Are you the pretty FAT chick?



  • Kauaiartist
    Kauaiartist Posts: 86 Member
    Looks like u are losing...congrats for the effort, I highly recommend watching a documentary called "Hungry for Change" available on Netfilix. I have " struggled" w weight all my adult life ... Tried so many diets , succeeded on every one of them then eventually gained back the weight . I realize what guarantees success for the long term is desire to change, accountability, eating less and moving more - and when you have a "good" day ... Eating healthy and getting some exercise .. Do it again the next day, and the next etc. and forgive yourself if you are not "perfect" ... Wishing u all the best on ur journey to good health!
  • symkat
    symkat Posts: 70
    It's not just how many calories you eat there are other things in your food that can effect you. if you eat several meals a day and they all have about the same amount of calories, fat, carbs, sugar and sodium your body will learn to burn off what you give it instead of storing it as fat. I eat 4 or 5 times a day and it works great for me but remember what works for one person may not always work for someone else. also don't worry about people and their negative comments. some people just are not bright enough to understand that you can get your point across without being rude. watch your portions and don't starve yourself and let MFP help you figure out how much calories fat carbs sugar and all that to eat in a day and have patience, you didn't get fat in a day so your not going to get thin in a day either. don't give yourself a time limit. if you only lose 1 pound then you are one pound closer to your goal weight. stay positive and good luck.
  • 1Pretty_Busy_Mom
    1Pretty_Busy_Mom Posts: 449 Member

    Even if you do nothing else, changing your diet at that basic level can have a real impact. (Of course, match it with exercise and you'll see faster results and improve your health...)

    Thanks..still working on the exercise part.
  • 1Pretty_Busy_Mom
    1Pretty_Busy_Mom Posts: 449 Member
    Looks like u are losing...congrats for the effort, I highly recommend watching a documentary called "Hungry for Change" available on Netfilix. I have " struggled" w weight all my adult life ... Tried so many diets , succeeded on every one of them then eventually gained back the weight . I realize what guarantees success for the long term is desire to change, accountability, eating less and moving more - and when you have a "good" day ... Eating healthy and getting some exercise .. Do it again the next day, and the next etc. and forgive yourself if you are not "perfect" ... Wishing u all the best on ur journey to good health!

    Love the red hair..and can you message me the info. Thanks
  • TDGee
    TDGee Posts: 2,209 Member
    Being scared and all of that is fine. But do not let your fear stop you from achieving what it is you want. Like has been said many times already, your physiology is no different than anyone else's.

    I've read your original post, plus all of the others up to now. It is apparent to me that you are not emotionally ready yet.

    Yes, it sucks to hear that. It is not meant to be hurtful in any way. Until you are emotionally ready to make lifestyle changes, you will be doomed to repeat the cycle you have already described.
    This isn't always easy, it isn't always fun. But when you are ready to commit to achieving and sustaining, it becomes more of a priority.
    I speak from my own experience, and I'm sure that others can testify to the same.

    Good luck. :flowerforyou:
  • 1Pretty_Busy_Mom
    1Pretty_Busy_Mom Posts: 449 Member
    It's not just how many calories you eat there are other things in your food that can effect you. if you eat several meals a day and they all have about the same amount of calories, fat, carbs, sugar and sodium your body will learn to burn off what you give it instead of storing it as fat. I eat 4 or 5 times a day and it works great for me but remember what works for one person may not always work for someone else. also don't worry about people and their negative comments. some people just are not bright enough to understand that you can get your point across without being rude. watch your portions and don't starve yourself and let MFP help you figure out how much calories fat carbs sugar and all that to eat in a day and have patience, you didn't get fat in a day so your not going to get thin in a day either. don't give yourself a time limit. if you only lose 1 pound then you are one pound closer to your goal weight. stay positive and good luck.

    You sound like a mom/bestfriend. Thanks for the support
  • Miss_Aurora
    Working as many hours as you are the problem is possibly lack of activity ...

    I've pretty much lost 4kg over the last month and apart from eating a little less cereal (but adding an extra piece of fruit) I've done it by increasing my workouts from a slack effort on Saturday mornings to AT LEAST 40 mins a day and doing things like climbing the stairs, getting off the bus 3 stops earlier and doing some spring cleaning.

    Perhaps you need to look at ways you can add extra physical activities to your day as I can imagine most of the rest of your hours are taken up with travel, sleep, getting ready for work ...

    They've been saying on the TV that it's worse to sit all day than smoke ... So perhaps you can stand whenever you have to take phone calls and move around a little. Go for a walk around the office.

