SAHM 3/8 - 3/14

Hi everyone! We are a great group of stay at home mom's that share our life experiences with each other through our weight loss journey. We don't have any official weigh in's or challenges, but are here to encourage and support each other. We welcome newcomers!


  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Gm everyone! I dnd't get to read everyone's posts from the weekend, but I did read yours trish and I really like the new tile! I bet it looks so nice!

    So I think my HRM is saying that I am burning too many calories for my runs.....ugh.....what's up with that? They are supposed to be more accurate!
    We didn't get as much done with the chicken coop as I thought we would. We ended up talking to the neighbors about theirs instead. We did get the floor built though.

    Goals- Drink more, and trying to get off this dumb whatever you want to call it. plateau...whatever...:grumble:

    Happy Monday!!!:flowerforyou:
  • curliegirl
    curliegirl Posts: 191
    Howdy everyone! The sun is shining & it is going to be 60 here!!!! Yes I am loving it. Might have to take the kidos to the park or something. :)

    Nicole--is it possible to push yourself too hard and your body not respond with weight loss. I have wondered that about myself too. Seems backwards doesn't it.

    Well I am still at the same place I was a month ago. Plateau or stuck or whatever. I know I have lost some because of the change in measurements so that is good. More muscle less fat. But man I want that scale to move. Not giving up cause I am better than that piece of machinery.


    Water until I drown.
    Walk/jog 30 minutes & go the park possibly for a walk w/ kids
    Figure out supper--forgot to lay out the chicken--ARG!
  • dolphin7
    dolphin7 Posts: 192 Member
    Good Morning! We had awesome weather all weekend, curliegirl, we had our 60's, today looks like rain. So we started on our landscaping project, getting rid of all the sod in our front yard, we are replacing it with a stone path, and permabark, trying to get rid of sprinklers along the house to see if it will help with our crawlspace issues, we did a lot of shoveling and moving sod over the weekend, kids even helped, we are all sore today, but feels great.

    I'm right with you there girls, on the whole plateau thing, but I feel like I'm in the best shape of my life since childhood, even though I'm still probably about 35-40 pounds overweight, I have strong leg muscles, awesome endurance when exercising, using the elliptical or snowboarding, just can't seem to lose the rest of this weight. I think I'm going to break down and buy a HRM, I think that is the only way for me to get over this hump, I've just used MFP database for how many calories I burn but that is just a base number, I probably need something a little more accurate, so I am on the search for a good HRM, hopefully to have one by the end of the week.

    Goals for today, continue to drink my 2 L. of water, I've been doing very good with this.
    Move some rock outside (that will be my exercise for the day).

    Not sure what is for dinner, maybe orange chicken with some brown rice, yummy!
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    Nicole ~ You have a Polar right? What is your average HR during a run? Mine is usually around 170 give or take, and generally burn 10-12 cals/minute. Maybe the battery is going bad?? Today, I ran for 38 minutes and burned 431 cals, Sat I ran for 81 minutes and burned 898 cals.

    Well, got my run in, unfortunately on the TM, but did 3 miles at 2% then walked another .15 at a 9.5% incline. Total 3.65 with warm up and cool down.

    Goals today
    drink water
    clean kitchen
    prime molding
  • wolffe
    wolffe Posts: 3
    Goodmorning! It's finally warming up here in the South and I'm so thrilled at the prospect of getting outside to play today! I have a few errands to run and then the kidlet and I are going to the park.

    Trish, the gym where the personal trainer is doesn't have childcare. I don't think SAHMs are their target market. I'm debating whether or not I want to go back given my experience on Saturday. I can go to a Thursday evening workout instead, but I sort of feel weird about going there at all. We'll see.

