someone else made you fat?



  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    My son made me fat.

    lol. I got more fat with my daughter than my son! Although I exercised all through my pregnancy with my son. With my daughter....not so much!
  • DaBossLady24
    DaBossLady24 Posts: 556 Member
    Starvation mode made me fat

    You mean Dr. Oz, raspberry ketones, HCG, and thigh gaps?
  • pawoodhull
    pawoodhull Posts: 1,759 Member
    I would love to blame all this on someone else, but the truth is I made me fat. I overate and didn't exercise. I got to 386 pounds all by myself. I also am getting it off with the help of a great surgeon, a gastric sleeve, the support of my husband, kids, family & friends, and my own determination to eat healthy, stick within a certain calorie goal, get all my protein and water in daily and now that I'm physically able, exercise. Here's to us group! The best kind of losers there are!! :laugh:
  • Chief_Rocka
    Chief_Rocka Posts: 4,710 Member
    Starvation mode made me fat

    You mean Dr. Oz, raspberry ketones, HCG, and thigh gaps?

    and spot reduction
  • Emma_Problema
    Emma_Problema Posts: 422 Member
    I think you're seriously discounting the social factors that impact our weight....culture, relationships, etc. There's been a lot of research backing up the idea that our relationships and our environment impact how much we weigh.

    I agree that we all need to make decisions for ourselves and that it's quite silly to blame your weight on something or someone else as an excuse.

    However, social factors should not be discounted and it's important to be aware of what aspects of your life until this point have impacted your weight. It's important to be aware of the way we lived before if we want to make lifestyle changes instead of dieting.

    Just my 2 cents. But I'm someone who is applying to grad programs dealing with the social determinants of health (focusing on nutrition) and I get angry when people blame individuals when obesity is more complicated than that.
  • stfuriada
    stfuriada Posts: 445 Member
    My mom never did an intervention to cure me of my fried chicken dependence.
  • mis792
    mis792 Posts: 5
    I've been overweight since I was 8, and a lot of it has to do with eating habits learned from my family.
    I've always been super active but I think it's really unfair for OP to point the finger at readers and say "YOU MADE THAT CHOICE, STOP BLAMING OTHER PEOPLE AND OWN UP TO IT" be quiet with your nonsense because if I knew then what I know now, I would not be in the position that I'm in now.

    HOWEVER, I do not blame my family for any of that because I did benefit.
    I ate my mom's cooking and was super active in school, which has now made me a bit of a powerhouse; I'm big, strong and very fast for my size and that's because of sports all year round plus all that eating I did while I lived with her.

    Now I'm on my own journey, there's nobody left to blame but me and it's a lot easier to keep accountable that way.
  • kiz81
    kiz81 Posts: 14
    Im only just now finally getting my weight under control and its because iv finally stopped blaming everything/one else for me getting fat! Its funny how once i took the blame myself iv managed to do something about it!
  • Kennkaru
    Kennkaru Posts: 210 Member
    I've been overweight since I was 8, and a lot of it has to do with eating habits learned from my family.
    I've always been super active but I think it's really unfair for OP to point the finger at readers and say "YOU MADE THAT CHOICE, STOP BLAMING OTHER PEOPLE AND OWN UP TO IT" be quiet with your nonsense because if I knew then what I know now, I would not be in the position that I'm in now.

    HOWEVER, I do not blame my family for any of that because I did benefit.
    I ate my mom's cooking and was super active in school, which has now made me a bit of a powerhouse; I'm big, strong and very fast for my size and that's because of sports all year round plus all that eating I did while I lived with her.

    Now I'm on my own journey, there's nobody left to blame but me and it's a lot easier to keep accountable that way.

    Wasn't my intention to point any fingers. I thought I was pretty general and accounted for family influence. Obviously a post like this is going to turn up a person or two with a legit excuse, too. I'm a believer that exceptions can play a role in proving a rule. I'm glad to hear you're owning your journey. Best of luck!
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    My son made me fat.

    lol. I got more fat with my daughter than my son! Although I exercised all through my pregnancy with my son. With my daughter....not so much!

    I gained 25lbs with each of my daughters. Got back to pre-PG weight after both of them. Lost an extra 20lbs after daughter #2 and before my son. Gained 45 pounds with him. Same ending PG weight.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    My son made me fat.

    lol. I got more fat with my daughter than my son! Although I exercised all through my pregnancy with my son. With my daughter....not so much!

    I gained 25lbs with each of my daughters. Got back to pre-PG weight after both of them. Lost an extra 20lbs after daughter #2 and before my son. Gained 45 pounds with him. Same ending PG weight.