    I used to work at a company where they'd allow cigarette breaks, so I chatted with the boss and got him to agree to me having a "Fresh air break" of the same time value. I'd manage to walk around the block twice in that time .. and 3 times a day ... meant a lot of extra steps.
  • maemitc
    maemitc Posts: 11 Member
    Looks like things are working for you it says you have lost 14 lbs. that took work so keep it up and no that life changes work. I have done six week body make over, weight watchers, HCG and the lemon aid diet they all worked but they all had a time period that they would end. I have just got started and this time I am doing it alone other than my fitness pal and sometime commenting on the message board. Last year I did my fitness pal long enough not to be diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. Well I did not keep it up and my doctor once again has given me six weeks to turn it around or he will diagnose me. This time I have started Zumba classes and cutting out bread, rice, pasta and potatoes. I love the Zumba classes. I am trying new foods and finding substitute for different foods kalamata olives for bread with tuna, baking an apple no sugar or butter instead of a potato. My love for rice is so much I haven’t found a substitute yet but it will come for now I am just cutting it out of my life. I know that I am at the age that this is it I can never go back to a life that does not have good food chooses and without exercise. To young people I say choose now it only gets harder to change with age.
  • 1Pretty_Busy_Mom
    1Pretty_Busy_Mom Posts: 449 Member
    Being scared and all of that is fine. But do not let your fear stop you from achieving what it is you want. Like has been said many times already, your physiology is no different than anyone else's.

    I've read your original post, plus all of the others up to now. It is apparent to me that you are not emotionally ready yet.

    Yes, it sucks to hear that. It is not meant to be hurtful in any way. Until you are emotionally ready to make lifestyle changes, you will be doomed to repeat the cycle you have already described.
    This isn't always easy, it isn't always fun. But when you are ready to commit to achieving and sustaining, it becomes more of a priority.
    I speak from my own experience, and I'm sure that others can testify to the same.

    Good luck. :flowerforyou:

    I respect your opinion. You're right. I may not be ready emotionally . Honestly I do not know. I do know that I will continue to come back everyday and to me thats step #1. Thank You..
  • maemitc
    maemitc Posts: 11 Member
  • meangrl29
    meangrl29 Posts: 40 Member
    It looks like you only have 30 lbs to your goal. it seems whatever you are doing is working already. lifestyle change is the best advice. I had weight loss surgery & it is not a quick fix. you still have to count calories & eating is much more difficult than before. Also, not everyone loses or keeps off the weight after lap band & other surgeries. just food for thought.
    have you tried running in addition to calorie counting? you really can't go wrong just tracking your food intake on here & exercising. and no alcohol. i see lots of people that defeat all the progress made during the week by having drinks on the weekend.
  • brevislux
    brevislux Posts: 1,093 Member
    All those "diets" are only helping very few people: those in the diet industry! If you want to lose weight you just have to make healthier choices. Eat smaller portions, better healthier food and work out, and you'll lose weight and keep it off. :) MFP is a really useful tool for us to do just that.
  • 1Pretty_Busy_Mom
    1Pretty_Busy_Mom Posts: 449 Member
    Looks like things are working for you it says you have lost 14 lbs. that took work so keep it up. I have started Zumba classes and cutting out bread, rice, pasta and potatoes. I am at the age that this is it I can never go back to a life that does not have good food chooses and without exercise. To young people I say choose now it only gets harder to change with age.

    Zumba is on my to do list..Thanks for the support
  • twill68
    twill68 Posts: 84
    hey, i am currently on what they call the Cambridge diet,, if you want the info on the whole diet just Google Cambridge diet, it works!!! so many success cases, my start weight was 280 and now i am 274.. i will say it's a mind set type of program it is one that is as close to getting lap band or gastric bypass minus the whole surgery thing basically it is sorta like med fast ..

  • georgina1970
    georgina1970 Posts: 333 Member
    My suggestion is to start a weight or resistance training programme. This will increase muscle mass (not bulk) which means that you will burn more energy even when you're sitting at work. I recommend that you either join a gym or use a personal trainer to develop a programme specifically for you. (No need to buy any expensive equipment for a home programme!) be persistant, get up again when you fall, and good luck.
  • Barbellerella
    Barbellerella Posts: 1,838 Member
    How about eat a bit less, move a bit more and the weight drops off. Worked for me.

    Different strokes for different folks. You look amazing btw
    No, it's not different strokes for different folks.

    Unless you have a medical condition that prevents/inhibits weightloss, anyone and everyone can lose weight via a calorie deficit.