    I managed to keep it together food wise all weekend, and I'm looking forward to enjoying this sunshine while it lasts! (Unfortunately, it's supposed to rain tomorrow. Boo.)
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    nicole--i was going to ask the same things
    #1 battery may be dying. it will give funky rdgs when that happens
    #2 katie my heart rate is the same when i did my jog spurts and for the whole long walk jog i did i averaged 159
    #3 nicole is your hr OUT of the AEROBIC zone?? are you doing anaerobic exercise at this point. that could be it b/c you need O and h2o to burn/metabolize the fat. do some research on that, maybe.

    and for those of you on the ledge---keep moving in the right direction. something WILL change for the better. if you don't, if you get discouraged, if you get careless, if you tell yrself it dsn't really matter, if you make big bad choices day after day--it WILL change---YOU WILL GAIN WEIGHT!!!!

    i can tell you tihs from my experience. see ticker below.
    for the last 5 weeks i have been very inconsistent with diet, water and exercise. really charging ahead and then falling off. and the results are in--extra #s and the ballet dvd was super hard for me yesterday! :(
    sooo, DO NOT GIVE UP!!!! :drinker:

    yes, i want a little pity party. :sad: even tho i know what to do and i can cheer and i can hear your voices, i still go to the dark side of eating my food for stress and "sneak" eating. these are my default unhealthy programs.
    i want to sit down and start to pinpoint my triggers and my plans to workaround them. like i know i'm hungry after school time. so for this week i will have pb&j sandwich and yogurt and water every day then and see how that helps control my eating for the remainder of the day.
    that's just one thing i know i can do.

    i'll post later my overall goals
    but primarily drink 48oz water
    keep to 1400 cals in
    NOT NOT NOT yell (i can't ever get past day 3 on this new habit and not even day 1 the last week---means i need some serious downtime and recharging/refilling my cup)
    make a nice meal we all sit down to eat together

    :flowerforyou: i really appreciate having you all here/hear. it means a lot to me. :bigsmile:
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Katie, 81 mins?! Running that long continuously will eventually happen for me, right? I'm done after 5 mins, and the rest of the workout is very hard for me, even at 3 min intervals.

    wolffe, try talking to your neighbors and friends. Maybe they can watch baby for you so you can go to gym for an hour, and you can return the favor. Find a playgroup in your area and ask the moms there. It's a great resource!

    Stacey, just get your head down and focus on the prize at the end of the road. If it's really what you want, you will find a way to get it. I think it's part of a woman's nature to do whatever she has to to get what she wants. You can do it, sister!

    It's a beautiful morning. Going to rec center in a bit for workout. It's supposed to be in the high 40s later. If it's not too windy I will find a park for Grace to play at or color in the driveway :)

    Will report back later with workout results. Going to try to be brave & do all 5 min running intervals today.
  • blessdmomof4
    Yay it's lunch time!! I just ate a terrible lunch I must confess. My salmon salad was kidnapped by the treat I made for the kids of fish sticks and baked french fries! I'll add a salad to it to make myself feel better :laugh:
    Got in a good workout this morning too. Looking forward to another one tomorrow. They say it takes 21 days to make a new habit so I think now that I'm on day 50 it's official. I have a habit of going to the gym :) It's a good habit. Now if only I could break all those bad habits with food. I "sneak" food too Stacey it's just one of my unhealthy food habits. I wonder how many days it takes to break an old habit. Always something to work on isn't there...

    Wolffe- Do you have any other gym options in the area? Maybe some workout videos at home or investing in a Tread Mill or eliptical instead of the gym membership? I know around here they are always for sale in the paper so maybe if space isn't an issue... I know it took me a long time to find the right place and time to get there. I finally had to reckon that 5:30am is the only time I have available consistently so that's when I have to go. Like I said, now its a habit!

    Nicole - Bummer about the HRM. What makes you think it's wrong? I hope you figure it out and start losing in leaps and bounds :smile:

    Trish and Nicole - Why almond milk over soy? Just wondering? We use regular and soy but have never tried almond. I checked it out but didn't like that the protein was lower and it had cane sugar in it so I had passed it up. I am having a hard time finding a soy milk w/o GMOs though so I was going to try almond milk instead.

