People Afraid To Mention Your Weight Loss?



  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    If you want people to mention it, print out your ticker, cut it out and pin/tape it to your shirt. :happy: (Or have a custom "I lost weight" type button or mfp ticker t-shirt custom made from cafepress.)
  • TigvaDraga
    TigvaDraga Posts: 12 Member
  • TigvaDraga
    TigvaDraga Posts: 12 Member
    Girl, I have FIVE older sisters 16-6 years older than me, they are very very catty...that's why I didn't really say much to her about her comment, but it did hurt my feelings. I agree though, people that you see you more often don't notice as much. My boss mentioned the other day that I lost a bunch of weight, it always feels good to be noticed ;)
  • amandapye78
    amandapye78 Posts: 820 Member
    yes, had the same problem. Dont get it. I had a client stare at me for a long time until she finally said " did you do something different?" haha. I said no, I just lost 25 lbs. She then congratulated me.
  • fusion777
    fusion777 Posts: 197
    I'm finding it strange as well. Then when I went out on a limb and asked my brother if he even noticed because he hadn't commented, he said 'no'. :D Only a brother could get away with that. :P When I wear more fitted clothes I get more comments.

    i can beat that...
    my HUSBAND said he could not see any difference... until one day while grocery shopping... he passed by the end of the aisle i was in, twice, while looking for me... (i never noticed him as i was busy reading labels *L*)
    finally, i heard him laughing, walking up the aisle towards me, saying 'ok, that's bad.. i guess you have lost weight, i did not even recognize you... twice!"

    Best compliment from him ever *LOL*

    Love this!!! Congrats on your weightloss!!
  • arcticfox04
    arcticfox04 Posts: 1,011 Member
    Everyone I know. They know its a waste of time to talk to me about it because I personally don't care thinking of the past.
  • Chrissy180
    Chrissy180 Posts: 30 Member
    When I told my mother that I was ready to start eating healthy and excercising routinely again she told me that she noticed that I was gaining weight. Then proceeds to say that she was disappointed because she knew how hard I had worked to get the weight off, which I had..Well, I was pissed!! Because she said the first time she noticed was at my brothers wedding....2 years and 100 lbs ago!! Why didn't she say something then?!?!? I asked her and she didn't want to "hurt my feelings". . But if I was walking around with a huge thing growing off my face I guarantee she would have said something. Sometimes those that love you need to speak up. Not a stranger of course, which I agree is rude and inappropriate. If I had seen myself through her eyes 2 years ago it may have made a difference. Obesity is a disease, and if I had cancer my family would be involved, why not with my weight issues..Just my opinion.
  • I said to my boss this morning: I've lost 1.2 lbs this week thats 1/4 of what I put on at christmas so a good start :)
    and she said she thought I was becoming a bit obssessed with weight loss, is it a bad thing to want to eat healthy exercise regularly and lose weight gained over the holidays ? :S

    Nope! Not at all. Maybe she thought you were obsessed because you talk to her specifically a lot about it lol It may also be a personal thing, maybe she doesn't care at all about losing weight. It could also be jealousy....
  • When I told my mother that I was ready to start eating healthy and excercising routinely again she told me that she noticed that I was gaining weight. Then proceeds to say that she was disappointed because she knew how hard I had worked to get the weight off, which I had..Well, I was pissed!! Because she said the first time she noticed was at my brothers wedding....2 years and 100 lbs ago!! Why didn't she say something then?!?!? I asked her and she didn't want to "hurt my feelings". . But if I was walking around with a huge thing growing off my face I guarantee she would have said something. Sometimes those that love you need to speak up. Not a stranger of course, which I agree is rude and inappropriate. If I had seen myself through her eyes 2 years ago it may have made a difference. Obesity is a disease, and if I had cancer my family would be involved, why not with my weight issues..Just my opinion.

    Totally agreed. Western society has made weight something to be embarassed about, so naturally kind humans don't want to discuss it with someone they think is overweight because they don't want to hurt their feelings. Of course, the truth is that weight SHOULD be discussed especially if you love someone and want the best for them.
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    is it a bad thing to want to eat healthy exercise regularly and lose weight gained over the holidays ? :S
    I said to my boss this morning: I've lost 1.2 lbs this week thats 1/4 of what I put on at christmas so a good start :)
    and she said she thought I was becoming a bit obssessed with weight loss,
    Saying, "my weight loss stalled over the holidays as would be expected but now I'm back on track" is one thing. But saying you lost 1 pound and 3.2 ounces is IMO obsessive. Especially if you did it by counting fractions of calories eaten, and running 1 mile and 14 feet. ;)

    Since your goal also contains a fraction of a pound, I hope you know that when you reach your goal there is no way, no matter what you do, that your weight is going to stay within even a few pounds at all times. It's going to fluctuate up and down by several pounds. If you're attaching your 'success' or value as a person to being able to maintain your weight within a few ounces, you're in for some very unhappy times. (Just FYI. If you already know that and just like numbers then nevermind. ;))
  • bnorris2013
    bnorris2013 Posts: 256 Member
    You know I think it varies from person to person

    There is a great way to say something to someone without directly mentioning weight loss which also opens it up if the person wants to talk about it then they can

    You look great today!

    This way they can either say thank you and move on

    If your losing weight expect people to mention it regardless of the reason why your losing weight people will mention it

    Me personally I want people to mention it makes me feel better about myself that other people notice me losing weight - And not from people who are saying it because they know this about me - I like hearing it from people who I normally don't see - But again that is just me
  • 1223345
    1223345 Posts: 1,386 Member
    People may be worried about why you lost the weight. maybe they think you could be sick. I once complimented a co-worker on their weight loss and they had been terribly ill. I felt bad.