Prerequisites for success on Insanity



  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    I've done Insanity 3 times, Asylum twice, and insanity/aslyum hybrid (that was the worst lol) and i'm doing p90x now.

    I know at least one very out overweight guy that got through the whole program and did really well, but he wasn't new to exercise and had been doing something for over a year before hand.

    Its true that its a 'go at your own pace' kind of work out, as unlikely as that may seem in the advertizements. So because of that, any one could possibly do it.

    But as some people have said, its possible to do it and not lose weight. Thats because its really easy to eat back all those calories that you burn even when doing insanity. And for me, all that cardio gives me a huge appetite. for me, it was a lot easier eating around 1500 cals a day when i was fat and did nothing then it was to stop at 2,400 when i was thin and my metabolism was burning like a jet engine. in the end, its really all about eating less then you use so you burn fat (when it comes to losing weight, shaping your body is a different story).

    In that case, do you really need to work THAT hard? I guess it depends on where you are and where you want to be. If you are very obese and really the main goal is to drop fat... you might not really get that much more out of insanity then a resonable exercise program and soild calorie defecit. If your goals are more body shaping and your not so obese that you don't need to lose 50 lbs before you start to see the changes insanity makes then it might be a good idea.

    All that being said, there is no reason not to give it a try if you want. HOWEVER, i strongly recommend you have a back up plan, what are you going to do if you deside its not for you? as long as you have some other exercise plan to fall back on if things dont work out and you follow through with that then theres absolutely no harm at all.
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    but to answer your question on how to prepare, how about

    do plyometric cardio circuit.
    get sore.
    take as long as you need until your not that soare.
    do plyometric cardio circut.
    get sore.
    repeat until your not that sore the next day.

    Then your in a good spot to do the program and at least not have to deal with the DOMS in the first week. don't have to keep doing the same work out above of course.
  • EmilyOfTheSun
    EmilyOfTheSun Posts: 1,548 Member
    The only thing to keep in mind is this, do NOT try to keep up with the people in the video, (unless you're able). Go at a pace that is challenging for you, but that you're able to maintain throughout the duration of the workout.

    Oh and, "eat back your exercise calories" so you can build those muscles! Get a heart rate monitor so you can figure out an accurate burn. I recommend the Polar FT7.
  • Bikini27
    Bikini27 Posts: 1,290 Member
    Pace yourself.
    Modify the moves until you're able to do them safely.
    Start out with the plan of doing it multiple rounds before you're kicking butt in time with the cast.

    And most importantly:
    HAVE FUN!!! I LOVE this program, second round with the first month after a few months being a fat kid.

    O, and best idea? Invest in a good HRM and muscle recovery formula. Only reason I can stick to the schedule is the muscle recovery formula I take. :drinker:
  • toque88
    toque88 Posts: 113 Member
    Get a good heart rate monitor so you can push yourself and have the confidence to know that you are working out safely.
  • julesxo
    julesxo Posts: 422 Member
    I am wondering the same myself.
    I have ordered the videos and waiting for them to arrive in the mail. The only videos I have done are 30 Day Shred and Ripped in 30 yet I am still really nervous about sticking with it!! But hey I'm going to give it my all and do what I can.
  • importdude
    importdude Posts: 15 Member
    For me, I never really exercise. Mostly just required p.e class from k-12. last year I did a lot of biking.
    I started doing insanity. First week my legs were so sore, I did not even want to get up to go pee.!!
    As days go on, I felt great and not sore. Now all I feel after a workout is great energy.
    This is my first workout program I did and I love it. Like others have said, modify some of the workouts, and go at your own pace.
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    recommend you just follow the nutrition plan rather then whatever mfp tells you to eat.

    oh and a recovery drink is also a good idea. They can be expensive tho. I just copied the ingredients in the BeachBody drink and put them together in the propper proptions. Its just whey protien, dextrose and maltodextrin mainly. I bought a 50lbs bag each of malto and dextrose from a baking supply website. add that to the whey i already get. I save tons of money. its a pretty big hassle in the beginng though, transferring the sugar into usable containers is a *****, and you have to weight every thing (i eventually cut my whey scoops to get me the right amount of each substance).

