SAHM 3/8 - 3/14



  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Nicole, I don't think it's impossible to burn 1,000 calories while running. I burn 250 every half hour of C25K training, and I burnt 1,000 in my first 5k walking it (1 hr). And you ARE losing weight! I've seen your status updates, and you're losing a half pound every couple of days. I think that's great! At least the scale is moving, and in the right direction to boot. We're all here for you *hugs*

    dolphin, I really like my Polar HRM. I got it on Amazon for $100. I got the one that you can change the battery yourself. The other ones you have to send back to the factory for maintainance on your dime every so often.
    Get one with a chest strap. The watch ones by themselves aren't as accurate.
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Trish- Thanks for the encouragement. You ladies are what is keeping me going!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: I know I am burning at least 1000. My HRM said I burnt 2300 cals for sunday's run, and I think that is too high, I asked the runners on the running thread, and they seem to think it's too high too. I stepped on the scale today, and it said I was 169.8.....:noway: :noway: :mad: :explode: I keep fluctuating between 169 and 166...I don't get it...I didn't even cheat this weekend...well I guess I did, if you want to count that I went over my cals because of granola with my yogurt. No junk, no alcohol....AAAAAARRRRGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:mad:

    Thanks for listening to me vent!:flowerforyou: You are ALL the best!!!:flowerforyou: :heart:
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    nicole--((HUGS)) sorry that you're feeling so discouraged. i agree with trish--i see your small increments on my home page and know you're making progress. your hr is so awesome btw b/c you're so fit. chk out p90x threads to ask sandy or jessmomof3 for more suggestions or if #s are rt. they're both pretty knowledgeable and very nice.
    maybe go to those ideal wt calculators and make sure your target is appropriate.
    or aim to maintain for a month and then dig back in?

    PLUS i was thinking about you as MY inspiration--that you've gotten to 16# means i can too. the most i've gotten to is 12# lost---but i can get there cuz you did! :drinker:
    i hope knowing that you make other ppl want to do better can help you feel better abt your accomplishments.

    val--sorry you were under the weather. but good job on no piggin out!
    dolphin--i'm with you sister--sore thighs from ballet dvd. and it's cold again here too! bundle up--and it WILL be spring soon!

    katie--glad to hear from you and that your trip/visit was enjoyable! your br looks serene. nice job!

    gotta make those lunches and shake a tailfeather--later
  • amypyr
    amypyr Posts: 660 Member
    Hello ladies! Sorry I was MIA the last 4 days. It was a beautiful and warmer weekend, so we were out enjoying it! :happy:

    I'm starting to get the redecorating bug myself. I love the new bathrooms ladies!! Since we replaced the floor in the living room, I've been ready to tackle other things. The first one (after dh changes out the back breaks on the truck. He did the front ones which were the worst.) will be finish painting our bedroom. Right now, 3 of the walls are a beautiful shade of deep red. We stopped when we ran out of paint, but we got more a while ago. Time to finish! The bug to redecorate/renovate became worse on Sunday when I accidentally discovered HGTV. Now I'm hooked, much to Tony's dismay. lol

    I'll post more later. It took me a while to catch up on reading the posts. I felt like I was out of the loop!
  • amypyr
    amypyr Posts: 660 Member
    Wow! Slow day for posting.

    Katie, how did you get the pics in your post? I tried to do that once and couldn't get it to work.
  • michfitzhome
    michfitzhome Posts: 187 Member
    When you do the c25k training, what speed on TM are you doing the running in. i have to start jogging at 4.0, it hurts way too much. i find i do the best with my weight when i jog, once my heart rate gets to 150 i am ready to die, can't believe some of you are close to 170, wow!!! i am impressed.

    i love my polar hrm. i jogged at 4.0 for 45 minutes and it was 200 calories more than the tm said. so i love my hrm. i even wore it when i played tennis this weekend and burned the easiest 468 calories in an hour in forever!!! tomorrow is hump day, hopefully the kids will behave and i can get some laundry done, mount wrinkle needs to go.

