I gain at 1500 calories but lose at 1300-1400



  • staceypunk
    staceypunk Posts: 924 Member
    I am no expert and I just looked back about a week or so, but I agree. OP you can do a little better with eating foods that are less processed. As others said, it's probably causing you to retain more water. Also, just something I noticed- you can try different things in your coffee so that it's less calories. Probably need to ditch the flavored creamer or cut down on how much you add. Don't hate on me, just thought it might be helpful. :) Good luck!
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I am completely serious.

    If you want a machine to run like a Bently you have to fuel it like one. That doesn't mean that you can splurge from time to time but you can't expect optimum performance on low-quality fuel.

    Good luck with that. I prefer humanity. :flowerforyou:
  • rose313
    rose313 Posts: 1,146 Member
    You may be measuring portion sizes incorrectly, do you have a food scale?
  • Samantha44145
    Samantha44145 Posts: 66 Member
    I am completely serious.

    If you want a machine to run like a Bently you have to fuel it like one. That doesn't mean that you can splurge from time to time but you can't expect optimum performance on low-quality fuel.

    Good luck with that. I prefer humanity. :flowerforyou:

    :flowerforyou: I meant to say "that doesn't mean you can't splurge". I love pizza too.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    I have noticed this before and quit cause I couldn't stick with the low calories. I am determined to lose though this time. I am keeping my calories between 1300-1400 and have lost 6 lbs in 15 days. Then I ate more for 2 days and gained a pound and a half. I am frustrated. I weigh at the same time every morning right after I go to the bathroom completely naked to make sure there isn't any outside influences on the weight. I am going to keep trying...

    That 1.5 pounds in 2 days is water. It's pretty much impossible to gain a pound of actual fat in 2 days. 1 Lb equals 3,500 calories...that means to gain 1.5 Lbs in 2 days you'd have to eat 1,750 calories per day above your maintenance TDEE, and I can guarantee you that 1,500 calories isn't that number, nor is 2,000. I don't know your stats, but let's say that your maintenance TDEE is 2,000 calories (pretty typical or at least in the neighborhood for most women give or take a couple hundred). If that was the case, you'd have to net 3,750 calories per day to gain 1 Lb of fat in 2 days. It's science...nobody is a snowflake.

    If your diet is high in sodium, you'll most likely retain a lot of water. If it's high in sodium, either cut the sodium or drink even more water to flush it.
  • mdcoug
    mdcoug Posts: 397 Member
    You're putting too much weight (pun, ha ha) into regular fluctuation in your weight. If you plan to weigh yourself every day, that's fine, but don't let it impact what your plans are. Instead, evaluate your results over a longer period of time. If you know that 1300-1400 works for you, then make that your target. Forget about those days where you have a 1500 cals and forget about those days where you have 1200 cals.

    And, if you can't weigh yourself frequently and remain objective, then stick to once a week.

    As someone else said, this is a marathon, not a sprint.
  • I have noticed this before and quit cause I couldn't stick with the low calories. I am determined to lose though this time. I am keeping my calories between 1300-1400 and have lost 6 lbs in 15 days. Then I ate more for 2 days and gained a pound and a half. I am frustrated. I weigh at the same time every morning right after I go to the bathroom completely naked to make sure there isn't any outside influences on the weight. I am going to keep trying...

    That 1.5 pounds in 2 days is water. It's pretty much impossible to gain a pound of actual fat in 2 days. 1 Lb equals 3,500 calories...that means to gain 1.5 Lbs in 2 days you'd have to eat 1,750 calories per day above your maintenance TDEE, and I can guarantee you that 1,500 calories isn't that number, nor is 2,000. I don't know your stats, but let's say that your maintenance TDEE is 2,000 calories (pretty typical or at least in the neighborhood for most women give or take a couple hundred). If that was the case, you'd have to net 3,750 calories per day to gain 1 Lb of fat in 2 days. It's science...nobody is a snowflake.

    If your diet is high in sodium, you'll most likely retain a lot of water. If it's high in sodium, either cut the sodium or drink even more water to flush it.

    Start measuring sodium in your diary and if you come out consistently high, you might have found your culprit.
  • karrieamandakeeps
    The only thing that I would add to the comments here is just that in looking at your diary over the last several days, not only are your calories all over the place but the quality of your food choices is not what you want for a healthy diet. I also did not see any exercise noted. Pizza, mozzarella sticks, meatloaf, Texas Toast, cheesecake are all calorie-dense and from a nutrition standpoint, completely inefficient in giving your body what it needs to thrive.

    My suggestion: Fill your calorie goal with more efficient nutrition and exercise.

    Are you serious? Calorie-dense, sure, that's true, but there is nothing inherently wrong with any of those food choices. Each of those items can be enjoyed within the context of a well-balanced diet.
    Dead serious. Its easy.
    High sodium foods daily=water retention=weight gain.(Plus its not heart healthy or effective to eat high fat, high sodium foods daily)
    FYI "anything" can be eaten in moderation, not on a daily basis. In a perfect world I'd eat pizza and bacon everyday!
  • Amyirene74
    Amyirene74 Posts: 63 Member
    The only thing that I would add to the comments here is just that in looking at your diary over the last several days, not only are your calories all over the place but the quality of your food choices is not what you want for a healthy diet. I also did not see any exercise noted. Pizza, mozzarella sticks, meatloaf, Texas Toast, cheesecake are all calorie-dense and from a nutrition standpoint, completely inefficient in giving your body what it needs to thrive.