    I'm smaller now than when I got pregnant with my son, but it's taken 18 months. I'm nearly as small (maybe an inch to go) as when I was 24 (i'm 35 now).
  • Kennkaru
    Kennkaru Posts: 210 Member
    We all have our own set of unique factors- I certainly wouldn't argue with that.
    What matters is that we find a way to stay at the helm and are willing to be accountable for the things that really are in our control.
  • Serenstar75
    Serenstar75 Posts: 258 Member
    Actually I had an ex boyfriend that would literally shove food into my face until I would eat it - its the reason he is my ex- boyfriend.

    And no he didn't make me fat, I was fat before that. Fat Me made me fat. I weighed between 90 - 120 pounds for a very long time (I am 4'9.5" tall its acceptable) and the fat girl in me made me feel like poo and so I ate.. and I ate... and I ate... until the fat girl in me was on the outside and the skinny girl is stuck in there somewhere going WTF?!!!

    I dealt with a husband that was a lot like this. He'd insist on serving my plate, then complain a LOT if I didn't eat every last bit. His servings were pasta meant for two men usually. I hated his food. I hated eating it. I felt so downtrodden and depressed and overwhelmed by him that yes, I ate. Once he was gone, I lost 50 lbs. I don't naturally eat anywhere near what he'd have me eat. Did he make me fat? No. Did he have an abusive and overbearing personality that made it harder to resist against what he was doing? Yes. I've long since left behind the abusive guys that for awhile I was drawn to.
  • aekimz23
    aekimz23 Posts: 112 Member
    I started having weight problems in 3rd grade, I actually believe that I've been "obese" my entire life since then. I feel like at that age, and subsequent years, I didn't have the knowledge to get myself fit or healthy. I ate what my parents gave me, and they didn't teach me about proper nutrition or exercise. There were never really healthy foods in my house growing up, mostly I ate a lot of junk like chef boyardee raviolis, hot pockets, hamburger helpers, hot dogs, LOTS and lots of junk foods, etc. My mom never talked about my weight, and there were times when my dad would see me down in the dumps about it and tell me that he would help make me a workout program, but at such a young age I was too embarrassed and told him no. As I got older and wanted to lose weight more, I noticed a constant struggle with my mom, who had come to make me feel embarrassed every time I wanted to work out or make healthier food choices. In my teenage years this led to me hiding an eating disorder, constantly taking any foods to my room, stowing them away in a napkin and hiding it away in the bottom of the trash can. Needless to say, this didn't help me lose much weight or shrink out of the "obese" weight category, and has given me health problems that subside even today at the age of 21. My weight today is a constant struggle, and while I wish my parents instilled me with healthy eating and exercise habits at a young age, I cannot *blame* my weight on them, nor play the victim, so I do agree with you to a certain extent, however, I would say that the people around you can always negatively affect your eating habits (whether or not they mean to), and I think at times it gives you a feeling of not being able to control what goes into your own body.
  • Salvi30
    Salvi30 Posts: 196 Member
    No one or nothing made me fat. It was all my fault and I regret had doing that to myself.
  • GetHotIn2014
    GetHotIn2014 Posts: 201 Member
    Glad you posted this today. My ex-boyfriend (who is still a friend) calls me his "special 70" since he's gained 70lbs in the time we were together. Interestingly enough, I lost 120lbs while we were together, so I hardly think it's me. Argh.

    He must have found some of your lost weight! Haha!

    But yeah, I second this. My parents may not have supported the formation of great eating and exercise habits, but from a young age I've made choices to overeat and be lazy and that is completely on me. Yes, sometimes you do want to make excuses that you ate the wrong things or couldn't fit exercise in because of the demands of others, but when it comes down to your health, you HAVE to make it clear to anyone and anything in your way that it's far too important to compromise and end up feeling crappy all the time and then suffering from heart disease or cancer and dying early!
  • I've developed very unhealthy eating habits, especially eating when bored instead of when hungry. My mum is a marathon runner and eats a LOT to maintain her weight. ( I'm talking well over 3000 calories a day. ) So she eats consistently throughout the day, and this just rubbed off on me, however I don't have the excuse of a high muscle mass or a lot of exercise.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    I think it depends. I was raised with divorced parents. For my mom, a busy Realtor, dinner was at a 'sit down' restaurant almost every night. We never ate at home. When at my dad's everything was from a box or a can. I was raised on terrible processed foods. So was it my fault that I was overweight? No.

    Now, being 25 years old and having a much wider knowledge about food and nutrition, if I were to get 'fat' again (though I haven't finished losing) I would say that is all on me.
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    Frank made me fat. Over the span of a year. I blame 10-15 pounds on Frank, though he only weighted about 5 when the surgeons removed him.
    He made me nauseous and tired and tricked me into thinking it was my hypoglycemia, so I ate more, then laid around more.

    I am glad to have cut Frank out of my life.
    Good riddens to bad tumors!
  • Ray Kroc made me fat!