    we had a sad day today, one of our 3 goldfish we won at the festival died, we only got it saturday. my 5 year old is devastated, we will be getting a new one tmr. to join the others, i had to get 3 for my 3 year old. the kids love them.
  • amypyr
    amypyr Posts: 660 Member
    Whoo hoo!!! I got my walking in, was only 102 cals over, and when I clicked the finished logging button, it told me if every day were like today, I'd weigh 153.2 lbs in 5 weeks! 153 lbs is actually my goal for the next 5 weeks, so this shows me what I need to do to get there. Although, I'd prefer lower sodium each day than what I had. I was 432 over in sodium. that would have been the italian sub I had for dinner. Not bad on cals, but horrible on sodium. Sounds like extra water for me tomorrow! :drinker:

    Good night everyone! :flowerforyou: :heart:
  • valmaebel
    valmaebel Posts: 1,045 Member
    It's funny how everyone has a remodling bug. My house actually is quite nice on the inside....not much I want to do there. But outside has so much potential! I want to start trying my hand at gardening and start adding some color since the outside of the house is a cream with no other color on it. Been slowly pulling weeds and making plans. I want to get a couple of porch swings for the back and a sandbox for the kiddos. Slowly will have to be the pace since all that take $$ that we don't have a lot of atm. (Downpayments and new appliances and moving costs tend to drain the savings account. Time to replenish)

    Kate - You did a nice job on the looks great!

    Michelle - it's so hard to lose a pet, even a small one, when you have kids. They become deeply attached instantly! I don't know what we'll do when our dogs pass away. We've had them for 6 years already. They were 3 when we got them so they're already 9.

    Great day today. I ate well and even had enough left over to split a concrete mixer from Culver's with my hubby. After that I was still about 250 calories under. :) Woohoo! I hope to keep this up. Last week was very educational as far as some meals I thought would be healthy but weren't and put me way over my calorie count! Thus the extra pounds. :P Also....I was really caught off guard by which "treats" were lower calorie than others. I've taken to being much better about looking up foods before I eat rather than waiting till after and being shocked by what I just put in my tummy! :P Have a great night!

  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    ended day at 1600 so that was good. short on water. and still no exercise

    i spent the day cleaning and taking pictures to send to my friend who is going to rent our house. and laundry. feel like i got a lot accomplished. :)

    if it's not raining tomorrow i'm taking the boy to the PARK. otherwise it's a trip to childr's museum. he so enjoyed it last time. :)

    val--good work on the cals for today! and yay amy!! you know slow and steady wins the race...

    night girls--
  • melsy78
    melsy78 Posts: 65
    Hi. My name is Mel and i am a SAHM in Auckland, NZ.
    Last year I went from 86kg (after the birth of my 2nd baby boy and my 30th birthday) to 76kg - but since about Oct last year I have come back up to 84kg.
    I am getting back on track now though!
    Going to the gym 2 - 3 times a week (fitting it in around hubby's stupid shift work and child wrangling) and trying to monitor my food intake!
    My little goals are to not eat after 7:30pm, to only eat when I am hungry and until I am full, and to drink more water.
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    Michelle ~ When I started doing C25k last year I think I walked at like 3.5, and jogged at 5.0. Sounds like you're on track, I just listened to my body and ran slower if I needed to. The important thing is that I finished each time! What week are you on? And sorry about the gold fish :( Alex still talks about his kitty that went to heaven and it's been a year...he's 3.5! Our golden retriever is 10 and not doing so well these days, I can't imagine what they will do without him around :(

    Amy ~ The IMG codes have the be lowercase for some reason, it's weird!

    Stacey ~ glad you found a renter! Sorry I didn't get back to you, my friends just aren't interested in renting. I will pass along any questions she has though. They sold their house in 4 days here! She should be there by August at the latest, I still can't believe she's leaving me :( Good thing is I'll still get to see her if we go to OH since that is where her hubby is from!

    Mel ~ Hi! Welcome to our group! Good job on getting back on track!