    A good post exercise drink thats cheap is low fat chocolate milk. Its what they used in at least one study proving that at least a 3:1 carb to protien ratio is beneficial post exercise. Or you could make these 3 ingredient deliectious pancakes that also have a 3:1 carb to protein ratio:
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    personally i don't know how anyone who didn't play any organized sports where a coach is pushing you to do way more then you would otherwise do gets through these beach body programs lol

    but kuddos to all who do. I've seen a few threads where a bunch of people start then theres two people talking to each other in the end
  • Trueray
    Trueray Posts: 1,189 Member
    I would do p90x first before starting insanity it really helps.
  • Absonthebrain
    Absonthebrain Posts: 587 Member
    I just started it this week, I'm on day 4 today. I must say its a pretty intense workout but I find that I put forth as much effort as I can and I am sweating like a pig at the end. I don't think you need to start something else to do it, I think you should just do it. It's also a lot of fun too! I am already noticing results in my core. Go for it, you won't know unless you try :)
  • chelchelt
    chelchelt Posts: 77 Member
    Do what you can at your pace and build up to the whole workpout at the high intensity. I'm doing P 90X and I just go at my own pace for as long as I can. When I started I could only do about 10 minutes now I am up to between 20 and 30 minutes of it.
  • kaotik26
    kaotik26 Posts: 590 Member
    I kept trying it but never made it to recovery week due to injuries to my hips and ankle. My conclusion was that between the joint damage from the Army and I was still a little overweight so my body wasn't handling the high impact very well.
  • rstinne1
    rstinne1 Posts: 35 Member
  • EmilyOfTheSun
    EmilyOfTheSun Posts: 1,548 Member
    I would do p90x first before starting insanity it really helps.

    That's what I did as well.
  • rstinne1
    rstinne1 Posts: 35 Member
    I'm doing the 30 Day Shred right now to get in better shape so i can start Insanity. Maybe try it out? :)

    I am doing the same you think it will really get us ready??? Hoping!!

    I sure hope so!!! Lol i'm almost done with week 1, and my endurance is much here's to hoping :) lol

    That's a really great idea. I might have to try it. I didn't make it through the first round of Insanity due to a slight stress fracture in my leg.....I'm sure due to all the jumping! I got pretty intimidated after that. 30DS might be a great way to help me build up to that and get a few pounds off before attempting again.
  • jaurora2
    jaurora2 Posts: 23 Member
    Just do it!

    You can modify many of the moves. As long as you're moving and your heart is pumping, you are burning calories. Also, the super fit people in the videos all take a bunch of breaks throughout each workout.

    Exactly! The nice thing is you can take a break when you need and modify moves you can't do. For example when I first started doing it I couldn't even do a regular push-up, let alone the crazy ones they do. I would focus on trying to do a few good push-ups when they did that. After my two months of doing it I was able to do most of the moves, just not nearly as quickly as they do in the video. What I love about insanity is that you can track your own progress with the fit tests, you see how much stronger your body has become as you do it.

    With that I'm off to go start my first day back into it now. Fit test time!
  • The pause button is your friend. Press as often as needed, walk around for 30 seconds, and jump back in. Eventually, you will not need to pause so much....but as you will see, even the people featured in the video need to take breaks!
  • mattagascar
    mattagascar Posts: 708 Member
    Do your best...the point of the workouts is max interval. You do the best you can and take breaks as you need them. You will work yourself into shape.

    Good luck!
  • When I started Insanity I was already getting in shape from doing other videos and hitting the trails. So starting from seditary tough but you will be shocked with how quick you improve. Make sure to protect those knees, it is very tough on them. Lastly stick to it and you can do it!