Unless I sweat I don't log my activity.......right or wrong?



  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    Only actual workouts and other strenuous activity out of my normal routine gets logged.

    For example:
    Yesterday's lifting session at the gym? Logged.
    Yesterday's building of my wife's sewing table? Logged.
    Yesterday's three loads of laundry and one load of dishes? Not logged.
  • BellaLunaFleur
    BellaLunaFleur Posts: 154 Member
    I don't care what others log. I stay in my own lane and do what works for me.

    I agree. Staying focused on yourself is better then thinking about what other people count as exercise. Different things work for different people. Besides if they cant do much maybe it makes they feel like they are doing their best to burn some calories even if its not much.
  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    I log if I steam clean my carpets. That takes a couple of hours and is really hard work. I don't log doing dishes or just running the vacuum cleaner. I also log when I do heavy yard work like cutting the grass, raking the leaves, or digging up a large area to prep it for planting. I don't however log when I clean up the dog stuff or sweep the side walks. I don't log doing dishes or cleaning the bathrooms. Not much effort or as much effort in doing those things and they are done pretty regular so I consider that part of my daily routine. Things I don't normally do on a daily or at least once a week basis I will log.
  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    i log anything that's not TMI (hubba hubba) & not my regular daily exercise.

    so while i lift lots of boxes at work and run up and down stairs, i don't log that because that's a typical day.

    forcing my *kitten* out of bed at 7am to walk my dog for 1/2 an hour, i count that.

    basically i don't agree to only count something that makes you sweat. sometimes when i weight lift i don't sweat, but i feel the exertion and know i'm working my muscles.

    There are people who do NOT sweat like me. I can work out all day and barely sweat at all. Maybe a little on my forehead but thats about it. Unless I'm super hot and its a hot muggy day then yes I'll sweat a bit but in general I don't sweat. So if you were to only log what makes you sweat then I would never have any activity logged at all.
  • kristibag81
    I only log actual, scheduled exercise, not daily, regular activities even though sometimes they make me sweat. But, that's just me. I chase a 4 and 2 year old around after working all day, but I'm not going to log "parenting"...and I also clean all the time. :) I think if it's strenuous enough, I can see why people would log it...I just don't.
  • AmandaW01
    AmandaW01 Posts: 138
    I don't log 'normal' cleaning and the like, but I would add if I was doing a full on carpet clean or moving furniture - it feels like a workout when my arms fall off and I can hardly walk afterwards ;-) I don't log walking around the shops or general school runs (but I do wear my pedometer all day), but I do log my dog walks - I run on alternate days and on my 'rest' days I will walk briskly wearing my garmin and HRM and class it as a workout. It all depends what is 'normal' for you - if I went for a walk with the dogs with the kids then it wouldn't be logged because it would be a gentle amble. Everyone is different and for some people logging the cleaning will give them the incentive to move up the exercises a bit - there's no shame in that!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Not necessarily sweat...I can get my heart rate up in the fat burn and fitness zone on my HRM for 30-45 minutes and not break a real sweat unless it's hot out. For me that's in the 130-140 BPM range on my HRM. Otherwise, I would agree...logging cleaning the house and what not is really just milking the system and I would imagine that the results are not what people are hoping for when they do this.

    HR above 130 for 30 minutes or more and I log it; otherwise, no...and I don't log lifting weights either...only cardio that has resulted in my HR being above 130 for 30 consecutive minutes or more.
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    I don't bother to include it, because I reason that day to day housework that I would normally do is already included. I think there's also a big danger of overestimating. If you spend two hours cleaning the house, you will burn quite a few calories, but you'd also burn a fair amount of calories in 2 hours of watching TV. When the calorie counts seem high, I sometimes wonder if people are logging the total they've burned in those two hours instead of just the extra they've burned.