    We totally wouldn't have the remodeling bug if we weren't getting ready to put it on the market in May!! LOL There are somethings that we just need to get done

    I had such a busy day yesterday! Finally got the boys' haircut, primed trim, went to an appt, went to my first Body Pump class, and if that didn't make me sore the spin class last night certainly didn't help...uffda, it's hard to move today! Torched 825 calories and managed to eat all but 200 of them back, I was amazed. Usually I have issued trying to eat it all back, but all day I knew I would be burning loads of calories so I ate like it was going to happen...and I ate pretty healthy! :)

    On today's agenda:
    Bible Study
    water drinking
    Burn Fat Boost Metablism
    removing quick set from bathroom floor and possibly painting the trim I primed yesterday

    Off I go!!
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Michelle, when I do C25K I walk at a 3, and run between 4 & 4.5. It fluctuates depending on how I'm feeling. I'm trying to build up speed, but much faster than 4.5 right now and I'm pooped by the 2nd interval. When I run, my body freaks out and my heart rate jumps to the high 160s, and my HRM goes bananas, beeping wildly at me (SLOW DOWN!). I keep it set on moderate workout, because as soon as I start walking again, it drops back down into the moderate range.

    Welcome, Mel! We have a great bunch of girls here.

    Going running again this afternoon after I pick my friend up. Will let you know results.

    Yesterday I sorted a bunch of clothes, so going to try to get some laundry done today and donate stuff that doesn't fit or we don't ever wear anymore.

    Last night we went out and got stuff to treat the mold problem in the bathroom. I told you about this, right? Andy pulled the old tile up and found 2 little black friends by the wall & tub in the sub floor. Everyone is telling us to rip out the sub floor, but we don't have the funds or the know-how. So we're going to go psycho on treatments, kill the suckers, and put a fungicide substance down before we start prepping. I can see our work moving forward soon, though, and that makes me happy.

    Start chug-a-lugging that water, ladies, and make good choices today!
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    fearless leader--thanks for the good advice!! does kilzall work on mold?? we had to use that to prime the room the kitty "used" in this house. we had already taken out the carpet and padding but needed to do that too. good luck! i'm sure the br will look great when finished.

    katie--no worries. re: dog--ours died 3 yrs ago, and we all still miss him lots. just love up your 10 y.o as much as you can now and take pics too.

    welcome mel! this is a FANTASTIC group of women! we are good at pushing and holding up each other on this journey so glad to have another mom join the conversation.

    michelle-sorry abt the fishy. we got 7 at a carnival and 1 died immediately. even tho the kids had named it, they were ok. the other 6 are holding strong. i hope the rest of yours do well.

    sunny now but cooollllddd (for us vegas folks). so we will go to the museum. and then to the grocery. (i hope!)

    have a great day everyone!!
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Stacey, we got a mold removal kit, a treatment to go on top of that, and might even get some borax as well. Want to go ninja on these suckers. On top of that, we got the Kilz antifungal primer paint. So I guess we are going to paint the floor before putting the adhesive on? I am leaving the technical stuff to the man. I just want to get paint on the walls and pretty, healthy tile on the floor :)
  • amypyr
    amypyr Posts: 660 Member
    Trish - Ugh! Good luck with your bathroom!

    Welcome Mel! This is a wonderful group of ladies who really understand how hard it can be to manage a healthy lifestyle while raising a family.

    Katie - I can relate to the older dog problem. I have a 13 yr 2 month old Great Pyrenees with horrible arthritis in her back right hip. We never thought we would have her this long. We rescued her when she was 3 yrs. Yes, at her age, we're starting to count her age in months also. My 6 yr old daughter is just head over heels in love with Isabelle. I don't know how she's going to take it when Isabelle does leave us.

    It's been a busy day so far, so I haven't gotten as much water in yet that I had hoped to. So here I go! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • RedMcCord
    RedMcCord Posts: 11
    Hey Ladies! Sorry I've been a wallflower the past few days. Been sick (nothing catching but an autoimmune disorder that makes me feel like crap.) But I was soooo thrilled to see one more pound come off! YEAY!

    Does anyone else out here drink tea? I've been reading up on and drinking a good deal of Chai Green Tea. Great for weight loss (or so they say). It's so hard not to add alotta sugar but I'm slowly adjusting my tastebuds to a little dab of creamer and one sugar packet.
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Way to go on the loss, Red! I hope you get feeling better soon.
    Because of religious reasons, I don't drink tea. In fact, my religion discourages its members from consuming caffeine and any other harmful substances, except for medicinal purposes. I felt like my metabolism was slowing down recently, so instead of drinking tea, I found a supplemental pill that has green tea extract in it. I do feel guilty about taking it, but it's for my overall health, and has other nutrients in it as well. At least that's what I tell myself.

