEN it will be enough!


    Exactly -you get out what you put in and if you are excercising at a pace you could sustain for an hour in a half-hour class, you are doing it wrong.

    Also, I find some people at the only class I go to (circuits) seem to be somehow afraid they might beak into a sweat.

    If the sweat isn't dripping off the end of my nose then I have not put enough effort into my workout!
  • SteveJWatson
    SteveJWatson Posts: 1,225 Member
    There is this crowd of weight watchers types at my gym that will always say at the end of body pump or circuits or something like that "a half hour class just isn't enough"

    You know what? You are doing it wrong then! Put on more weight, squat parallel, get off your knees when doing press ups, do sit ups with your abs, not your neck and do all the reps, THEN it will be enough!


    Exactly -you get out what you put in and if you are excercising at a pace you could sustain for an hour in a half-hour class, you are doing it wrong.

    Also, I find some people at the only class I go to (circuits) seem to be somehow afraid they might beak into a sweat.

    If the sweat isn't dripping off the end of my nose then I have not put enough effort into my workout!

    Someone once told me to try and not get sweat on the mats.....

    (I do have a towel to wipe them after and luckily it wasn't the instructor)
  • SereneRose
    SereneRose Posts: 499 Member
    What grinds my gears is the guilt I feel when I eat off plan and in excess.

    It's like lady, if you just stuck to it, you'd have nothing to feel guilty about!!
  • shanmackie
    shanmackie Posts: 194 Member
    people asking what to count as water, people that hold onto their treadmills, people that follow fad diets one after the other and see no results, and "vegetarians" that occasionally eat meat.
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    Stones that get inside the gearbox.

    You are better off cutting down rather than cutting out for your own sanity. Nothing wrong with fish and chips, pie and mash, sticky toffee puddings etc. From April to November 2012 I ate that stuff regularly and smashed through my weight loss goal (see the banner below). In fact, I'm now eating more and am no more focused on losing weight.

    I wish!
    I have to cut out foods like that as i'm insulin resistant with pcos and foods like that even in moderate amounts can stall me for weeks so it's all or nothing for this gyal.

    What else really grinds my gears is some peoples assumptions that because i'm bigger I can't keep up like in classes at the gym etc so I work out at home where i'm my own critic and i'm doing alright. :)

    That's frustrating. Perhaps once a fortnight if you really fancy it, forgo a bit of weight loss to enjoy the food you miss, then get back on the wagon. I don't know enough about how what you have is affected by what you eat, though, so perhaps avoiding food that's bad for you is the best way forward - besides, you won't miss it if you stay off it long enough. :)
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    People who say they struggle to eat enough calories....just...grr...(no offense, I'm just jealous!)

    Also people who say they "forget to eat"

    That reminds me...
  • mlclarke22
    mlclarke22 Posts: 551 Member
    What grinds my gears? People that think they can't eat whatever they want and loose weight.
    You can eat whatever you want, honestly... you just can't eat it *whenever* you want... massive difference! My goodness, enjoy your food, enjoy your life.

    Also.. when people talk to me before my first sip of coffee. Stab to kill.

    THIS! especially the coffee part!!
  • RhonndaJ
    RhonndaJ Posts: 1,615 Member
    People failing to take responsibility for their actions and lives.
  • Amanda_Gx6
    Amanda_Gx6 Posts: 320 Member
    What grinds my gears? People that think they can't eat whatever they want and loose weight.
    You can eat whatever you want, honestly... you just can't eat it *whenever* you want... massive difference! My goodness, enjoy your food, enjoy your life.

    Also.. when people talk to me before my first sip of coffee. Stab to kill.

    Perfectly said. But to add to the first sip of coffee...waking me up before 7 on a saturday/sunday morning without any coffee prepared. Damn you! Also the people that wear knit hats to the gym....LIKE REALLY????? ITS NOT A FRIKKEN IGLOO!
  • tryclyn
    tryclyn Posts: 2,414 Member
    People who say they struggle to eat enough calories....just...grr...(no offense, I'm just jealous!)

    Also people who say they "forget to eat"

    If you wait long enough hunger "goes away", so, yes, it is possible to forget to eat when you are busy. I make the effort now, so it doesn't happen as often.
  • footiechick82
    footiechick82 Posts: 1,203 Member
    What really grinds my gears, when people say "you're too skinny!" OR When my roommate decides she's going to starve herself to lose weight THEN she raids my closet when she loses weight to see if my clothes now fit her! Then when she squeezes into some of them, she stretches them out and I can't wear them anymore :(
  • TubbsMcGee
    TubbsMcGee Posts: 1,058 Member
    That the majority of food that tastes orgasmic :love: is bad for me and the good stuff doesn't leave me as satisfied as the bad. :sad:
    I love a cheese salad can eat it every day but never hits that sweet spot like a most chocolate cake or a portion of fish and chips.

    What grinds your gears?
    Lets do it Griffin style! :tongue:
    Food is neither bad or good.

    Exactly. Everything in moderation.

    It grinds my gears when people decide to go on a "diet" and deprive themselves of everything they once loved. Then, when they finally lose the weight, they go back to their old habits and don't consider what they just worked hard for to be a LIFESTYLE CHANGE.

  • askcupid117
    askcupid117 Posts: 126 Member
    When I turn my "cheat meal" into a cheat weekend and then that full blown binge for days sets me back weeks worth of work :(

    I don't know how others do it but if I have a cheat meal it is soooo hard not to completely fall off the wagon. Its like it triggers me to just spiral out of control. Especially if there are leftovers in the house!!
  • trophywife24
    trophywife24 Posts: 1,472 Member
    When I turn my "cheat meal" into a cheat weekend and then that full blown binge for days sets me back weeks worth of work :(

    I don't know how others do it but if I have a cheat meal it is soooo hard not to completely fall off the wagon. Its like it triggers me to just spiral out of control. Especially if there are leftovers in the house!!

    You need to give yourself time... I mean several weeks or a few months before you start with the cheat meal stuff. :)