    However .... I don't think it's always necessary to sweat to log the calories. If you went for a walk in addition to your normal activities for the day, then I think that's worth logging whether you sweat or not. Or if you did a lot of cleaning, more than you would normally do. I think you get a sense of what's part of your everyday activity and what's "extra".
  • jumpeebean
    I agree with bcattoes.
  • 294Rich
    294Rich Posts: 171 Member
    Nope, for those of us who have weight to lose (myself included), the day-to-day activities have clearly been insufficient to counter the food consumption so far, so why would I start logging it now? :)
    It's already incoroporated within the minimum calorie requirements afaiac.
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    I feel like some people really reach for the extra calories burned, but I count them the same way as you! You certainly aren't going to lapse into "starvation mode" because you deep cleaned your house and burned some extra calories one week.
  • a778c466
    a778c466 Posts: 141 Member
    I typically don't log cleaning, but a couple weeks ago, I logged doing the laundry because I had to do it the old fashioned way with a scrub board. Lol. I was exhausted. Our machines at my apartment complex weren't working and I had to get it done. Other than that though, I typically only log planned exercise.
  • kcsaville
    kcsaville Posts: 33 Member
    If I know I am going to spend a straight hour or two of hard core cleaning like moving all the furniture to vaccuum and cleaning windows or walls, then I will put on my HRM and calculate those calories if there is no rest in between the cleaning. But, I also have myself listed as sedentary, so I feel this would be above my normal daily activity just like my workouts would be. I think if you have your activity increased on MFP, then logging these calories burned probably wouldn't be necessary.
  • Aspiring_Inferno
    I don't log my cleaning rituals unless they result in me breaking a sweat. Doing the dishes, the laundry and taking out the tash DON"T COUNT.
    But moving furniture to vacume, packing up or unpacking holiday decorations, washing floors by hand etc. These are things that are not done on a daily basis. Perhaps a weekly, biweekly or monthly basis.
    So in my opinion, yes they count
  • DGK12
    DGK12 Posts: 117
    I agree. I don't even log (or get a stripe) if I don't feel like I've worked hard enough in taekwondo. I think it's all individual preference.
  • trishmce
    I only log intentional exercise. ADLs (activities of daily life) are figured in when you put your activity level in set up.
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    I generally log housework if its above and beyond my daily routine. So with laundry, it has to be a consistent folding, putting away etc. Not just a load or two a day -- I consider that my daily routine. I never even thought to log dishes because I have to do them each day. I do log my "get into crevaces" and "deep cleaning" because I don't do it. Picking up after my husband and two kids is an every day activity, but I don't scrub down my bathroom from top to bottom every day. Or recently, I spent an entire afternoon working in my kitchen taking everything out of my cabinets, washing them down and reorganizing them -- I logged that.
  • jennalee1312
    I log any extra walking I do that is with the intent of trying to do extra....I do log cleaning sometimes but NOT daily cleaning...I only log cleaning when I go on a "let's move the fridge and stove and hand scrub the floor" type cleaning....bc maybe once every 2 or 3 weeks I go on a major cleaning overload...I pick aup and do normal stuff daily but every once and a while I go way overboard shampooing carpets with one of those big rental carpet cleaners and if u have ever used one of these u know it IS work lol...or as I said I hand scrub floors...tubs...and so on...heavy cleaning is a way to deal with stress for me but isn't something I do everyvday.

    So I guess if I feel its outside of my daily...and my body feels worked more than normal then yes I log it. Then again I dont really exercise...I just chase a 2 year old lol
  • jennalee1312
    I typically don't log cleaning, but a couple weeks ago, I logged doing the laundry because I had to do it the old fashioned way with a scrub board. Lol. I was exhausted. Our machines at my apartment complex weren't working and I had to get it done. Other than that though, I typically only log planned exercise.

  • jennalee1312
    I generally log housework if its above and beyond my daily routine. So with laundry, it has to be a consistent folding, putting away etc. Not just a load or two a day -- I consider that my daily routine. I never even thought to log dishes because I have to do them each day. I do log my "get into crevaces" and "deep cleaning" because I don't do it. Picking up after my husband and two kids is an every day activity, but I don't scrub down my bathroom from top to bottom every day. Or recently, I spent an entire afternoon working in my kitchen taking everything out of my cabinets, washing them down and reorganizing them -- I logged that.

    I agree....if its above ur daily norm its ok to log bc u are burning more...and honestly I dont always eat back the extra caories anyway...so I think deep cleaning is ok to log too

    What I think is if you are loosing weight then obviously whatever system ur using is working. Now if I wasn't loosing weight I may re evaluate.