    If you think you might have a medical reason that is preventing you from losing weight, see your doctor. But if your ticker is correct, and you have lost 14 lbs since October, I'm going to go out on a limb and assume that you don't.

    Had my thyroid check and its fine..anyone and everyone can lose at their own pace. What works for you may not work for me.
    Physically, it will, unless you have a medical condition preventing weight loss. It's physics- it doesn't change from person to person. If you intake less calories than you expend, the extra calories (the deficit) have to come from somewhere. Energy cannot be created from nothing. It's one of the few absolute unchangable laws of physics. That energy must come from your stored glucose, fat, or muscle tissue. It works for everyone, period.

    Now, if you are saying that you have mental/emotional/behavioral reasons this method doesn't work with your lifestyle, that's possible, and that would make the process more challenging.

    How sad is it that people won't listen to logical answers such as this one. Answers from the people who are at or very close to goal (such as the person who replied here) are CLEARLY the people you should be listening to.

    For the record, I was at one time one of those people who tried all kids of crazy fads such as yourself, because I thought i was "different" and a deficit wouldn't work for me. Wow I'm glad I grew some patience, listened to my friends, and now I get to reap the benefits of healthy, sustainable weight loss and I won't rebound quickly like I did from quick fixes.
  • 1Pretty_Busy_Mom
    1Pretty_Busy_Mom Posts: 449 Member
    My suggestion is to start a weight or resistance training programme. This will increase muscle mass (not bulk) which means that you will burn more energy even when you're sitting at work. I recommend that you either join a gym or use a personal trainer to develop a programme specifically for you. (No need to buy any expensive equipment for a home programme!) be persistant, get up again when you fall, and good luck.

    I heard this before..cant afford a trainer but I can afford a few resistance band and some weights.. Thanks
  • symkat
    symkat Posts: 70
    It's not just how many calories you eat there are other things in your food that can effect you. if you eat several meals a day and they all have about the same amount of calories, fat, carbs, sugar and sodium your body will learn to burn off what you give it instead of storing it as fat. I eat 4 or 5 times a day and it works great for me but remember what works for one person may not always work for someone else. also don't worry about people and their negative comments. some people just are not bright enough to understand that you can get your point across without being rude. watch your portions and don't starve yourself and let MFP help you figure out how much calories fat carbs sugar and all that to eat in a day and have patience, you didn't get fat in a day so your not going to get thin in a day either. don't give yourself a time limit. if you only lose 1 pound then you are one pound closer to your goal weight. stay positive and good luck.

    You sound like a mom/bestfriend. Thanks for the support

    Thanks I am a mom/best friend lol. if you ever need to vent or talk I'm always here. also I disagree with this everyone is the same thing that I keep seeing. your body reacts differently to different foods than mine does and there are many different reasons why you gain or why you crave and eat the things you eat. I couldn't lose weight because I had a severe hormonal imbalance called etsrogen dominance. progesterone helps burn fat and helps you not have so many cravings. I can't eat tortilla shells or I gain tons of weight but I can eat mac and cheese which is rediculously high in calories fat and carbs. you just have to figure out what works for you and what doesn't. also I'm glad you are not getting the lap band. my mom had it 26 years ago and she pays for it everyday of her life. her stomache is partialy paralyzed and she can't really eat much of anything. the docs don't always tell their patients that the lap band is for people who are physically hungry. if you are an emotional eater it wont work and you will eat anyway even after you are full and that can cause serious damage. I suggest you keep a diary of how you feel and what you eat and if you are craving things and when you start your period and when you stop your period basicaly just everything that is going on that day and do that for a few months and then go back and read through it, you might find a pattern I know I did and that's how they figured out what was wrong with me. whatever happens I know you can do this and I wish you good luck.
  • viciouscakes
    viciouscakes Posts: 11 Member
    Yea it just take patience and will power and prayer, ive never been on a diet but im tryning.....
  • allie7383
    allie7383 Posts: 865 Member
    My suggestion is to start a weight or resistance training programme. This will increase muscle mass (not bulk) which means that you will burn more energy even when you're sitting at work. I recommend that you either join a gym or use a personal trainer to develop a programme specifically for you. (No need to buy any expensive equipment for a home programme!) be persistant, get up again when you fall, and good luck.

    I heard this before..cant afford a trainer but I can afford a few resistance band and some weights.. Thanks

    Search Youtube.. There are tons of free workouts.. I think you can also find workouts from certain DVD's there as well (30 Day Shred, etc..)