    Katie - do you measure your running cal w/ an hrm too? how does it relate to what the TM says for cal?

    Dolphin- have fun doing yard work. I was just telling dh how I can't wait to get out there in a month or two and start cleaning up! We only have a few inches of snow left!

    I hope you all have a terrific day!
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Melissa, I can relate on the terrible food front. I ate crappy food all weekend, and not surprisingly got crappy results on the TM today. I completely tanked. I'm disappointed in myself.

    I've tried rice, I've tried soy, and I've tried almond. I didn't like the way regular soy tasted (I like silk chocolate soy milk though), and rice milk was good except with cereal. When I tried almond, I was sold. It's good on everything! So I guess for me it's more of a taste/texture issue. To me, it tastes and feels very similarly to 2% moo juice. I just use a protein powder to compensate for my protein deficiency.
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    how pretty and "easy"
    Cut Paper Silhouettes From Nature: Fresh Artwork for Spring!

    also, there's a fun website--t
    i printed out the paper fillmore (from CARS) for little guy. he's glad to have a new addn!
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member

    Trish and Nicole - Why almond milk over soy? Just wondering? We use regular and soy but have never tried almond. I checked it out but didn't like that the protein was lower and it had cane sugar in it so I had passed it up. I am having a hard time finding a soy milk w/o GMOs though so I was going to try almond milk instead.

    I hope you all have a terrific day!

    i try to limit soy b/c of estrogen effect. there are old posts here on mfp or google it. soy just has some controversy--pros and cons both make valid arguments. so look into it.
    we do rice milk when i'm looking for a non d alternative. and not the vanilla flavored. just regular
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    i forgot to mention happy news--i "finished" a quilt top last night.
    BUT....didn't measure those border panels right so will need to take it to a shop to help me figure out what to cut from remaining fabric to make up for those deficits. i have plenty of fabric to work with, but would like a more experienced eye to give me advice.
    just the same--still proud of myself.

    glad i checked in. HUNGRY but will go make a healthy choice now--b/c i'd have to report back my bad decision later....
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Stacey, I am of the strong opinion that anything hand made is something to be proud of!! You go, sewing mama
  • curliegirl
    curliegirl Posts: 191
    You know sometime things just astound me. I decided that today I wouldn't jog--too tired, legs muscles hurting for some reason etc. I still did intervals as usual but I dropped it down a notch. I kept my HR below 150 and dropped back to 120ish in the rest periods. At the end when I checked my calories I was at 321. That is just as many as when I push myself and I am dog tired. I seriously could have done 3 more intervals and been okay. The other thing was my treadmill said that I only burned 205. That is what I was basing my calories on up until last week when I got my HRM. I so wish I had gotten it a year a go when I wanted to do it.

    Anyway with all the debating on calories and HRM I thought I would chime in. Makes me think I have been putting myself in starvation mode every time I exercise--hmmmm maybe that is my plateau problem. We will see what happens this week.

    Off to drink more water,

  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    aren't HRMs wonderful! I'm probably insane, but can anyone else hear theirs "pinging"? I hear mine bouncing the signal off my heart when I put it on. Dunno whether to be nervous or relieved.

    So on a positive note, I clicked the button on my diary.

    "If every day were like today, you'd weigh 198.8 in 5 weeks"

    198.8 is exactly 50 lbs lost for me! WOOT!

