Weight Loss Deadlnes?



  • misemise
    misemise Posts: 16 Member
    I think having a deadline is a great idea... I got engaged at Christmas and hope to go wedding dress shopping over Easter break. My deadline for 27 March is to lose 20lbs.... Have a date, rather than a number of lbs is working for me so far!
  • nexangelus
    nexangelus Posts: 2,080 Member
    I don't have a deadline as such, but want to have my swimming, running and cycling mileages way up by June and also hopefully I will have dropped another 6 % body fat. I am faster and fitter and stronger at this heavier weight, but my goal is to lose body fat by June this year (partly so I don't look so ridiculous in the wetsuit and tri-suit during the triathlon)
  • yuckidah
    yuckidah Posts: 290 Member
    I gave myself last year to lose 20kgs/45lbs. I lost 22/50
    This year I want to lose another 10/22
    I would *like* to lose more, and faster too, but slow & steady (without any great hardship either) is definitely winning this race.
    I intend to get it off and keep it off.
  • Cassiopeia5
    Cassiopeia5 Posts: 6 Member
    I have sort of a rough deadline, which is sometime towards the end of the year. I won't disappointed if I don't make it though, because I've got plenty of time.
  • I also dead lined myself. I work ell with deadlines, I seem to need it to stay motivated. In fact its what started my weigh loss journey! I dead lined my self to loose 20 pounds before my Caribbean vacation, gave myself 8 weeks, and I hit my target one week early!!

    When I get back from vacation, I am continuing my weight loss plan with a longer deadline and a bigger goal!
  • NinjaJinja
    NinjaJinja Posts: 147 Member
    I guess I have a different approach. Hard deadlines work well for me only when I am held accountable by someone else (like at work). Self imposed deadlines are far too easy for me to be like "oh well!" when it looks like I won't make it.

    So instead of focusing on the goal of "lose x amount of weight in x time frame", my goal is actually "stick to the diet every day of the week" - and if I do so then I have permission to buy myself a prize. (Monetary limit of $60 on the prize, and the prize cannot be food.) My biggest problem is consistency - I frequently start things, get bored, and move on to other things. That's why I've only finished 5 video games ever in my entire life and why I have so many unfinished craft projects lying around. So instead of stressing myself out that I didn't achieve the rate and now I'm off track for the goal deadline, I am focusing more on rewarding myself for staying consistent with the methods of weight loss.
  • slynnalex
    slynnalex Posts: 38 Member
    I guess I have a different approach. Hard deadlines work well for me only when I am held accountable by someone else (like at work). Self imposed deadlines are far too easy for me to be like "oh well!" when it looks like I won't make it.

    So instead of focusing on the goal of "lose x amount of weight in x time frame", my goal is actually "stick to the diet every day of the week" - and if I do so then I have permission to buy myself a prize. (Monetary limit of $60 on the prize, and the prize cannot be food.) My biggest problem is consistency - I frequently start things, get bored, and move on to other things. That's why I've only finished 5 video games ever in my entire life and why I have so many unfinished craft projects lying around. So instead of stressing myself out that I didn't achieve the rate and now I'm off track for the goal deadline, I am focusing more on rewarding myself for staying consistent with the methods of weight loss.

    ^^This! My prize is usually some new clothes since I keep shrinking out of my current clothes.:happy:
  • My deadline is not so much about how much weight I need to lose in a certain amount of time. I've set myself deadlines like that before but when I see that I'm not going to make it I just quit. This time around I have a different approach that I feel will work better.
    I'm not a runner, I haven't been able to run more than a couple minutes at a time in over ten years. I do walk or hike a couple miles a week with my dog. But I decided to set myself a goal of running a 10K Mud Run on June 1st. It seems like fun plus it'll keep me motivated to train, because a couple friends are also going to do it. I'm competitive at everthing I do, so even though I'm the only that can't really run I WILL FINISH THE RUN. Along with training I will eat better and log my calories.

    So my goal Isn't to lose X amount of weight in 5 months. It's to be able to finish the run in 5 months. The weight that will come off is just a bonus. I know at my current weight it'll be almost impossible to run the whole race, so by then I should be about 30lbs lighter.
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