    Blah run today. Legs are buggin' me. Can't wait to see the "Magic Man" (my chiropractor) on Friday. He will make it all better. Pushed through 5 mins at the end. Logically there's no reason why I can't run 5 mins at the beginning at 5 mins at the end. I was originally running 5 mins at the beginning because my legs are fresher. But today I ran it at the end when my legs were angry. So there's really no excuse now to not run 5's all the way through. Didn't mean to burn 500 cals. Only meant to burn 300. Went over with stationary bike. Now must find something to eat to compensate extra calorie burn to stay above 1200 net calories consumed for the day.
  • melsy78
    melsy78 Posts: 65
    Argh - my 4 year old's kindy had a shared lunch today so I made cupcake to take (they are quick and easy) So i ate 2 of them - luckily they are so small! (And they have no butter, milk or eggs - cough - except the frosting!)
    But then I had 2 pieces of sushi and 2 asparagus rolls - so that was a bit better. If I was more organised I would have taken something healthier but I had forgotten about it until this morning - oops!

    I don't think I have ever had sugar or creamer (?not sure what that is???) in green tea - I just drink it by itself.

    ETA So if i have a roast beef sub for dinner i should be fine :)
  • blessdmomof4
    Hello ladies,

    Welcome Mel!

    Trish - I hope all goes well w/ the mold. We had some in our bathroom when we remodeled it 2 years ago on the walls behind the tile in the shower. Hubby works for a company that does reconstruction on damaged homes so he knew exactly what to do and I just picked out the fun stuff.

    Red - I'm a big fan of chai but I don't do well w/ caffeine so I drink a decaf chai. I like it w/ 1 TB of honey or stevia and a little light cream. When I drink regular green tea I usually just have it plain or w/ a little honey. I do love tea and think it does have lots of wonderful benefits.

    We lost a hamster last week. It devastated my 6 yo. We got him one for his bday and it died 3 days later so we replaced it and now 3 mos later that one died too. He said "mom, i don't think I can handle losing another hamster, can we just get some fish or something that I can't play with and love so much." I was so sad for him. The worst part was that the ground is frozen solid here so we couldn't bury him and had to put him in the trash. It didn't make for a very nice funeral.

    So I got a new sportsbra. I cannot believe how expensive some of the good ones are! I got a Danskin at Wally World for $7.00. I know it will be more supportive than the one I have and for that price even if it's terrible I won't be too disappointed.
    I got Jillian Michaels protein powder today too. It made a very yummy smoothy w/ my homemade kefir and fresh frozen strawberries from last summer :happy: I know what my "treat" will be for awhile.

    I managed to go 58 over on my protein today. Idk how that happened. I doubled the amount I was supposed to have. I was a little over for fat too though so I have to be careful there and sodium was also a little high but I was way low on carbs and over 200 under for cal. I was up a little on the scale earlier this week but I think it was sodium and a weights workout the day before that did me in...oh and those cadbury mini eggs probably didn't help either but at 15 cal per egg I couldn't say no...they are dark chocolate, so they're medicinal:laugh:

    It's been light out at in the morning when I leave for the gym which is so wonderful. It makes it a lot easier and today it was so beautiful in the sun. We went to the park and were warm w/o our jackets as we ran around in the slushy melting snow! It must have been almost 60. It was so refreshing.

    Quick question, has anyone heard anything about or tried the Jillian Michaels cleanse/boost regimen? I saw it at Walmart. It has caffeine so idk, just wondering if anyone has anything to say about it..

  • sassydot
    sassydot Posts: 141
    Can I join you?
    I don't SAH but I am a M ; )

    I get up at 5, work 6 - 2 while my husband gets the kids up and off to school then works 9 - 5.30, and I pick the kids up at 2.30.

    I was introduced to Red Bush tea by a South African friend (its also known as Rooibos). it's caffeine free DrBorkBork! It's also free of tannins and full of minerals and tastes yummy (although I found it took a few cups over a few days to get 'used' to the taste but I'd only ever drunk sweet milky black tea prior) You can drink it with milk or without, and sweetened or unsweetened. It's very versatile. I'm not a fan of green tea or other herbal teas, I need milk in my tea!