    Hopefully I'll get there before 5 weeks though. Hopefully, through some unreasonable miracle, I'll get there in 2 weeks. I can wish. :)
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    yay trish! and boo stacey!--i'm almost done with my water but still OVER on my cals--had close to 2000

    i know what did it--the second bowl of comfort pasta and 3 instead of 2 graham crackers. too much carb, not enuf fr/vege/protein.
    but at least i didn't have MORE as i was about to do.
    for me right now--that's very good.

    thanks again ladies--you are angels on my shoulders :flowerforyou:
  • valmaebel
    valmaebel Posts: 1,045 Member
    Whew....I survived a rough week and rough weekend! Sorry I haven't checked in for a bit. I subbed a lot last week, and then on top of it, got sick! Not only that, both kiddos got sick too. DD2 (5 month old) is still sniffly. I wasn't sick as a dog, but just a general icky feeling I can't seem to shake. Headaches, stomach queasiness, sore throat and continual exhaustion. So today I decided to heck with it, enough laying around and having a pity party. So back to my normal routine I go. Got in a good workout today and ate fairly healthy. However the backlash to the nasty week was....I gained 3 pounds. :( But on a positive note, a few months ago when I would get sick I would have pigged out and sat on the couch all day. I'm very proud to say I did not do that, and thus 3 pounds is pretty good compared to what it could have been. :P still feeling a little off, but the workout actually helped to give me back a little pep (amazing how that works!)

    Welcome to the new ladies! I love this group and it really helps to motivate me every day to check in and read how everyone is doing!

    Kate - that sounds about like what I do when I exercise....same heart rate and same calories burned. however this is going by my elliptical machine.

    Stacey - your speech about the dangers of giving up made me laugh. I saw that first hand this week when I didn't work out and did see a change....3 pounds more! :P

    Trish - I have to agree....running 80 minutes sounds impossible atm. :P I am very proud of my 30 minutes I run, but hope to someday up that a little bit. :P

    Kim - good to know about the HRM! I've been using my elliptical machine to tell me how many calories etc but after reading how different the results are I may have to go get one now!

    Well, off to bed I have an early bible study tomorrow so I need my beauty rest!

  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    Trish and Valerie ~ At one point, running that long sounded impossible to me as well LOL But once I got through the c25k I loved running! And now that I'm training for a 12k, it keeps me motivated to keep doing it. I know once the race is over, I probably won't run as long, but I'll still run a couple times a least!

    Stacey ~ The only thing I didn't like about that bathroom is the carpet they put in...seriously??! We ripped ours out of our master bath last night!!

    Trish ~ Go go go!! You totally got this :)

    And in case anyone is interested, before and afters of the main bath:
    didn't take one with the wallpaper up, but found some hiding in the cabinet...awful isn't it??
    hubby getting the wallpaper off:
    finished (sorry tiny bathroom, can't really get a good pic of it all! LOL)

    Goals today:
    get the boys hair cut
    No More Trouble Zones
    maybe Zumba if hubby gets home early enough
    drink water!
  • dolphin7
    dolphin7 Posts: 192 Member
    Good "cold" morning everyone, our wintry feeling weather is back, after a whole weekend of 60º, it really sucks to be back with the below freezing and wind. So no outside landscaping yesterday or today, but I did get in a good 60 min. workout yesterday, arms are sore from boxing, lol

    Kat, great job on the bathroom, we remodeled our master bathroom/closet last summer, by adding our washer and dryer upstairs where all the bedrooms are, makes laundry so much easier. Did you fall in love with remodeling? I did, I especially loved doing tile, I have all these ideas for the rest of the house now, just time and money is the only thing stopping us. I'll try and post pics later of our remodel.

    Everyone, I want your opinions on HRM, brands, what you like or dislike about the one you want, I'm thinking of getting a Polar HRM, I know they are a bit more spendy, but I've read great reviews of them. With all the talk about difference in calories showing on the HRM and on the Elliptical I think I should get one too.

    Hope you all have a great day, drink lots of water, and stay healthy!
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    GM everyone- I wasn;t feeling too chatty yesterday. I am REALLY discouraged about my weight. I don't understand the HRM thingy. As for my heart rate when I run, it depends on my pace and distance, but I avg 168-170 for most of my long runs. MY shorter runs are actually lower avg.

    I feel like I should be remodeling my bathroom how everyone's look so good!!!!!!!

    I need to stop stepping on the scale everyday and just step on it once a week!