    My suggestion: Fill your calorie goal with more efficient nutrition and exercise.
    The meal on Saturday was my once in a year girls night out. I don't eat out like that every night. The pizza was our family dinner. My kids won't eat things like artichokes and tomatoes. We had some chicken last night that had those and they wouldn't touch it. The only thing they ate was the chicken and the pasta. I have to eat what the family eats but in smaller portions. I still have 4 kids at home (5 in the summer) so I have to work around them. I weighed this morning and I am down again so it must have been water weight.
  • Amyirene74
    Amyirene74 Posts: 63 Member
    The only thing that I would add to the comments here is just that in looking at your diary over the last several days, not only are your calories all over the place but the quality of your food choices is not what you want for a healthy diet. I also did not see any exercise noted. Pizza, mozzarella sticks, meatloaf, Texas Toast, cheesecake are all calorie-dense and from a nutrition standpoint, completely inefficient in giving your body what it needs to thrive.

    My suggestion: Fill your calorie goal with more efficient nutrition and exercise.

    Are you serious? Calorie-dense, sure, that's true, but there is nothing inherently wrong with any of those food choices. Each of those items can be enjoyed within the context of a well-balanced diet.
    Dead serious. Its easy.
    High sodium foods daily=water retention=weight gain.(Plus its not heart healthy or effective to eat high fat, high sodium foods daily)
    FYI "anything" can be eaten in moderation, not on a daily basis. In a perfect world I'd eat pizza and bacon everyday!

    I have to eat high sodium foods or I pass out. I have really low blood pressure and was told by my doctor to eat alot of salt. It keeps my pressure up. Otherwise I fall under 100/50 and get dizzy.
  • Firefox7275
    Firefox7275 Posts: 2,040 Member
    Why does 100-200 calories make such a difference. At 1300 calories I lose 3 lbs a week. At 1500 I gain 3 lbs a week. Is my metabolism really that slow?

    Depleting the muscles of glycogen (carb fuel) and so dehydrating - 1g glycogen is stored with 3g water. When you eat at the higher level you are refuelling and rehydrating. Or sodium.

    Eating a high sodium diet is not an excuse to live on rubbish, eat home cooked wholefoods and add salt or MSG yourself or eat more healthy foods that are naturally higher in salt such as oily fish and other seafood. Be sure you are consuming enough of the other minerals that help with water balance. Poor nutrition/ various deficiencies can cause or contribute to hypotension including some of the B vitamins IIRC. You don't consistently consume B12 rich animal products and your diet look low in a raft of other nutrients, really your doctor should refer you to a registered dietician instead of 'prescribing' salt.

    Please stop hiding behind your children because you as parents are in charge of their health: what they eat during childhood and the teenage years affects their health for life including their chances of obesity. Set a good example and encourage or force them to eat a balanced nutritious diet depending whether you prefer 'carrot or stick' discipline.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    The only thing that I would add to the comments here is just that in looking at your diary over the last several days, not only are your calories all over the place but the quality of your food choices is not what you want for a healthy diet. I also did not see any exercise noted. Pizza, mozzarella sticks, meatloaf, Texas Toast, cheesecake are all calorie-dense and from a nutrition standpoint, completely inefficient in giving your body what it needs to thrive.

    My suggestion: Fill your calorie goal with more efficient nutrition and exercise.

    Are you serious? Calorie-dense, sure, that's true, but there is nothing inherently wrong with any of those food choices. Each of those items can be enjoyed within the context of a well-balanced diet.
    Dead serious. Its easy.
    High sodium foods daily=water retention=weight gain.(Plus its not heart healthy or effective to eat high fat, high sodium foods daily)
    FYI "anything" can be eaten in moderation, not on a daily basis. In a perfect world I'd eat pizza and bacon everyday!

    I ate bacon and eggs everyday for breakfast while losing weight.. and I am perfectly healthy.

    Like everyone else said, stick to weighing once a week.

    It's most likely water you are seeing
  • blanhe2
    blanhe2 Posts: 88
    To gain 1.5 lbs it means you had to eat 5000 cals OVER maintenance cals... and you didn't do this. it is just a normal weight fluctuation. Perhaps the food was a bit more salty than the previous days and you are having a bit of water retention, where are you in your monthly cycle?.
  • mazdauk
    mazdauk Posts: 1,380 Member
    Eat the same as your family but have only small amounts of potato/pasta and larger amounts of good veg (i.e. steamed/microwaved rather than roasted or in a yummy cheesey sauce....mmmmmmmmm...cheese...). I always weigh my cereal, for example, as its so easy to build up over time.
  • jerzypeach
    jerzypeach Posts: 176 Member
    Stay at the higher calories and make your deficit through moving more. This will bump up your metabolism more than continually cutting your calories. Besides.....being able to eat more is much more satisfying. Hope things go your way really soon!
  • deniseearheart
    deniseearheart Posts: 919 Member
    As hard as it is try weighing in once a month... I just moved from Arizona to Washington and my scale ended up in storage. I weighed myself at a friends and was surprised more by the number weighing myself in a month and a half then weekly/daily
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,282 Member
    As hard as it is try weighing in once a month... I just moved from Arizona to Washington and my scale ended up in storage. I weighed myself at a friends and was surprised more by the number weighing myself in a month and a half then weekly/daily

    I was weighing weekly and it was driving me insane to see the fluctuations. Now I weight monthly (and measure) and it is SO much better for me.
  • rosieg1979
    rosieg1979 Posts: 99 Member
    If, like me, you love data and have to weigh in daily, how about plugging your weights into https://trendweight.com/help It plots your weights and smooths out the fluctuations so you get a truer picture of what is happening.
  • Amyirene74
    Amyirene74 Posts: 63 Member
    To gain 1.5 lbs it means you had to eat 5000 cals OVER maintenance cals... and you didn't do this. it is just a normal weight fluctuation. Perhaps the food was a bit more salty than the previous days and you are having a bit of water retention, where are you in your monthly cycle?.

    I'm in surgical menopause. I take estrogen to help with the hot flashes.